Grosses Thread & WaitCommEvent Problem


Erfahrenes Mitglied

Ich programmiere jetzt seit fast 1 und halb Jahren und kann einfach das eine Problem nicht lösen. Bin total genervt und am Ende. Kann es einfach nicht lösen. Bitte um Hilfe

Beschreibung was passieren soll
Also ich hab ein Dialog, in welches ein Thread gestarted wird, welches denn ComPort überwachts. Die ComPort Überwachung ist in einer Klasser realisiert, welche ich praktisch überall verwenden kann. Das alles funktioniert wunderbar. Jedoch möchte ich die Überwachung des ComPorts im Hauptdialog beenden wenn ich einen 2.ten Dialog starte, welches vom Hauptdialog durch das Drücken der Taste "F6" gestarted wird. Hier kommt das Problem

Leider funktioniert nur eins von beiden. Irgendwie schaffe ich es nicht denn Thread bzw. die Überwachung des ComPorts zu beenden. Ich habe versucht eine globale Variable auf true zu setzen, welcher denn Thread von innen heraus beenden soll. Jedoch war ich hier erfoglos und ich denke das es am WaitCommEvent liegt, hier weiss ich nicht wie ich diesen abschalten kann bzw. denn Thread beenden kann.

Starte Thread:
if (!(m_Thread = AfxBeginThread(CommThread, this,THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)))
		return FALSE;

Stoppe Thread
	CloseHandle(m_hComm);  //gebe com port frei welcher in der Funktion CommThread reserviert wurde

vielleicht hilft euch ja die CommThread funktion hier der Code

UINT CSerialPort::CommThread(LPVOID pParam)
	// Cast the void pointer passed to the thread back to
	// a pointer of CSerialPort class
	CSerialPort *port = (CSerialPort*)pParam;
	// Set the status variable in the dialog class to
	// TRUE to indicate the thread is running.
	port->m_bThreadAlive = TRUE;	
	// Misc. variables
	DWORD BytesTransfered = 0; 
	DWORD Event = 0;
	DWORD CommEvent = 0;
	DWORD dwError = 0;
	COMSTAT comstat;
	BOOL  bResult = TRUE;

//****Eingfügt aus Receiv Char Funktion weil comstat fehler Run Time Failure #3 Comstat gebracht hat****
	BOOL  bRead = TRUE; 
	DWORD BytesRead = 0;
	unsigned char RXBuff;

	// Clear comm buffers at startup
	if (port->m_hComm)		// check if the port is opened

	// begin forever loop.  This loop will run as long as the thread is alive.
	for (;;) 

		// Make a call to WaitCommEvent().  This call will return immediatly
		// because our port was created as an async port (FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
		// and an m_OverlappedStructerlapped structure specified).  This call will cause the 
		// m_OverlappedStructerlapped element m_OverlappedStruct.hEvent, which is part of the m_hEventArray to 
		// be placed in a non-signeled state if there are no bytes available to be read,
		// or to a signeled state if there are bytes available.  If this event handle 
		// is set to the non-signeled state, it will be set to signeled when a 
		// character arrives at the port.

		// we do this for each port!

		bResult = WaitCommEvent(port->m_hComm, &Event, &port->m_ov);

		if (!bResult)  
			// If WaitCommEvent() returns FALSE, process the last error to determin
			// the reason..
			switch (dwError = GetLastError()) 
					// This is a normal return value if there are no bytes
					// to read at the port.
					// Do nothing and continue
			case 87:
					// Under Windows NT, this value is returned for some reason.
					// I have not investigated why, but it is also a valid reply
					// Also do nothing and continue.
					// All other error codes indicate a serious error has
					// occured.  Process this error.
			// If WaitCommEvent() returns TRUE, check to be sure there are
			// actually bytes in the buffer to read.  
			// If you are reading more than one byte at a time from the buffer 
			// (which this program does not do) you will have the situation occur 
			// where the first byte to arrive will cause the WaitForMultipleObjects() 
			// function to stop waiting.  The WaitForMultipleObjects() function 
			// resets the event handle in m_OverlappedStruct.hEvent to the non-signelead state
			// as it returns.  
			// If in the time between the reset of this event and the call to 
			// ReadFile() more bytes arrive, the m_OverlappedStruct.hEvent handle will be set again
			// to the signeled state. When the call to ReadFile() occurs, it will 
			// read all of the bytes from the buffer, and the program will
			// loop back around to WaitCommEvent().
			// At this point you will be in the situation where m_OverlappedStruct.hEvent is set,
			// but there are no bytes available to read.  If you proceed and call
			// ReadFile(), it will return immediatly due to the async port setup, but
			// GetOverlappedResults() will not return until the next character arrives.
			// It is not desirable for the GetOverlappedResults() function to be in 
			// this state.  The thread shutdown event (event 0) and the WriteFile()
			// event (Event2) will not work if the thread is blocked by GetOverlappedResults().
			// The solution to this is to check the buffer with a call to ClearCommError().
			// This call will reset the event handle, and if there are no bytes to read
			// we can loop back through WaitCommEvent() again, then proceed.
			// If there are really bytes to read, do nothing and proceed.
			bResult = ClearCommError(port->m_hComm, &dwError, &comstat);

