Steuerelemente mit IE7


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Hallo , Ich versuche die Steuerelemente bei Flash Filme sofort zu aktivieren ohne extra klick, ist das möglich mit IE7 ?
z.b. ich habe diesem HTML Code geschrieben :
<embed src="bilder/film3.swf" width="500" height="400" loop="0" wmode="opaque">

was soll noch hinzugefügt werden damit die Steuerelemente im Film sofort zugreifbar sein?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Diese php Seite soll eine Lösung sein (replaceObjEmbed.php) , aber es hat nicht funktioniert :

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# replaceObjEmbed.php / replaceObjEmbed.js / 2006-07-01
# (C) Gero Zahn,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replaces <object ...>...</object> / <applet ...>...</applet> / <embed ...>..</embed> areas
# on the fly by a JavaScript wrapper to prevent "Click to activate" in MSIE 6+ and Opera 9+.
# Can be used with existing PHP files -- with a proper .htaccess also with HTML files.
# May be used and copied for free in any environment (free or commercial).
# If you like to update or change this code, please keep the original copyright intact --
# and inform me via email about your enhancement.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ========== Usage on PHP files:
# 1. Copy replaceObjEmbed.php and replaceObjEmbed.js next to your PHP file.
# 2. Add this to the beginning of your PHP file
#    <?php
#      ob_start();
#    ? >
# (remove blank before last ">")
# 3. Add this to the eng of your PHP file
#    <?
#      include_once "replaceObjEmbed.php";
#      echo replaceObjEmbed(ob_get_clean());
#    ? >
# (remove blank before last ">")
# If you plan to put replaceObjEmbed.php and replaceObjEmbed.js in a subfolder, use this instead:
#    <?
#      include_once "yoursubfolder/replaceObjEmbed.php";
#      echo replaceObjEmbed(ob_get_clean(),"yoursubfolder");
#    ? >
# (remove blank before last ">")
# ========== Usage on HTML files:
# Basically the same as above, but you need to persuade your Apache to parse plain HTML files for
# PHP. This can be done easily with a proper .htaccess file.
# Add the following line to your .htaccess file:
# AddType application/x-httpd-php .html
# If this doesn't work, try this:
# AddType x-mapp-php4 .html
# This last one works for 1&1 and Schlund+Partner servers in German. You may want to contact
# the tech-support of your server provider for closer information how to achieve this.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# 2006-06-30 - First release: Could just handle <object ...>...</object> areas
# 2006-07-01 - Adaptation: Can handle object/applet areas as well as single embed tags

function replaceObjEmbed($x,$jsdirprefix=".") {

# @param $x:
#   Code to be re-formatted - usually the buffered output ob_get_clean() at the very end of the file
# @param $jsdirprefix
#   Path prefix to replaceObjEmbed.js - defaults to "." if omitted

  # All tag areas or tags to be processed. Important: Start with <object ...>...</object> areas
  # as it could contain an <embed ...>..</embed> area or (perhaps) an unclosed <embed ...> tags

  $tags=array('`<object[^>]*>(.*)</object>`isU', # <object ...>...</object> areas
              '`<applet[^>]*>(.*)</applet>`isU', # <applet ...>...</applet> areas
              '`<embed[^>]*>(.*)</embed>`isU',   # <embed ...>..</embed> areas
              '`<embed[^>]*>`isU');              # single, unclosed <embed ...> tags outsite object areas

  $replacements=array(); # Storage for the elements found to be processed

  foreach(array_keys($tags) as $idx) { # Handle all kings of tag areas and tags, one by one

    $tmptags=array(); # Storage for the found occurrences
    preg_match_all($tags[$idx],$x,$tmptags); # And here they are

    if ($tmptags) { # Found some?

      foreach(array_keys($tmptags[0]) as $secidx) { # Deal with them, one by one

        # We have to move them apart -- especially <object ...>...</object> areas with an internal
        # <embed ...>..</embed> area or an unclosed <embed ...> tag -- otherwise they'd be found again.

        $tagval=$tmptags[0][$secidx]; # This is the current occurrence to be processed later on
        $tagkey="replacetag_".$idx."_".$secidx; # Temporarily replace it by "replacetag_x_y"
        # ... where x is 0..3 (object/applet/embed/s.embed) and y is the corresponding number.

        $replacements[$tagkey]=$tagval; # Store the occurrence beside it's unique key ...
        $x=str_replace($tagval,$tagkey,$x); # ... and actually replace the occurrence with the key

    unset($tmptags); # A bit of dirty work


  foreach($replacements as $tagkey => $tagval) { # Handle all occurrences, one by one

    $jsval=addslashes($tagval); # Handle special characters properly
    $jsval=str_replace(chr(13),"",$jsval); # remove CRs - all in one line
    $jsval=str_replace(chr(10),"",$jsval); # remove LFs - all in one line

    # 1. Embed that tiny little external JS to work as actual embedder.
    # 2. Embed the original occurrence inside a JS variable -- 
    # 3. Call the tiny little embedder to dynamically output the variable
    # 4. Embed the original, unchanged occurrence in a <noscript>...</noscript> area as fall-back
    $jsval= "<script src=\"$jsdirprefix/replaceObjEmbed.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n".
            "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n".
            "var jsval = '$jsval';\n".
#           "//document.write(jsval);". # This doesn't work as it's an internal document.write(...)
            "writethis(jsval);". # So: Use the external one-liner function to perform the trick

    # The original occurrence has been replaced with its unique "key" beforehanded,
		# now replace this stored key with is JS wrapper and noscript fallback.


  unset($replacements); # A bit of dirty work

  return $x; # And we're out!

Meine testseite sieht so aus indem ich 'replaceObjEmbed.php' included habe, genau wie
geschrieben , das Resultat : kein Flashfilm zu sehen , nur eine leere seite.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN">
<embed src="bilder/film3.swf" width="500" height="400" loop="0" wmode="opaque">
include_once "replaceObjEmbed.php";
echo replaceObjEmbed(ob_get_clean());
Zuletzt bearbeitet: