RCon in PHP um eine Funktion erweitern



ich habe gerade einen Blackout. Ich bastel mir gerade ein kleines Webinterface für Gameserver (Counter-Strike, Half-Life 1). Habe auch einige Klassen in PHP gefunden, die mir helfen, das RCon Protokoll in PHP umzusetzen. Nun stehe ich vor einem debakel. Ich mit meinem mäßigen Kenntnissen in PHP stehe auf dem Schlauch und weiß daher nicht mal, wie man nach meiner Frage googlet. Deshalb wende ich mich nun an die experten in der Programmierung.

Ich habe eine Klasse die mir es ermöglicht, die Spieler die sich auf dem Server X befinden auszulesen. Die Klasse kann folgende Daten für jeden einzelnen Spieler auslesen:

Id, Name, Frags, Time, TimeF

Nun würde ich diese Klasse so erweitern, das die Klasse mit dem Protokoll die IP Adresse und in welches Team der Spieler sich befindet, auslesen kann. Nur leider habe ich keine Ahnung, wie genau das alles so funktioniert. Meine Grundkenntnisse bringen mich etwas vorran, aber leider nich bis zu meinem Ziel. Deshalb die Frage an euch. Wer kann mir das umsetzen?

So wird das Script angewant:

  require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/SourceQuery.class.php';

  define('SQ_SERVER_ADDR', '');
	define('SQ_SERVER_PORT', 27015);
	define('SQ_TIMEOUT', 1);
	define('SQ_ENGINE', SourceQuery::SOURCE);
  $Query = new SourceQuery(); try {
    $GameInf = $Query->GetInfo();
		$PlvInf = $Query->GetPlayers();
    $SrvRule = $Query->GetRules();
    $SrvPing = $Query->Ping();
	} catch(Exception $ErrorString) {
		echo $ErrorString->getMessage();

  foreach ($PlvInf as $Players) {
    echo $Players['Id']."\n";
    // ...

Hiermal die einzelnen Klassen:

	 * Class written by xPaw
	 * Website: http://xpaw.ru
	 * GitHub: https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query-Class

	class SourceQueryBuffer
		 * Buffer
		 * @var string
		private $Buffer;

		 * Buffer length
		 * @var int
		private $Length;

		 * Current position in buffer
		 * @var int
		private $Position;

		 * Sets buffer
		 * @param string $Buffer Buffer
		public function Set( $Buffer )
			$this->Buffer   = $Buffer;
			$this->Length   = StrLen( $Buffer );
			$this->Position = 0;

		 * Resets buffer
		public function Reset( )
			$this->Buffer   = "";
			$this->Length   = 0;
			$this->Position = 0;

		 * Get remaining bytes
		 * @return int Remaining bytes in buffer
		public function Remaining( )
			return $this->Length - $this->Position;

		 * Gets data from buffer
		 * @param int $Length Bytes to read
		 * @return string
		public function Get( $Length = -1 )
			if( $Length == 0 )
				// Why even bother
				return "";

			$Remaining = $this->Remaining( );

			if( $Length == -1 )
				$Length = $Remaining;
			else if( $Length > $Remaining )
				return "";

			$Data = SubStr( $this->Buffer, $this->Position, $Length );

			$this->Position += $Length;

			return $Data;

		 * Get byte from buffer
		 * @return int
		public function GetByte( )
			return Ord( $this->Get( 1 ) );

		 * Get short from buffer
		 * @return int
		public function GetShort( )
			$Data = UnPack( 'v', $this->Get( 2 ) );

			return $Data[ 1 ];

		 * Get long from buffer
		 * @return int
		public function GetLong( )
			$Data = UnPack( 'l', $this->Get( 4 ) );

			return $Data[ 1 ];

		 * Get float from buffer
		 * @return float
		public function GetFloat( )
			$Data = UnPack( 'f', $this->Get( 4 ) );

			return $Data[ 1 ];

		 * Get unsigned long from buffer
		 * @return int
		public function GetUnsignedLong( )
			$Data = UnPack( 'V', $this->Get( 4 ) );

			return $Data[ 1 ];

