

Hallo Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich benutze ein newsscript für meine homepage ich habe mir ein suchformular erstellt aber ich konnte bei dem suchergebnissen die ratingsytem nicht machen weil ich ein php anfänger bin


deswegen habe ich den newsscript verändert also alles gelöst bis nur
die ratingsytem übrig bleibt jetzt ist aber alle ratingsyteme zusammen
wie kann ich die ratingsyteme voneinander trennen damit ich die für meine suchergebnisse/artikel einzel benutzen kann.

<title>od idar, dided, Edddr - U </title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
<meta name="description" content="dddd
<meta name="keywords" content="vvv">
<meta name="language" content="tr">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="icon.ico">
 <style type="text/css">
		margin: 0px 0px;
		width: 650px;
		height: 33px;
		background-color: #FFF8DC;


<body BGCOLOR="#6f310b">

  <div id="owndogHolder"></div>
<div id="medduHolder">

$seite = 1;
if( isset($_GET['seite']) && (int)$_GET['seite'] > 0)
  $seite = (int)$_GET['seite'];

//Verbindung zu Datenbank aufbauen

$link = mysql_connect("localhost","tddbe","ssss5") or die ("Keine Verbindung moeglich");
mysql_select_db("tddbe") or die ("Die Datenbank existiert nicht");

//Einträge pro Seite: Hier 15 pro Seite
$eintraege_pro_seite = 9;
//Ausrechen welche Spalte man zuerst ausgeben muss:

$start = $seite * $eintraege_pro_seite - $eintraege_pro_seite;
//Tabelle Abfragen
//Tabelle hei&szlig;t hier einfach: Tabelle
$searchString = '';
if(isset($_POST['such'])) {
    $searchString = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['such']);
else if(isset($_GET['such'])) {
    $searchString = mysql_real_escape_string ($_GET['such']);

/***** Abfragen um herauszufinden, wieviele Einträge gefunden werden *****/
$abfrage = "SELECT * FROM `news30_story` as s, `news30_users` as u WHERE `story`  LIKE '%" . $searchString . "%' OR `title`
LIKE '%" . $searchString . "%'  AND s.author = u.uid";

$ergebnis = mysql_query($abfrage) or die(mysql_error()."<pre>" . $abfrage . "</pre>");

$menge = mysql_num_rows($ergebnis);

//Errechnen wieviele Seiten es geben wird
$wieviel_seiten = $menge / $eintraege_pro_seite;
/***** Ende: Abfragen um herauszufinden, wieviele Einträge gefunden werden *****/

/***** Hier die tatsächlichen Abfragen tätigen *****/
$abfrage .= ' LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $eintraege_pro_seite;

$ergebnis = mysql_query($abfrage) or die(mysql_error()."<pre>" . $abfrage . "</pre>");

<div style="padding-left:16px;padding-top:14px">
<p>Gefundene Eintr&auml;ge: <?php echo $menge;?></p>

if($menge > 0) {
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ergebnis)) {
        echo '<tr><td><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif;"><span class="title_one" style="font-size: 18pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">'.$row['title'].'</span></span></td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td><span style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #ADADAD">Posted by  <a href="mailto:dler@hotmail.de">'.$row['user'].'</A> - '.date('d/m/y h:iA', $row['timestamp']).' - <a href="www.php?id='.$row['id'].'#comments">'.$row['commentcount'].' Comments</a> - -   '.$row['rating'].'</span></td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><td><span style="font-family:verdana; font-size: 10pt; ">'.$row['story'].'</span></td></tr>';

} else {
    echo '<tr><td>Keine Daten</td></tr>';

//Jetzt kommt das "Inhaltsverzeichnis",
//sprich dort steht jetzt: Seite: 1 2 3 4 5

//Wieviele Einträge gibt es überhaupt

//Wichtig! Hier muss die gleiche Abfrage sein, wie bei der Ausgabe der Daten
//also der gleiche Text wie in der Variable $abfrage, blo&szlig; das hier das LIMIT fehlt
//Sonst funktioniert die Blätterfunktion nicht richtig,
//und hier kann nur 1 Feld abgefragt werden, also id

if($wieviel_seiten > 1){
    //Ausgabe der Seitenlinks:
    echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="no.css"><div class="pagination">';
    echo '<div style="position:absolute;left:144px">';

    //Ausgabe der Links zu den Seiten
    for($a=0; $a < $wieviel_seiten; $a++)
        $b = $a + 1;

        //Wenn der User sich auf dieser Seite befindet, keinen Link ausgeben
        if($seite == $b)
            echo "  <span class=\"current\">$b</span> ";
            //Aus dieser Seite ist der User nicht, also einen Link ausgeben
            echo "  <a href=\"?seite=$b&such=$searchString\">$b</a> ";
    echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>";

<div id="saHolder">

<?php  include 'add.html'; ?></div>
    <div id="newsHolder"></div>
    <div id="footerHolder"></div>

veränderte gelöschte newsscript script
  N-13 News is a free news publishing system
  Copyright (C) 2011 Chris Watt

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


	foreach($_POST AS $g=>$d){
			$_POST[$g] = stripslashes($_POST[$g]);

// some variables
$linkprefix = (empty($linkprefix)) ? '' : $linkprefix;
$_SESSION['lastmsg'] = (empty($_SESSION['lastmsg'])) ? '' : $_SESSION['lastmsg'];

// 1 = makes resized thumbnails thumbnails clickable, defaults 0
$image_clickable = (empty($image_clickable)) ? '0' : '1';

// delimiter used when splitting up the page so ajax comments can be used
if(!defined('DELIMITER')){ define('DELIMITER', '<!-- ####@@@**split**@@@### -->'); }

require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/db.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config1.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/language/' . $default_index_language . '.php');

// check if auth cookie has been set

// default language to be used on index.php
$_SESSION['language'] = str_replace(".php", "", $default_index_language);

// 1 = show archived news articles, defaults 0
$archives = (empty($archives)) ? '0' : '1';

$news_layout		= (empty($news_layout)) ? '0' : $news_layout;
$comments_layout	= (empty($comments_layout)) ? '0' : $comments_layout;
$newstimeformat 	= (empty($newstimeformat)) ? NEWSTIME : $newstimeformat;
$commentstimeformat	= (empty($commentstimeformat)) ? COMMENTSTIME : $commentstimeformat;

$url['1']		= (empty($url['1'])) ? '' : $url['1'];
$url['1']		= (empty($url['1'])) ? '' : $url['1'];
$url['2']		= (empty($url['2'])) ? '' : $url['2'];
$url['4']		= (empty($url['4'])) ? '' : $url['4'];

$url2 = $url;
$url2 = implode('-', $url2);
$friendlytitle			= (empty($url2)) ? '' : $url2;

$_GET['id']				= (empty($_GET['id'])) ? '' : $_GET['id'];
$_GET['goto']			= (empty($_GET['goto'])) ? '' : $_GET['goto'];
$_GET['deletecomment']	= (empty($_GET['deletecomment'])) ? '' : $_GET['deletecomment'];
$_GET['logout']			= (empty($_GET['logout'])) ? '' : $_GET['logout'];

$static = (empty($static)) ? '' : $static;
$_POST['ajax'] = (empty($_POST['ajax'])) ? '' : $_POST['ajax'];
$_POST['login_s1'] = (empty($_POST['login_s1'])) ? '' : $_POST['login_s1'];

	if($_POST['ajax'] == "true"){
			$_POST['id'] = '';
		if(!defined('ID')){ define('ID', $_POST['id']); }
			$url['0'] = '';
		if(!defined('ID')){ define('ID', $url['0']); }
	$goto = $url['0'];
	if($_POST['ajax'] == "true"){
			$_POST['id'] = '';
		if(!defined('ID')){ define('ID', $_POST['id']); }
			$_GET['id'] = '';
		if(!defined('ID')){ define('ID', $_GET['id']); }
	$goto = $_GET['goto'];

$_POST['rating'] = (empty($_POST['rating'])) ? '' : $_POST['rating'];
if($_POST['rating'] == "true"){
		$_POST['parent'] = '1';
	echo $_POST['parent'];
	$result = addrating($parent = $_POST['parent'], $value = $_POST['value']);
	if($result == "Success"){
		echo $langmsg['news'][13];
	}elseif($result == "Already rated"){
		echo $langmsg['news'][14];
		echo "no dice";
if($_POST['ajax'] !== "true" || ID == ""){
?> 	<script type="text/javascript">
		/* <![CDATA[ */
	function createXMLHttpRequest(){
			if (window.ActiveXObject){
				xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			}else if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
				xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

