Vorschaubilder aus MySQL DB auslesen und anzeigen lassen


Hallo Ihr Lieben
Habe folgendes Problemchen.
Ich möchte Vorschaubilder aus der DB auslesen lassen und auf der Startseite anzeigen lassen.
Siehe hier http://ostfrauen.de/kontakt1/index.php?l=

Das Bild sollte aus der DB geholt werden und passen mit dem entsprechenden User verlinkt werden.

Bin selbst schon seit Tagen am Experimentieren und finde keine Lösung.
Vielleicht habt ihr einen einfachen Vorschlag für einen Newbie.....

Das Script der Startseite ist wie folgt:

# \-\-\-\-\-\-\	 AzDG  - S C R I P T S	/-/-/-/-/-/-/ #
# AzDGDatingLite		  Version 2.1.2					#
# Writed by			   AzDG (support@azdg.com)		  #
# Created 03/01/03		Last Modified 04/05/03		   #
# Scripts Home:		   http://www.azdg.com			  #
# File name			   index.php						#
# File purpose			Main page						#
# File created by		 AzDG <support@azdg.com>		  #
include_once 'include/config.inc.php';
include_once 'include/options.inc.php';
include_once 'include/security.inc.php';
include_once 'include/functions.inc.php';
include_once 'templates/'.C_TEMP.'/config.php';
include_once 'templates/'.C_TEMP.'/header.php';
#if(file_exists("install.php")) printm("<i>Security Alert</i>: Please remove install.php",2); 
<Table CellSpacing="<?=C_BORDER?>" CellPadding="0" width="<?=C_WIDTH?>" bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>">index.php 1<Td width="<?=C_WIDTHL?>" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>" valign="top">
<Table Border=0 CellSpacing="<?=C_IBORDER?>" CellPadding="<?=C_CELLP?>" width="<?=C_WIDTHL?>" class=mes>
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="center" bgcolor="<?=COLORH?>"><Td>
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="<?=C_ALIGN?>" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>" class=desc><Td>
<form action="login.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="l" value="<?=$l?>">
<input type="hidden" name="p" value="s">
<?=login(C_ID);?> <input class=minput type=text name=id><br>
<?=$w[54]?> <input class=minput type=password name=password><br>
<input class=minput type=submit value="<?=$w[263]?>">
<Tr align="center" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>"></form><Td>
<a href="<?=C_URL?>/add.php?l=<?=$l?>" class=desc>[<?=$w[89]?>]</a> <a href="remind.php?l=<?=$l?>" class=desc>[<?=$w[173]?>]</a>Login Feld
   <Td width="<?=C_WIDTHR?>" valign="top" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>">was kommt hier rein 
	index.php 2 
<Table Border=0 CellSpacing="<?=C_IBORDER?>" CellPadding="<?=C_CELLP?>" width="<?=C_WIDTHC?>" class=mes>
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="center" bgcolor="<?=COLORH?>"><Td>
<?=$w[178]?> Hier steht die Überschrift 178
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="<?=C_ALIGN?>" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>"><Td>
<span class=mes><?=$w[179]?> </span> Hier steht der Haupttext 179
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="center" bgcolor="<?=COLORH?>"><Td>
<? $tm=array(C_LASTREG);echo template($w[180],$tm); ?>
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="<?=C_ALIGN?>" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>"><Td>
<table width="100%" class=tr>
<tr class=mes bgcolor="<?=COLORH?>" align=center><td><?=$w[118]?></td><td><?=$w[132]?></td><td><?=$w[120]?></td><td><?=$w[87]?></td></tr>
<?$tmp=mysql_query("SELECT id, fname, gender, birthday, pic1, pic2, pic3 FROM ".C_MYSQL_MEMBERS." WHERE status >= '7' order by regdate DESC limit ".C_LASTREG);
while($i=mysql_fetch_array($tmp)) {
$color = ($color == COLOR4) ? COLOR3 : COLOR4;
$name = (trim($i['fname']) == '') ? $i['id'] : $i['fname']; 
$ph = (($i['pic1'] == '')&&($i['pic2'] == '')&&($i['pic3'] == '')) ? $w[111] : $w[112];
echo "<tr class=desc bgcolor=\"".$color."\" align=center><td><a href=\"view.php?l=".$l."&id=".$i['id']."\" class=desc>".$name."</a></td><td>".$wg[$i['gender']]."</td><td>".$age."</td><td>".$ph."</td></tr>";}
$tmp=mysql_query("SELECT count(id) as total FROM ".C_MYSQL_MEMBERS." WHERE status >= '7'");
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="center" bgcolor="<?=COLORH?>"><Td>
<? $tm=array($usc);echo template($w[268],$tm); ?>
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
Was kommt hier rein?2 </Td><Td width="<?=C_WIDTHR?>" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>" valign="top">
<Table Border=0 CellSpacing="<?=C_IBORDER?>" CellPadding="<?=C_CELLP?>" width="<?=C_WIDTHR?>" class=mes>
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="center" bgcolor="<?=COLORH?>">
index.php 3 
<Tr><Td bgcolor="<?=C_TBCOLOR?>"></Td></Tr>
<Tr align="<?=C_ALIGN?>" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>"><Td>
<form action="search.php" method="post">
  <p>index.php 4 </p>
	<input type="hidden" name="l" value="<?=$l?>">
	<input type="hidden" name="a" value="s">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="">
	<input type="hidden" name="horo" value="0">
	<input type="hidden" name="aget" value="<?=C_AGEB?>">
	<input type="hidden" name="agef" value="<?=C_AGES?>">
	<input type="hidden" name="purpose" value="0">
	<input type="hidden" name="regin" value="0">
	<input type="hidden" name="step" value="10">
	<input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="0">
	<select name="gender" class="minput">
		<? $p=0;while(isset($wg[$p])) {echo '<option value="'.$p.'">'.$wg[$p];$p++;}?>
	<select name="country" class="minput">
		<? $p=0;asort($wcr);reset($wcr);
while (list ($p, $val) = each ($wcr)) {
echo '<option value="'.$p.'">'.$val;
	index.php 5 <br>
	<input class=minput type=submit value="<?=$w[181]?>">
  <Tr align="center" bgcolor="<?=COLOR1?>"></form>
  <p>index.php 6 </p>
  <p><a href="<?=C_URL?>/search.php?l=<?=$l?>" class=desc>[
		  ]</a> </p>
// print a random image. Don't forget ending slash!
// setting $type to 'all' will return all images.
print getRandomImage(''); 
function getRandomImage($dir,$type='random')
global $errors; 
if (is_dir($dir)) { 
$fd = opendir($dir); 
$images = array(); 
while (($part = @readdir($fd)) == true) { 
if ( eregi("(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$",$part) ) {
$images[] = $part; 
// adding this in case you want to return the image array
if ($type == 'all') { return $images; }
// Be sure to call srand() once per script
srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); 
$key = rand (0,sizeof($images)-1); 
return $dir . $images[$key]; 
} else { 
$errors[] = $dir.' is not a directory'; 
return false; 
("SELECT * FROM ".C_MYSQL_MEMBERS." WHERE status >= '7' order by pic1, pic2, pic3 regdate DESC limit ".C_LASTREG);
if (isset($id) && $id != "" && is_numeric($id));
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".C_MYSQL_MEMBERS." WHERE id = '".$id."' AND status = '7'");
while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($result));
echo "<img src=members/uploads/<?=$i[$pic];?>"
<?for ($p=1;$p <= 3;$p++) {$pic='pic'.$p; if ($i[$pic] != "") {?>
<a href="<?=C_URL?>/members/uploads/<?=$i[$pic];?>" target="_blank"><img src="<?=C_URL?>/members/uploads/<?=$i[$pic];?>" border="<?=C_IMG_BRDR?>" width=150></a>
<?} else echo ' &nbsp; '; }?>
<a href="view.php?l=<?=$l?>&id=<?=$i['id']?>">
<img src="<? print getRandomImage('members/uploads/');?>" width="100" border="0"> <hr><br>
<a href="view.php?l=<?=$l?>&id=<?=$i['id']?>">
<img src="<? print getRandomImage('members/uploads/');?>" width="100" border="0"> <hr><br>
<?include_once 'templates/'.C_TEMP.'/footer.php';?>
index.php 7

Die entsprechende Stelle an der experimentiert wird ist diese:

("SELECT * FROM ".C_MYSQL_MEMBERS." WHERE status >= '7' order by pic1, pic2, pic3 regdate DESC limit ".C_LASTREG);
if (isset($id) && $id != "" && is_numeric($id));
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".C_MYSQL_MEMBERS." WHERE id = '".$id."' AND status = '7'");
while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($result));
echo "<img src=members/uploads/<?=$i[$pic];?>"
<?for ($p=1;$p <= 3;$p++) {$pic='pic'.$p; if ($i[$pic] != "") {?>
<a href="<?=C_URL?>/members/uploads/<?=$i[$pic];?>" target="_blank"><img src="<?=C_URL?>/members/uploads/<?=$i[$pic];?>" border="<?=C_IMG_BRDR?>" width=150></a>
<?} else echo ' &nbsp; '; }?>

Wäre euch für Hilfe und oder Tipps sehr dankbar
Danke für Eure Hilfe.

Bin jetzt dahinter gekommen und es scheint fast zu .
Habe mir jetzt folgende Abfrage gebastellt:

<?$tmp=mysql_query("SELECT id, fname, gender, birthday, pic1, pic2, pic3 FROM ".C_MYSQL_MEMBERS." WHERE status >= '7' order by regdate DESC limit ".C_LASTREG);
while($i=mysql_fetch_array($tmp)) {
$color = ($color == COLOR4) ? COLOR3 : COLOR4;
$name = (trim($i['fname']) == '') ? $i['id'] : $i['fname']; 
$ph = (($i['pic1'] == '')&&($i['pic2'] == '')&&($i['pic3'] == '')) ? $w[111] : $w[112];
$photo = (trim($i['pic1']) == '') ? $i['id'] : $i['pic1'];
echo "<tr class=desc bgcolor=\"".$color."\" align=center><td><a href=\"view.php?l=".$l."&id=".$i['id']."\" class=desc>".$name."</a></td><td>".$wg[$i['gender']]."</td><td>".$age."</td><td>".$ph."</td><td><a href=\"view.php?l=".$l."&id=".$i['id']."\" class=desc><img src=members/uploads/".$photo."></td></tr>";

Jetzt hab ich nur noch ein klitze kleines Problemchen.
WIe setze ich jetzt die Bildgröße und den Border auf "0".
Klar width="100" border="0"

Fuzt aba nix.
Mach ich aus
<img src=members/uploads/".$photo.">

<img src=members/uploads/".$photo." width="100" border="0">

Kommt immer ´ne Fehlermeldung:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting ',' or ';' in /homepages/38/d13424084/htdocs/of/kontakt1/gallery.php on line 100

Hab ihre ´ne Idee wie ich die setzten soll?

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