			if (comstat.cbInQue == 0)
		}	// end if bResult

		// Main wait function.  This function will normally block the thread
		// until one of nine events occur that require action.
		Event = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, port->m_hEventArray, FALSE, INFINITE);

		switch (Event)
		case 0:
				// Shutdown event.  This is event zero so it will be
				// the higest priority and be serviced first.

			 	port->m_bThreadAlive = FALSE;
				// Kill this thread.  break is not needed, but makes me feel better.
		case 1:	// read event
				GetCommMask(port->m_hComm, &CommEvent);
				if (CommEvent & EV_CTS)
					::SendMessage(port->m_pOwner->m_hWnd, WM_COMM_CTS_DETECTED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) port->m_nPortNr);
				if (CommEvent & EV_RXFLAG)
					::SendMessage(port->m_pOwner->m_hWnd, WM_COMM_RXFLAG_DETECTED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) port->m_nPortNr);
				if (CommEvent & EV_BREAK)
					::SendMessage(port->m_pOwner->m_hWnd, WM_COMM_BREAK_DETECTED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) port->m_nPortNr);
				if (CommEvent & EV_ERR)
					::SendMessage(port->m_pOwner->m_hWnd, WM_COMM_ERR_DETECTED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) port->m_nPortNr);
				if (CommEvent & EV_RING)
					::SendMessage(port->m_pOwner->m_hWnd, WM_COMM_RING_DETECTED, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) port->m_nPortNr);
				if (CommEvent & EV_RXCHAR)
					// Receive character event from port.
					//ReceiveChar(port,comstat);   //Auskommentiert weil Fehlermeldung müsste funktionieren ka warum

//****Eingfügt aus Receive Char Funktion weil comstat fehler Run Time Failure #3 Comstat gebracht hat****
	for (;;) 
		// Gain ownership of the comm port critical section.
		// This process guarantees no other part of this program 
		// is using the port object. 

		// ClearCommError() will update the COMSTAT structure and
		// clear any other errors.
		bResult = ClearCommError(port->m_hComm, &dwError, &comstat);


		// start forever loop.  I use this type of loop because I
		// do not know at runtime how many loops this will have to
		// run. My solution is to start a forever loop and to
		// break out of it when I have processed all of the
		// data available.  Be careful with this approach and
		// be sure your loop will exit.
		// My reasons for this are not as clear in this sample 
		// as it is in my production code, but I have found this 
		// solutiion to be the most efficient way to do this.
		if (comstat.cbInQue == 0)
			// break out when all bytes have been read

		if (bRead)
			bResult = ReadFile(port->m_hComm,		// Handle to COMM port 
							   &RXBuff,				// RX Buffer Pointer
							   1,					// Read one byte
							   &BytesRead,			// Stores number of bytes read
							   &port->m_ov);		// pointer to the m_ov structure
			// deal with the error code 
			if (!bResult)  
				switch (dwError = GetLastError()) 
					case ERROR_IO_PENDING: 	
							// asynchronous i/o is still in progress 
							// Proceed on to GetOverlappedResults();
							bRead = FALSE;
							// Another error has occured.  Process this error.
				// ReadFile() returned complete. It is not necessary to call GetOverlappedResults()
				bRead = TRUE;
		}  // close if (bRead)

		if (!bRead)
			bRead = TRUE;
			bResult = GetOverlappedResult(port->m_hComm,	// Handle to COMM port 
										  &port->m_ov,		// Overlapped structure
										  &BytesRead,		// Stores number of bytes read
										  TRUE); 			// Wait flag

			// deal with the error code 
			if (!bResult)  
				port->ProcessErrorMessage("GetOverlappedResults() in ReadFile()");
		}  // close if (!bRead)

		// notify parent that a byte was received
		::SendMessage((port->m_pOwner)->m_hWnd, WM_COMM_RXCHAR, (WPARAM) RXBuff, (LPARAM) port->m_nPortNr);
	} // end forever loop

		case 2: // write event
				// Write character event from port

		} // end switch

	} // close forever loop
	return 0;

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