Update Tool... ähnlich NetUpdate...


Erfahrenes Mitglied

ich hatte vor einiger Zeit nach einem UpdateTool gesucht und von Tom einen Link bekommen. Leider genügte dies nicht komplett den Anforderungen und so hab ich mich kurzer Hand entschlossen diesen Mechanismus zu implementieren. Diesen möchte ich euch nicht vorenthalten.

Ist noch nicht perfekt, deshalb bin ich für Änderungen bzw. Weiterentwicklungen dankbar.

Hier das Interface an welches die einzelnen Events weitergeleitet werden.

package de.tutorials.update;

// TODO: document me

 * <code>NetUpdateFeedback</code>.
 * <p/>
 * User: romsl
 * Date: 03.02.2006
 * Time: 15:55:30
 * @author Romsl
public interface NetUpdateFeedback {
    public void upToDate();
    public void start(String name);
    public void startResource(String info, String file, String action);
    public void process(int total, int part, int rate);
    public void doneResource();
    public void done();
    public void finished();

Hier die eigentliche Logik. Es funktioniert mit dom4j.

package de.tutorials.update;

import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat;
import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter;
import org.dom4j.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.net.URL;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;

import de.tutorials.update.NetUpdater;

// TODO: document me

 * <code>NetUpdateProcessor</code>.
 * <p/>
 * User: romsl
 * Date: 03.02.2006
 * Time: 14:06:50
 * @author Romsl
public class NetUpdateProcessor implements Runnable {

     * Logger to log several messages.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NetUpdateProcessor.class);

    private NetUpdateFeedback feedback;
    private Document docRemote;
    private Document docLocal;
    private File appDir;
    private File localFile;

    public NetUpdateProcessor(NetUpdateFeedback feedback, URL remote, File local, File appDir) throws NetUpdateException {
        this.feedback = feedback;
        this.localFile = local;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("The local netupdate xml file [" + local.getAbsolutePath() + "]");

        this.appDir = appDir;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("The application directory [" + appDir.getAbsolutePath() + "]");

        prepareDocument(remote, true);

        URL localURL;
        try {
            localURL = local.toURI().toURL();
        catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
            throw new NetUpdateException(murle.getMessage(), murle);

        prepareDocument(localURL, false);

    private void prepareDocument(URL url, boolean remote) throws NetUpdateException {

        SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader();

        try {
            InputStream stream = null;
            try {
                stream = url.openStream();
            catch (IOException ioe) {
                if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
                    LOG.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

            if (remote) {
                docRemote = saxReader.read(stream);

                if (docRemote == null) {
                    throw new NetUpdateException("Couldn't prepare NetUpdate for remote document [URL@" + url + "]");
            else {
                docLocal = saxReader.read(stream);

                if (docLocal == null) {
                    throw new NetUpdateException("Couldn't prepare NetUpdate for local document [URL@" + url + "]");

            if (stream != null) stream.close();
        catch (IOException ioe) {
        catch (DocumentException de) {

    private List<String> createNecessaryUpdates() {
        List<String> remoteNetUpdateNames = getRemoteNetUpdateNames();
        List<String> localNetUpdateNames = getLocalNetUpdateNames();


        return remoteNetUpdateNames;

    private List<String> getRemoteNetUpdateNames() {
        List attributes = docRemote.selectNodes("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote/@name");
        return extractValueOfAttributes(attributes);

    private List<String> getLocalNetUpdateNames() {
        List attributes = docLocal.selectNodes("/netupdates-local/netupdate-local/@name");
        return extractValueOfAttributes(attributes);

     * Extracts the values of a <code>List</code> containing
     * <code>Attribute</code> values.
     * @param attributes The <code>List</code> which contains
     *                   <code>Attribute</code> values.
     * @return The extracted value of each attribute store in
     *         a <code>List</code>.
    private List<String> extractValueOfAttributes(List attributes) {

        List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (Object o : attributes) {
            if (o instanceof Attribute) {
                Attribute attr = (Attribute) o;


        return values;

    public void update() throws NetUpdateException {
        new Thread(this).start();

     * The update process get its own thread to avoid
     * restricting the application speed.
     * @see Runnable#run()
    public void run() {

        List<String> necessaryUpdates = createNecessaryUpdates();

        // If there is no necessary update, the update will
        // marked as up-to-date.
        if (necessaryUpdates.size() == 0) {

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("All files are up-to-date.");


        for (String name : necessaryUpdates) {

            String name1 = docRemote.selectSingleNode("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote[@name=\"" + name + "\"]/@name").getText();

            System.out.println("NAME: " + name);
            System.out.println("NAME1: " + name1);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {


            int size = docRemote.selectNodes("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote[@name=\"" + name + "\"]/resource").size();

            for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {

                Node infoNode = docRemote.selectSingleNode("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote[@name=\"" + name + "\"]/resource[" + i + "]/@info");
                Node remoteUrlNode = docRemote.selectSingleNode("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote[@name=\"" + name + "\"]/resource[" + i + "]/remote/@url");
                Node subDirNode = docRemote.selectSingleNode("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote[@name=\"" + name + "\"]/resource[" + i + "]/local/@subdir");
                Node fileNode = docRemote.selectSingleNode("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote[@name=\"" + name + "\"]/resource[" + i + "]/local/@file");
                Node actionNode = docRemote.selectSingleNode("/netupdates-remote/netupdate-remote[@name=\"" + name + "\"]/resource[" + i + "]/local/@action");