		 * Read one string from buffer ending with null byte
		 * @return string
		public function GetString( )
			$ZeroBytePosition = StrPos( $this->Buffer, "\0", $this->Position );

			if( $ZeroBytePosition === false )
				$String = "";
				$String = $this->Get( $ZeroBytePosition - $this->Position );


			return $String;

	 * Class written by xPaw
	 * Website: http://xpaw.ru
	 * GitHub: https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query-Class

	class SourceQueryRcon
		 * Points to buffer class
		 * @var SourceQueryBuffer
		private $Buffer;

		 * Points to socket class
		 * @var SourceQuerySocket
		private $Socket;

		private $RconSocket;
		private $RconPassword;
		private $RconRequestId;
		private $RconChallenge;

		public function __construct( $Buffer, $Socket )
			$this->Buffer = $Buffer;
			$this->Socket = $Socket;

		public function Close( )
			if( $this->RconSocket )
				FClose( $this->RconSocket );

				$this->RconSocket = null;

			$this->RconChallenge = 0;
			$this->RconRequestId = 0;
			$this->RconPassword  = 0;

		public function Open( )
			if( !$this->RconSocket && $this->Socket->Engine == SourceQuery :: SOURCE )
				$this->RconSocket = @FSockOpen( $this->Socket->Ip, $this->Socket->Port, $ErrNo, $ErrStr, $this->Socket->Timeout );

				if( $ErrNo || !$this->RconSocket )
					throw new SourceQueryException( 'Can\'t connect to RCON server: ' . $ErrStr );

				Stream_Set_Timeout( $this->RconSocket, $this->Socket->Timeout );
				Stream_Set_Blocking( $this->RconSocket, true );

		public function Write( $Header, $String = '' )
			switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
				case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
					$Command = Pack( 'cccca*', 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, $String );
					$Length  = StrLen( $Command );

					return $Length === FWrite( $this->Socket->Socket, $Command, $Length );
				case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
					// Pack the packet together
					$Command = Pack( 'VV', ++$this->RequestId, $Header ) . $String . "\x00\x00\x00"; 

					// Prepend packet length
					$Command = Pack( 'V', StrLen( $Command ) ) . $Command;
					$Length  = StrLen( $Command );

					return $Length === FWrite( $this->RconSocket, $Command, $Length );

		public function Read( $Length = 1400 )
			switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
				case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
					// GoldSource RCON has same structure as Query
					$this->Socket->Read( );

					if( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) != SourceQuery :: S2A_RCON )
						return false;

					$Buffer  = $this->Buffer->Get( );
					$Trimmed = Trim( $Buffer );

					if( $Trimmed == 'Bad rcon_password.'
					||  $Trimmed == 'You have been banned from this server.' )
						throw new SourceQueryException( $Trimmed );

					$ReadMore = false;

					// There is no indentifier of the end, so we just need to continue reading
					// TODO: Needs to be looked again, it causes timeouts
						$this->Socket->Read( );

						$ReadMore = $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 && $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == SourceQuery :: S2A_RCON;

						if( $ReadMore )
							$Packet  = $this->Buffer->Get( );
							$Buffer .= SubStr( $Packet, 0, -2 );

							// Let's assume if this packet is not long enough, there are no more after this one
							$ReadMore = StrLen( $Packet ) > 1000; // use 1300?
					while( $ReadMore );

					$this->Buffer->Set( Trim( $Buffer ) );

				case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
					$this->Buffer->Set( FRead( $this->RconSocket, $Length ) );

					$Buffer = "";

					$PacketSize = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );

					$Buffer .= $this->Buffer->Get( );

					// TODO: multi packet reading

					$this->Buffer->Set( $Buffer );


		public function Command( $Command )
			if( !$this->RconChallenge )
				return false;

			$Buffer = false;

			switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
				case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
					$this->Write( 0, 'rcon ' . $this->RconChallenge . ' "' . $this->RconPassword . '" ' . $Command . "\0" );
					$this->Read( );

					$Buffer = $this->Buffer->Get( );

				case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
					$this->Write( SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, $Command );
					$this->Read( );

					$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
					$Type      = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );

					if( $Type == SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE )
						throw new SourceQueryException( 'Bad rcon_password.' );
					else if( $Type != SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE )
						return false;

					// TODO: It should use GetString, but there are no null bytes at the end, why?
					// $Buffer = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
					$Buffer = $this->Buffer->Get( );


			return $Buffer;

		public function Authorize( $Password )
			$this->RconPassword = $Password;

			switch( $this->Socket->Engine )
				case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
					$this->Write( 0, 'challenge rcon' );
					$this->Socket->Read( );

					if( $this->Buffer->Get( 14 ) != 'challenge rcon' )
						return false;

					$this->RconChallenge = Trim( $this->Buffer->Get( ) );

				case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
					$this->Write( SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_AUTH, $Password );
					$this->Read( );

					$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
					$Type      = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );

					// If we receive SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE, then we need to read again
					// More info: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_RCON_Protocol#Additional_Comments

					if( $Type == SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE )
						$this->Read( );

						$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
						$Type      = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );

					if( $RequestID == -1 || $Type != SourceQuery :: SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE )
						throw new SourceQueryException( 'RCON authorization failed.' );

					$this->RconChallenge = 1;


			return true;

	 * Class written by xPaw
	 * Website: http://xpaw.ru
	 * GitHub: https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query-Class

	class SourceQuerySocket
		public $Socket;
		public $Engine;

		public $Ip;
		public $Port;
		public $Timeout;

		 * Points to buffer class
		 * @var SourceQueryBuffer
		private $Buffer;

		public function __construct( $Buffer )
			$this->Buffer = $Buffer;

		public function Close( )
			if( $this->Socket )
				FClose( $this->Socket );

				$this->Socket = null;

		public function Open( $Ip, $Port, $Timeout, $Engine )
			$this->Timeout = $Timeout;
			$this->Engine  = $Engine;
			$this->Port    = $Port;
			$this->Ip      = $Ip;

			$this->Socket = @FSockOpen( 'udp://' . $Ip, $Port, $ErrNo, $ErrStr, $Timeout );

			if( $ErrNo || $this->Socket === false )
				throw new Exception( 'Could not create socket: ' . $ErrStr );

			Stream_Set_Timeout( $this->Socket, $Timeout );
			Stream_Set_Blocking( $this->Socket, true );

			return true;

		public function Write( $Header, $String = '' )
			$Command = Pack( 'ccccca*', 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, $Header, $String );
			$Length  = StrLen( $Command );

			return $Length === FWrite( $this->Socket, $Command, $Length );

		public function Read( $Length = 1400 )
			$this->Buffer->Set( FRead( $this->Socket, $Length ) );

			if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 && $this->Buffer->GetLong( ) == -2 )
				$Packets      = Array( );
				$IsCompressed = false;
				$ReadMore     = false;

					$RequestID = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );

					switch( $this->Engine )
						case SourceQuery :: GOLDSOURCE:
							$PacketCountAndNumber = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
							$PacketCount          = $PacketCountAndNumber & 0xF;
							$PacketNumber         = $PacketCountAndNumber >> 4;

						case SourceQuery :: SOURCE:
							$IsCompressed         = ( $RequestID & 0x80000000 ) != 0;
							$PacketCount          = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
							$PacketNumber         = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) + 1;

							if( $IsCompressed )
								$this->Buffer->GetLong( ); // Split size

								$PacketChecksum = $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( );
								$this->Buffer->GetShort( ); // Split size


					$Packets[ $PacketNumber ] = $this->Buffer->Get( );

					$ReadMore = $PacketCount > sizeof( $Packets );
				while( $ReadMore && $this->Sherlock( $Length ) );

				$Buffer = Implode( $Packets );

				// TODO: Test this
				if( $IsCompressed )
					// Let's make sure this function exists, it's not included in PHP by default
					if( !Function_Exists( 'bzdecompress' ) )
						throw new RuntimeException( 'Received compressed packet, PHP doesn\'t have Bzip2 library installed, can\'t decompress.' );

					$Data = bzdecompress( $Data );

					if( CRC32( $Data ) != $PacketChecksum )
						throw new SourceQueryException( 'CRC32 checksum mismatch of uncompressed packet data.' );

				$this->Buffer->Set( SubStr( $Buffer, 4 ) );

		private function Sherlock( $Length )
			$Data = FRead( $this->Socket, $Length );

			if( StrLen( $Data ) < 4 )
				return false;

			$this->Buffer->Set( $Data );

			return $this->Buffer->GetLong( ) == -2;

	 * Class written by xPaw
	 * Website: http://xpaw.ru
	 * GitHub: https://github.com/xPaw/PHP-Source-Query-Class
	 * Special thanks to koraktor for his awesome Steam Condenser class,
	 * I used it as a reference at some points.

	if( !defined( '__DIR__' ) ) // PHP < 5.3
		define( '__DIR__', dirname( __FILE__ ) );

	require __DIR__ . '/Exception.class.php';
	require __DIR__ . '/Buffer.class.php';
	require __DIR__ . '/Socket.class.php';
	require __DIR__ . '/Rcon.class.php';

	class SourceQuery
		 * Values returned by GetChallenge()
		 * TODO: Get rid of this? Improve? Do something else?
		const GETCHALLENGE_FAILED          = 0;
		const GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR       = 1;

		 * Engines
		const GOLDSOURCE = 0;
		const SOURCE     = 1;

		 * Packets sent
		const A2S_PING      = 0x69;
		const A2S_INFO      = 0x54;
		const A2S_PLAYER    = 0x55;
		const A2S_RULES     = 0x56;

		 * Packets received
		const S2A_PING      = 0x6A;
		const S2A_CHALLENGE = 0x41;
		const S2A_INFO      = 0x49;
		const S2A_INFO_OLD  = 0x6D; // Old GoldSource, HLTV uses it
		const S2A_PLAYER    = 0x44;
		const S2A_RULES     = 0x61; // Old 45
		const S2A_RCON      = 0x6C;

		 * Source rcon sent
		const SERVERDATA_AUTH           = 3;

		 * Source rcon received

		 * Points to rcon class
		 * @var SourceQueryRcon
		private $Rcon;

		 * Points to buffer class
		 * @var SourceQueryBuffer
		private $Buffer;

		 * Points to socket class
		 * @var SourceQuerySocket
		private $Socket;

		 * True if connection is open, false if not
		 * @var bool
		private $Connected;

		 * Contains challenge
		 * @var string
		private $Challenge;

		public function __construct( )
			$this->Buffer = new SourceQueryBuffer( );
			$this->Socket = new SourceQuerySocket( $this->Buffer );
			$this->Rcon   = new SourceQueryRcon( $this->Buffer, $this->Socket );

		public function __destruct( )
			$this->Disconnect( );

		 * Opens connection to server
		 * @param string $Ip Server ip
		 * @param int $Port Server port
		 * @param int $Timeout Timeout period
		 * @param int $Engine Engine the server runs on (goldsource, source)
		 * @throws SourceQueryException
		 * @throws InvalidArgumentException If timeout is not an integer
		public function Connect( $Ip, $Port, $Timeout = 3, $Engine = self :: SOURCE )
			$this->Disconnect( );
			$this->Buffer->Reset( );
			$this->Challenge = 0;

			if( !is_int( $Timeout ) || $Timeout < 0 )
				throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Timeout must be an integer.' );

			if( !$this->Socket->Open( $Ip, (int)$Port, $Timeout, (int)$Engine ) )
				throw new SourceQueryException( 'Can\'t connect to the server.' );

			$this->Connected = true;

		 * Closes all open connections
		public function Disconnect( )
			$this->Connected = false;

			$this->Socket->Close( );
			$this->Rcon->Close( );

		 * Sends ping packet to the server
		 * NOTE: This may not work on some games (TF2 for example)
		 * @return bool True on success, false on failure
		public function Ping( )
			if( !$this->Connected )
				return false;

			$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_PING );
			$this->Socket->Read( );

			return $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == self :: S2A_PING;

		 * Get server information
		 * @throws SourceQueryException
		 * @return bool|array Returns array with information on success, false on failure
		public function GetInfo( )
			if( !$this->Connected )
				return false;

			$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_INFO, "Source Engine Query\0" );
			$this->Socket->Read( );

			$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

			if( $Type == 0 )
				return false;

			// Old GoldSource protocol, HLTV still uses it
			if( $Type == self :: S2A_INFO_OLD && $this->Socket->Engine == self :: GOLDSOURCE )
				 * If we try to read data again, and we get the result with type S2A_INFO (0x49)
				 * That means this server is running dproto,
				 * Because it sends answer for both protocols

				$Server[ 'Address' ]    = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
				$Server[ 'HostName' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
				$Server[ 'Map' ]        = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
				$Server[ 'ModDir' ]     = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
				$Server[ 'ModDesc' ]    = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
				$Server[ 'Players' ]    = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
				$Server[ 'MaxPlayers' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
				$Server[ 'Protocol' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
				$Server[ 'Dedicated' ]  = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
				$Server[ 'Os' ]         = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
				$Server[ 'Password' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
				$Server[ 'IsMod' ]      = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;

				if( $Server[ 'IsMod' ] )
					$Mod[ 'Url' ]        = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
					$Mod[ 'Download' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
					$this->Buffer->Get( 1 ); // NULL byte
					$Mod[ 'Version' ]    = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
					$Mod[ 'Size' ]       = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
					$Mod[ 'ServerSide' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
					$Mod[ 'CustomDLL' ]  = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;

				$Server[ 'Secure' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
				$Server[ 'Bots' ]     = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

				if( isset( $Mod ) )
					$Server[ 'Mod' ] = $Mod;

				return $Server;

			if( $Type != self :: S2A_INFO )
				throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetInfo: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' );

			$Server[ 'Protocol' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
			$Server[ 'HostName' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
			$Server[ 'Map' ]        = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
			$Server[ 'ModDir' ]     = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
			$Server[ 'ModDesc' ]    = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
			$Server[ 'AppID' ]      = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );
			$Server[ 'Players' ]    = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
			$Server[ 'MaxPlayers' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
			$Server[ 'Bots' ]       = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
			$Server[ 'Dedicated' ]  = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
			$Server[ 'Os' ]         = Chr( $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) );
			$Server[ 'Password' ]   = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;
			$Server[ 'Secure' ]     = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ) == 1;

			// The Ship
			if( $Server[ 'AppID' ] == 2400 )
				$Server[ 'GameMode' ]     = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
				$Server[ 'WitnessCount' ] = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );
				$Server[ 'WitnessTime' ]  = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

			$Server[ 'Version' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );

			// Extra Data Flags
			if( $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 )
				$Flags = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

				// The server's game port
				if( $Flags & 0x80 )
					$Server[ 'GamePort' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );

				// The server's SteamID - does this serve any purpose?
				if( $Flags & 0x10 )
					$Server[ 'ServerID' ] = $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) | ( $this->Buffer->GetUnsignedLong( ) << 32 );

				// The spectator port and then the spectator server name
				if( $Flags & 0x40 )
					$Server[ 'SpecPort' ] = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );
					$Server[ 'SpecName' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );

				// The game tag data string for the server
				if( $Flags & 0x20 )
					$Server[ 'GameTags' ] = $this->Buffer->GetString( );

				// 0x01 - The server's 64-bit GameID

			return $Server;

		 * Get players on the server
		 * @throws SourceQueryException
		 * @return bool|array Returns array with players on success, false on failure
		public function GetPlayers( )
			if( !$this->Connected )
				return false;

			switch( $this->GetChallenge( self :: A2S_PLAYER, self :: S2A_PLAYER ) )
				case self :: GETCHALLENGE_FAILED:
					return false;
				case self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR:
					$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_PLAYER, $this->Challenge );
					$this->Socket->Read( );

					$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

					if( $Type == 0 )
						return false;
					else if( $Type != self :: S2A_PLAYER )
						throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetPlayers: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' );


