Scrollbalken eine "Grenze" zuweisen?


Ok, der fertige funktionierende Ticker gefällt meinen Chef nicht. Also ein neuer.

Fand jetzt einen ziemlich schlichten und treffenden Code, der soweit auch funktioniert wie ich will.
Ein Text kommt von Rechts nach Links reingelaufen und verschwindet. Subba.

Das ist jetzt alles auf eine 400px .fla angelegt und in der .swf fährt er halt von Ende 400px bis Anfang 0px.
Mache ich die .fla jetzt auf 600px das gleiche wie oben, nur eben auf 600px - 0px.

Wie kann ich ihm sagen, das er nur einen "Teilbereich" in meiner Bühne als Anzeigebereich nutzen soll?
Bei 600px * 300px Bühne, würden mir 400px * 20px reichen.

Der Code ist schon recht lange. Einigermaßen verständlich, aber da muß es doch noch was geben?!
Dachte erst mit loadMovie die fertige SWF in die .fla laden, aber das geht net so wirklich.

Hier der Code.
(Sind sicherlich noch ein paar Restfunktionen der verschiedenen Scrolleffekte drin,
ich brauch aber echt nur von den Effekt "Rechts nach Links")

// XML ticker, based on "effects_ticker" (but with XML support)
// Jim Bumgardner

SW = Stage.width; // Stage width
SH = Stage.height; // Stage height

kEffectDuration = 2000;
kReadDuration = 2000;

// This array translates effect-names to numbers.
effectNumbers = new Array();
effectNumbers['scroll'] = 0;
effectNumbers.left = 1;
effectNumbers.right = 2; = 3;
effectNumbers.up = 3; // syn
effectNumbers.bottom = 4;
effectNumbers.down = 4;
effectNumbers['in'] = 5;
effectNumbers.tiny = 5;
effectNumbers.out = 6;
effectNumbers.big = 6;

// These arrays are loaded from the XML array
var tickerItemDebut = new Array();
var tickerItemExit =  new Array();
var tickerItems = new Array();

nbrTickerItems = 0;

// XML parsing...
var defColor = undefined;
var defURL = undefined;

loadNode = function(it)
    if (it.nodeName == 'ticker') {
        if (it.attributes['color'])
            defColor = it.attributes['color'];
        if (it.attributes['url'])
            defURL = it.attributes['url'];
    else if (it.nodeName == "tickeritem") 
        if (effectNumbers[it.attributes['debut']])
            tickerItemDebut[nbrTickerItems] = effectNumbers[it.attributes['debut']];
            tickerItemDebut[nbrTickerItems] = 0;
        if (effectNumbers[it.attributes['exit']])
            tickerItemExit[nbrTickerItems] = effectNumbers[it.attributes['exit']];
            tickerItemExit[nbrTickerItems] = 0;

        var txt = it.firstChild.nodeValue;
        // trace("INTEXT: " + txt);
        txt = txt.split('[').join('<'); // replace '[' with '<'
        txt = txt.split(']').join('>'); // replace ']' with '>'
        var clr = it.attributes['color']? it.attributes['color'] : defColor;
        var url = it.attributes['url']? it.attributes['url'] : defURL;
        if (clr != undefined)
            txt = '<font color="' + clr + '">' + txt + '</font>';
        if (url != undefined)
            txt = '<a href="' + url + '">' + txt + '</a>';
        // trace("DISPTEXT: " + txt);
        tickerItems[nbrTickerItems] = txt;
    if (it.hasChildNodes()) {
        for (var i = 0; i < it.childNodes.length; ++i)
            loadNode(it.childNodes[i], lev+1);

MovieClip.prototype.setTweenTargets = function(dstX,dstY,dstScale,dstAlpha)
    this.srcScale = this._xscale;
    this.srcX = this._x;
    this.srcY = this._y;
    this.srcAlpha = this._alpha;

    this.dstScale = dstScale;
    this.dstX = dstX;
    this.dstY = dstY;
    this.dstAlpha = dstAlpha;

MovieClip.prototype.setupDebut = function(n)
    this.startTime = getTimer();
    if (n == 0) {   // basic leftwards scroll effect
        this.ticker_txt._x = 0;
        this.ticker_txt._y = -this.ticker_txt.textHeight/2;
        this._xscale = 100;
        this._yscale = 100;
        this._alpha = 100;
        this._x = SW;
        this._y = SH/2;
        this.state = -1;
    else {
        this.ticker_txt._x = -this.ticker_txt.textWidth/2;
        this.ticker_txt._y = -this.ticker_txt.textHeight/2;