                String info = infoNode.getText();

                String remoteUrl = null;
                if (remoteUrlNode != null) {
                    remoteUrl = remoteUrlNode.getText();

                String subDir = "/";
                if (subDirNode != null) {
                    subDir = subDirNode.getText();

                String file = fileNode.getText();

                String action = actionNode.getText();

                feedback.startResource(info, subDir + file, action);

                if ("update".equals(action)) updateAction(remoteUrl, subDir, file);
                else if ("delete".equals(action)) deleteAction(subDir, file);
                else throw new NetUpdateException("The action [" + action + "] isn't supported by NetUpdate.");



            Element element = (Element) docLocal.selectSingleNode("/netupdates-local");
            Element netUpdateElement = element.addElement("netupdate-local");
            netUpdateElement.addAttribute("name", name);
            netUpdateElement.addElement("timestamp").addText(new Date().toString());

            try {
                serializetoXML(new FileOutputStream(localFile), "UTF-8");
            catch (Exception e) {


    private void updateAction(String remoteUrl, String subDir, String fileName) {
        try {

            URL url = new URL(remoteUrl);

            int contentLength = url.openConnection().getContentLength();
            int absoluteLength = 0;

            String outputFileName = appDir.getAbsolutePath() + subDir + fileName;
            outputFileName = outputFileName.replace('\\', '/');

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("The target file [" + outputFileName + "] will get an update.");

            BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
            BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName));

            byte[] buffer = new byte[16384];
            int length;
            int bytesPerSecond = 0;

            long deltaTime = 0;
            long time = -System.currentTimeMillis();
            boolean firstRun = true;

            while ((length = bis.read(buffer)) > 0) {

                bos.write(buffer, 0, length);

                bytesPerSecond += length;
                absoluteLength += length;

                if (firstRun) {
                    firstRun = false;
                    feedback.process(contentLength, absoluteLength, bytesPerSecond);

                if (absoluteLength >= contentLength) {
                    feedback.process(contentLength, absoluteLength, bytesPerSecond);

                if (deltaTime > 1000) {
                    feedback.process(contentLength, absoluteLength, bytesPerSecond);
                    bytesPerSecond = 0;
                    deltaTime = 0;
                    time = -System.currentTimeMillis();

                deltaTime += time + System.currentTimeMillis();

        catch (IOException ioe) {

    private void deleteAction(String subDir, String fileName) {
        File file = new File(appDir + subDir + fileName);

        feedback.process(100, 0, 0);

        if (file.exists()) {

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("The file [" + file + "] will be deleted");


        feedback.process(100, 100, 0);

    public void serializetoXML(OutputStream out, String aEncodingScheme) throws Exception {
        OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(out, outformat);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            new NetUpdateProcessor(new NetUpdater(), new URL("http://www.yourhost.de/update/netupdate_remote_v1.xml"), new File("C:/path_to_local_xml/netupdate_local_v1.xml"), new File("C:/path_to_dir_where_the_subdir_starts/program")).update();
        catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        catch (NetUpdateException nue) {

Und zu guter letzt die Exception

package de.tutorials.update;

// TODO: document me

 * <code>NetUpdateException</code>.
 * <p/>
 * User: romsl
 * Date: 03.02.2006
 * Time: 15:48:40
 * @author Romsl
public class NetUpdateException extends RuntimeException {

    public NetUpdateException(String message) {

    public NetUpdateException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);

Dann noch die Remote XML (hier muss definiert werden was wohin geladen werden soll)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <netupdate-remote name="Version-1.1.0">
        <resource info="Update spring-framework Library">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.0/spring.jar"/>
            <local subdir="/lib/" file="spring.jar" action="update"/>

    <netupdate-remote name="Version-1.1.1">
        <resource info="Update spring-framework Library">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.1/spring.jar"/>
            <local subdir="/lib/" file="spring.jar" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update hibernate Library">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.1/hibernate3.jar"/>
            <local subdir="/lib/" file="hibernate3.jar" action="update"/>

    <netupdate-remote name="Version-1.1.2">
        <resource info="Delete swing-layout-0.7 Library">
            <local subdir="/lib/" file="swing-layout-0.7.jar" action="delete"/>
        <resource info="Create swing-layout-1.0 Library">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.2/swing-layout-0.7.jar"/>
            <local subdir="/lib/" file="swing-layout-1.0.jar" action="update"/>

    <netupdate-remote name="Version-1.1.3">
        <resource info="Update MainFrame">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$1">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$1.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$1.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$2">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$2.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$2.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$3">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$3.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$3.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$4">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$4.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$4.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$5">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$5.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$5.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$6">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$6.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$6.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$7">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$7.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$7.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$8">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$8.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$8.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$9">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$9.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$9.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$10">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$10.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$10.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$11">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$11.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$11.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$12">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$12.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$12.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$13">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$13.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$13.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$14">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$14.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$14.class" action="update"/>
        <resource info="Update MainFrame$15">
            <remote url="http://www.yourhost.de/update/v-1.1.3/MainFrame$15.class"/>
            <local subdir="/classes/core/ui/" file="MainFrame$15.class" action="update"/>


aber jetzt endlich das letzte für die Local XML (hier werden die Updates gespeichert, die schon gänzlich geladen wurden)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



Der Aufruf ist momentan in NetUpdateProcessor enthalten.

Also immer raus mit Vorschlägen.


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