			$Players = Array( );
			$Count   = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

			while( $Count-- > 0 && $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 )
				$Player[ 'Id' ]    = $this->Buffer->GetByte( ); // PlayerID, is it just always 0?
				$Player[ 'Name' ]  = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
				$Player[ 'Frags' ] = $this->Buffer->GetLong( );
				$Player[ 'Time' ]  = (int)$this->Buffer->GetFloat( );
				$Player[ 'TimeF' ] = GMDate( ( $Player[ 'Time' ] > 3600 ? "H:i:s" : "i:s" ), $Player[ 'Time' ] );

				$Players[ ] = $Player;

			return $Players;

		 * Get rules (cvars) from the server
		 * @throws SourceQueryException
		 * @return bool|array Returns array with rules on success, false on failure
		public function GetRules( )
			if( !$this->Connected )
				return false;

			switch( $this->GetChallenge( self :: A2S_RULES, self :: S2A_RULES ) )
				case self :: GETCHALLENGE_FAILED:
					return false;
				case self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR:
					$this->Socket->Write( self :: A2S_RULES, $this->Challenge );
					$this->Socket->Read( );

					$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

					if( $Type == 0 )
						return false;
					else if( $Type != self :: S2A_RULES )
						throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetRules: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' );


			$Rules = Array( );
			$Count = $this->Buffer->GetShort( );

			while( $Count-- > 0 && $this->Buffer->Remaining( ) > 0 )
				$Rule  = $this->Buffer->GetString( );
				$Value = $this->Buffer->GetString( );

				if( !Empty( $Rule ) )
					$Rules[ $Rule ] = $Value;

			return $Rules;

		 * Get challenge (used for players/rules packets)
		 * @return bool True if all went well, false if server uses old GoldSource protocol, and it already contains answer
		private function GetChallenge( $Header, $ExpectedResult )
			if( $this->Challenge )
				return self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR;

			$this->Socket->Write( $Header, 0xFFFFFFFF );
			$this->Socket->Read( );

			$Type = $this->Buffer->GetByte( );

			switch( $Type )
				case self :: S2A_CHALLENGE:
					$this->Challenge = $this->Buffer->Get( 4 );

					return self :: GETCHALLENGE_ALL_CLEAR;
				case $ExpectedResult:
					// Goldsource (HLTV)

				case 0:
					return self :: GETCHALLENGE_FAILED;
					throw new SourceQueryException( 'GetChallenge: Packet header mismatch. (0x' . DecHex( $Type ) . ')' );

		 * Sets rcon password, for future use in Rcon()
		 * @param string $Password Rcon Password
		 * @return bool True on success, false on failure
		public function SetRconPassword( $Password )
			if( !$this->Connected )
				return false;

			$this->Rcon->Open( );

			return $this->Rcon->Authorize( $Password );

		 * Sets rcon password, for future use in Rcon()
		 * @param string $Command Command to execute on the server
		 * @return bool|string Answer from server in string, false on failure
		public function Rcon( $Command )
			if( !$this->Connected )
				return false;

			return $this->Rcon->Command( $Command );
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Würde gern helfen, aber ich kenne das Protokoll nicht. Gibt's irgendwo ein Referenz-Manual in dem das Protokoll beschrieben ist? Wie kann man es testen? Derzeit ist da keiner verbunden.
Also, ich hab einen Blick ins Manual geworfen und muss dich leider enttäuschen.

Das AS2_PLAYER Query liefert folgende Response:

Response Format

Data 	Type 	Comment
Header 	byte 	Always equal to 'D' (0x44.)
Players 	byte 	Number of players whose information was gathered.

For every player in "Players" there is this chunk in the response:
Data 	Type 	Comment
Index 	byte 	Index of player chunk starting from 0.
Name 	string 	Name of the player.
Score 	long 	Player's score (usually "frags" or "kills".)
Duration 	float 	Time (in seconds) player has been connected to the server.

Das bedeutet, in der Anwort kann es höchstens die Daten geben, die SourceQuery::GetPlayers ohnehin schon zurück liefert.

EDIT: Ich habe eine Java-Klasse gefunden, die die IP-Adresse des Players zurückliefert: http://www.saigns.de/files/serverqueries/api/de/saigns/srcds/Player.html

Es müsste also gehen. Dann ist das Protokoll im Manual unzureichend beschrieben, und man müsste Reverse-Engineeren.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ok, danke für den Link. Der ist allerdings für Source Engine. Nun habe ich rausgefunden, das man den Status aus der RCOn Konsole auslesen kann. Super! Er liefert mir diesen String in PHP:

hostname:  Web4f.de [ Countersrike 1.6 - Fun Server ]
         version :  48/ 5787 secure  (10)
         tcp/ip  :
         map     :  fy_buzzkill at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
         players :  1 active (16 max)
         #      name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr
         # 1 "GuyPrayer" 2 STEAM_0:0:64036919   0 00:22   61   35
         1 users

Wie bekomme ich diesen String in einem Array? Mit RegEx kenne ich mich nicht aus.

ist zwar schon ein bisschen her, aber vielleicht benötigst du immer noch Hilfe:
$data = 'hostname:  Web4f.de [ Countersrike 1.6 - Fun Server ]
version :  48/ 5787 secure  (10)
tcp/ip  :
map     :  fy_buzzkill at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players :  1 active (16 max)

#      name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr
# 1 "GuyPrayer" 2 STEAM_0:0:64036919   0 00:22   61   35
# 2 "PrayerGuy" 3 STEAM_0:0:64039616   0 00:44   16   53
1 users';
if (preg_match_all("~^\s*\#\s*(\d+)\s*\"(.*)\"\s*(\d+)\s*([0-9A-Z\_\:]+)\s*(\d+)\s*([0-9\:]+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*([0-9\.\:]+)$~im", $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
	print "<pre>";
	print "</pre>";
} else {
	echo 'nichts gefunden';
Das gibt die dann ein schönes Array mit den enthaltenen Daten zum weiterverarbeiten:
    [0] => Array
            [0] => # 1 "GuyPrayer" 2 STEAM_0:0:64036919   0 00:22   61   35
            [1] => 1
            [2] => GuyPrayer
            [3] => 2
            [4] => STEAM_0:0:64036919
            [5] => 0
            [6] => 00:22
            [7] => 61
            [8] => 35
            [9] =>

    [1] => Array
            [0] => # 2 "PrayerGuy" 3 STEAM_0:0:64039616   0 00:44   16   53
            [1] => 2
            [2] => PrayerGuy
            [3] => 3
            [4] => STEAM_0:0:64039616
            [5] => 0
            [6] => 00:44
            [7] => 16
            [8] => 53
            [9] =>


EDIT: Ich habe eine Java-Klasse gefunden, die die IP-Adresse des Players zurückliefert: http://www.saigns.de/files/serverqueries/api/de/saigns/srcds/Player.html

Es müsste also gehen. Dann ist das Protokoll im Manual unzureichend beschrieben, und man müsste Reverse-Engineeren.

Kannst du mir evtuell erklären wie ich das einbaue bzw.in PHP umsetze?


ist zwar schon ein bisschen her, aber vielleicht benötigst du immer noch Hilfe:

Funktioniert leider nicht ganz. Das wäre die Rückgabe des Original Protokolls:
version : 1718178/24 5252 insecure
udp/ip  :  (public ip:
map     : de_aztec at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 11 (12 max)

# userid name                uniqueid            connected ping loss state  adr
#     64 "MAIK.MUELLER87"    STEAM_0:1:9969181   00:23       61    0 active
#     65 "Derek"             BOT                                     active
#     66 "Dustin"            BOT                                     active
#     67 "Colin"             BOT                                     active
#     68 "Doug"              BOT                                     active
#     69 "Reed"              BOT                                     active
#     70 "Wayne"             BOT                                     active
#     71 "Andy"              BOT                                     active
#     72 "Martin"            BOT                                     active
#     73 "Grant"             BOT                                     active
#     74 "Orin"              BOT                                     active';
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

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