        switch (n) {
        case 1: // from left
            this._alpha = 100;
            this._x = -this.ticker_txt.textWidth/2;
            this._y = SH/2;
            this._yscale = this._xscale = SW*100/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20);
            this.setTweenTargets(SW/2, this._y, this._xscale,100);
        case 2: // from right
            this._alpha = 100;
            this._x = SW+this.ticker_txt.textWidth/2;
            this._y = SH/2;
            this._yscale = this._xscale = Math.min(100,SW*100/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20));
            this.setTweenTargets(SW/2, this._y, this._xscale,100);
        case 3: // from top
            this._x = SW/2;
            this._y = 0 - this.ticker_txt.textHeight/2;
            this._yscale = this._xscale = Math.min(100,SW*100/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20));
            this._alpha = 100;
            this.setTweenTargets(this._x, SH/2, this._xscale,100);
        case 4: // from bottom
            this._alpha = 100;
            this._x = SW/2;
            this._y = SH+this.ticker_txt.textHeight;
            this._yscale = this._xscale = Math.min(100,SW*100/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20));
            this.setTweenTargets(this._x, SH/2, this._xscale,100);
        case 5: // 3d fly-in/out from small
            this._alpha = 0;
            this._x = SW/2;
            this._y = SH/2;
            this._xscale = this._yscale = 1;
            this.setTweenTargets(this._x, this._y, Math.min(100,SW*100/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20)),100);
        case 6: // 3d fly-in/out from large
            this._alpha = 0;
            this._x = SW/2;
            this._y = SH/2;
            this._yscale = this._xscale = SW*1000/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20);
            this.setTweenTargets(this._x, this._y, Math.min(100,SW*100/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20)),100);
            trace("debut: undefined type for " + this.idx);

MovieClip.prototype.setupExit = function(n)
    this.startTime = getTimer();
    switch (n) {
    case 1: // exit to left
        this.setTweenTargets(-this.ticker_txt.textWidth/2, this._y, this._xscale,100);
    case 2: // exit to right
        this.setTweenTargets(SW+this.ticker_txt.textWidth/2, this._y, this._xscale,100);
    case 3: // exit up
        this.setTweenTargets(this._x, -this.ticker_txt.textHeight/2, this._xscale,100);
    case 4: // exit down
        this.setTweenTargets(this._x, SH+this.ticker_txt.textHeight/2, this._xscale,100);
    case 5: // exit small
        this.setTweenTargets(this._x, this._y, 1, 0);
    case 6: // exit big
        this.setTweenTargets(this._x, this._y, SW*1000/(this.ticker_txt.textWidth+20), 0);
        trace("exit: undefined type for " + this.idx);

MovieClip.prototype.getTickerItem = function(n)
    this._visible = true;
    this.idx = n;
    this.state = 0;
    this.ticker_txt.htmlText = tickerItems[n];

// This function animates the text
function cycleTicker()
    if (this._visible == false)

    var queueNext = false;

    switch (this.state) {
    case -1:    // regular scroll, as in basic_ticker
        this._x -= this.speed;
        queueNext = (this._x <= -this.ticker_txt.textWidth);
        if (queueNext)
            this._visible = false;
    case 0:     // debut effect?
    case 2:     // or exit effect?

    // Figure out where in the tween we are
        var r = (getTimer() - this.startTime)/kEffectDuration;
        if (r >= 1) {   // Done tweening?  set vars to final state and move on
            this._xscale = this._yscale = this.dstScale;
            this._alpha = this.dstAlpha;
            this._x = this.dstX;
            this._y = this.dstY;
            this.startTime = getTimer();
            if (this.state >= 3)
                this._visible = false;
            // trace("  state " + this.state);
        else if (r < 0) { // shouldn't happen
            trace("  negative r! " + r + " " + this.startTime + " " + getTimer());
        else {
            // ease out for exit effects, or ease in for debut effects
            if ((state == 0 && r > .5) || (state == 2 && r < .5))
                r = r*r*(3-2*r);
                r = r*r*(3-2*r);
            this._xscale = this.srcScale + (this.dstScale-this.srcScale)*r;
            this._yscale = this._xscale;
            this._x = this.srcX + (this.dstX - this.srcX)*r;
            this._y = this.srcY + (this.dstY - this.srcY)*r;
            this._alpha = this.srcAlpha + (this.dstAlpha - this.srcAlpha)*r;
    case 1:     // read pause
        var r = (getTimer() - this.startTime)/kReadDuration;
        if (r > 1 && this.isMouseIn != true) 
            queueNext = true;
        trace(" unsupported state " + this.state);
    if (queueNext) 
        _root.mcCtr = (_root.mcCtr + 1) % 2;
        _root.idx = (_root.idx+1) % tickerItems.length;
        _root["ticker_mc" + _root.mcCtr].getTickerItem(_root.idx);

function finishInit()
    _root.mcCtr = 0;
    var mc = this.attachMovie("ticker_mc", "ticker_mc0", 0);
    mc.ticker_txt.autoSize = "left";
    mc.ticker_txt.html = true;
    mc.speed = 3;
    mc.isMouseIn = false;
    mc.onRollOver = function() { this.speed = 2; this.isMouseIn = true; }
    mc.onRollOut = function() { this.speed = 3; this.isMouseIn = false; }
    mc = this.attachMovie("ticker_mc", "ticker_mc1", 1);
    mc.ticker_txt.autoSize = "left";
    mc.ticker_txt.html = true;
    mc.ticker_txt.htmlText = '';
    mc.speed = 3;
    mc.isMouseIn = false;
    // mc.onRollOver = function() { this.speed = 2; this.isMouseIn = true; }
    // mc.onRollOut = function() { this.speed = 10; this.isMouseIn = false; }
    _root.idx = 0;
    ticker_mc1._visible = false;
    ticker_mc0.onEnterFrame = cycleTicker;
    ticker_mc1.onEnterFrame = cycleTicker;

var myxml = new XML();

myxml.onLoad = function()


Ist DAS evtl. der Schlüssel zum Erfolg
Ich weiß nur nicht was ich darin verändern muß.

SW = Stage.width; // Stage width
SH = Stage.height; // Stage height

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