[Oracle] 10.1.3 Probleme mit dem Logging des IAS


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Hallo Leutz,

ich hab mal eine delikate Frage. Seit Installation des IAS 10.1.3 kommt in der opmn.log prernament folgender Eintrag (so 5 Stück pro Sekunde)

[ons-connect] Lokale Verbindung,6100 ungültiger Formfaktor

Kann mir irgendwer sagen, wie ich das abstellen kann?

Kennst Du Oracle-Metalink? Da kann man sich kostenlos registrieren, guck Dir mal die Note 390641.1 an - das sollte Dir helfen. In der Note ist der Fehler auch näher erklärt - hier nur die Lösung:


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Capture output from "ps -ef|grep 'opmn -d'|grep -v 'grep'" to identify current opmn daemon processes to be terminated.
2. Capture output from "opmnctl status -l" for future reference
- it may be necessary to manually kill processes that the current "opmn -d" processes have started
3. Log in to the UNIX account that owns the current "opmn -d" processes (this may require root privileges).
4. Use "opmnctl stopall" to stop the opmn daemon and all processes
5. Use "ps -ef|grep 'opmn -d'|grep -v 'grep'" to confirm the two "opmn -d" processes have been terminated
- use "kill -9 <PID>" on each PID to force this if necessary (again, this may need root privileges)
6. Review the PID column from the "opmnctl status -l" and confirm that each process has been stopped.
- again use "kill -9 <PID>" on each PID to force this if necessary (again, this may need root privileges)
7. For the directory of each OC4J instance that exists below $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee,
rename the "persistence" directory to "persistence.old"
8. Confirm if any files under the $ORACLE_HOME have been created under the incorrect unix account:

$ find $ORACLE_HOME -user root -print
With the exception of files below the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin directory, use "chown" to reset the owner and group of each files that has changed.

For example:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf
$ ls -ld1 .*
drwx------ 3 mid101300a oinstall 4096 Sep 7 09:08 .
drwx------ 8 mid101300a oinstall 4096 May 30 09:00 ..
-r-------- 1 root root 21 Sep 7 09:08 .formfactor
Use the ownership of the directory guide the "chown" command needed:

$ chown mid101300a:eek:install .formfactor
9. Log out from the incorrect UNIX account and log back in as the UNIX user owning the AS installation.
10. Start opmn and desired managed processes:

$ opmnctl start

$ opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...

$ opmnctl startproc process-type=home
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes...
11. Confirm via "ps -ef|grep 'opmn -d'|grep -v 'grep' " that opmn daemon processes are owned by the expected user
12. Use "opmnctl status -l" to confirm all processes have started correctly.

Viel Erfolg!