		function senddata(type,parent,value){
			if(type == ''){
				xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;
				xmlHttp.open("POST", "?system=news", true);
				xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
				var username = document.getElementById('name').value;
				username = username.replace('&', '%26');
				var email = document.getElementById('email').value;
				email = email.replace('&', '%26');
				var message = document.getElementById('message').value;
				message = message.replace('&', '%26');
				var skey = '';
				var recaptcha_response_field = '';
				var recaptcha_challenge_field = '';
					skey = document.getElementById('skey').value;
				}else if(document.getElementById('recaptcha_response_field')){
					recaptcha_response_field = document.getElementById('recaptcha_response_field').value;
					recaptcha_challenge_field = document.getElementById('recaptcha_challenge_field').value;
				var id = escape('<?php echo ID; ?>');
				xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChangeRating;
				xmlHttp.open("POST", "?system=news", true);
				xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

		function handleStateChangeRating() {
			if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {
				var data = xmlHttp.responseText.split('<?php echo DELIMITER; ?>');
					document.getElementById('ratingstars_text_'+data[1]).innerHTML = data[2];

		 	function handleStateChange() {
			if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {
				var data = xmlHttp.responseText;
				data = data.split('<?php echo DELIMITER; ?>');

				if(data[1].search("invalidkey") != -1){
					alert('<?php echo $langmsg['news'][2]; ?>');
				document.getElementById('allbody').innerHTML = data[2];
					document.getElementById('skeyimage').src = document.getElementById('skeyimage').src + '#' + (new Date()).getTime();
				}else if(document.getElementById('recaptcha_div')){
					Recaptcha.create("<?php echo PUBLICKEY; ?>",
					"recaptcha_div", {
					   callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field

		 function submitcomment(useajax){
			if(useajax == 'yes'){
				return false;
				return true;

		function ratingstarshover(parent, value){
			var starslocation = '<?php echo IMAGEPATH; ?>';
			for(i=1; i<=5; i++){
				if(value < i){
					document.getElementById(parent+'_stars_'+i).src = starslocation + 'stars_6.png';
					document.getElementById(parent+'_stars_'+i).src = starslocation + 'stars_7.png';
		/* ]]> */

			echo '<div id="allbody">';

$template = (empty($template)) ? '' : $template;
$templatecount = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT id FROM " . NEWS_TEMPLATES . " WHERE name = ?", $template);
if(count($templatecount) == 1){
	$templateid = $templatecount['0']['id'];
	$templateid = TEMPLATE;

// Get the template data
$templatedata = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT searchform, searchresults, loginform, newsstructure, profile, template, uploadedfiles, npagintation, comments, commentsform, registrationform, cpagintation, commentsstructure FROM " . NEWS_TEMPLATES . " WHERE id = ?", $templateid);
$template				= $templatedata['0']['template'];
$uploadedfilestemplate	= $templatedata['0']['uploadedfiles'];
$npagintation			= $templatedata['0']['npagintation'];
$newsstructure			= $templatedata['0']['newsstructure'];
$commentstemplate		= $templatedata['0']['comments'];
$regform				= $templatedata['0']['registrationform'];
$profiletemplate		= $templatedata['0']['profile'];
$commentsform			= $templatedata['0']['commentsform'];
$cpagintation			= $templatedata['0']['cpagintation'];
$loginform				= $templatedata['0']['loginform'];
$h						= $templatedata['0']['commentsstructure'];
$searchform				= $templatedata['0']['searchform'];
$searchresults			= $templatedata['0']['searchresults'];

$search			= (empty($search)) ? '' : $search;
$register		= (empty($register)) ? '' : $register;
$_GET['page']	= (empty($_GET['page'])) ? '' : $_GET['page'];

if($goto == "search" || $search == true){
	echo showsearchform();
}elseif($goto == "register" || $register == "true"){
		echo $langmsg['news'][6];
}elseif($goto == "profile"){
		$user = $url['1'];
		$user = $_GET['user'];
	$row = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT user,pass,email,vcode,avatar,profile_image,profile_quote,profile_occupation,profile_hobbies,profile_interests,profile_homepage,profile_sex,profile_location,profile_age,profile_name,alertmsg,access,uid FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ?" , $user);
	if(count($row) == 1){
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{username}",$row['0']['user'],$profiletemplate);
		if(!$row['0']['profile_image'] || $row['0']['profile_image'] == "0"){
			$profiletemplate = str_replace("{image}","",$profiletemplate);
			$profile_image = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT file FROM " . NEWS_IMAGES . " WHERE uid = ?", $row['0']['profile_image']);
			$profile_image = $profile_image['0']['file'];
			$profile_image = UPLOADPATH . $profile_image;
			$profiletemplate = str_replace("{image}","<img src=\"" . $profile_image . "\" alt=\"Profile picture for " . $row['0']['user'] . "\">",$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{name}",$row['0']['profile_name'],$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{age}",$row['0']['profile_age'],$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{sex}",$row['0']['profile_sex'],$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{interests}",$row['0']['profile_interests'],$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{hobbies}",$row['0']['profile_hobbies'],$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{location}",$row['0']['profile_location'],$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{occupation}",$row['0']['profile_occupation'],$profiletemplate);
		$profiletemplate = str_replace("{quote}",$row['0']['profile_quote'],$profiletemplate);
			$profiletemplate = str_replace("[homepage-link]","",$profiletemplate);
			$profiletemplate = str_replace("[/homepage-link]","",$profiletemplate);
			$profiletemplate = str_replace("[homepage-link]","<a href=\"http://" . $row['0']['profile_homepage'] . "\" target=\"_NEW\">",$profiletemplate);
			$profiletemplate = str_replace("[/homepage-link]","</a>",$profiletemplate);
		echo "<!-- Profile -->";
		echo $profiletemplate;

		echo "User not found.";
	#$cat[] = "Designs";
	#$cat[] = "Waffles";
	#$cat[] = "Test";

	#$cat[] = "fakecat";
	#$cat[] = "Waffles";

	#grab all category names/ids then check them against any cats the user has specified
	#create a dynamic sql to select the ids of all stories that match any of the user specified cats
	#if no cats have been specified skip this
	$cat = (empty($cat)) ? array() : $cat;
	$f = (empty($f)) ? '' : $f;
	$u = (empty($u)) ? '' : $u;
	if(count($cat) > 0){
		$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT id, name FROM " . NEWS_CATS);
		$j = 0;
		$catids = array();
		foreach($allcats AS $acat){
				$catids[] = $acat['id'];
		$e = implode(",",$catids);
		if($j > 0){ #if all the cats the user has entered don't exist, skip this part and select all.
			$allstories = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT DISTINCT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = 'news' AND catid IN ($e)");
			$storyids = array();
			foreach($allstories AS $row){
				$storyids[] = $row['storyid'];
			$f = implode(",", $storyids);
			if($f){ $f = "AND id IN ($f)"; }
	#$author[] = "Chris";
	#$author[] = "fakeauthor";
	#$author[] = "test";
	#grab the ids of any authors the user specified
	#create a dynamic sql of the ids of the authors
	#if no authors have been specified skip this
	$author = (empty($author)) ? array() : $author;
	if(count($author) > 0){
		$allusers = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT uid, user FROM " . NEWS_USERS);
		$j = 0;
		$userids = array();
		foreach($allusers AS $user){
			if(@in_array($user['user'], $author)){
				$userids[] = $user['uid'];
		if($j > 0){ #if all the authors the user has entered don't exist, skip this part and select all
			$u = implode(",",$userids);
				$u = "AND author IN ($u)";

	#select the total amount of stories by using the already grabbed ids
	$totalnews = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " WHERE archived = ? AND approved = ? $f $u", $archives, "1");
	$totalnews = $totalnews['0']['total'];

	$nppage = (empty($nppage)) ? '' : $nppage;
	$cppage = (empty($cppage)) ? '' : $cppage;
		$nppage = NPPAGE;
		$cppage = CPPAGE;

		$page = $url['1'];
		$page = $_GET['page'];

	if(is_numeric($page)){ }else{ $page = 1; }
	if($page == ""){
		$page = 1;

$orderby = (empty($orderby)) ? '' : $orderby;
		$orderby = 'timestamp';
	}elseif($orderby == "rating"){
		$orderby = 'rating';
	}elseif($orderby == "views"){
		$orderby = 'viewcount';
	}elseif($orderby == "comments"){
		$orderby = 'commentcount';
	}elseif($orderby == "title"){
		$orderby = 'title';
		$orderby = 'timestamp';

	$newsorder = (empty($newsorder)) ? '' : $newsorder;
		$newsorder = NEWSORDER;
		if($newsorder == "DESC"){

			$newsorder = "ASC";

		$page = $url['1'];
		$page = $_GET['page'];

	$amounttoshow = $nppage;
	$amountofpages = ceil($totalnews / $amounttoshow);
		$start = 0;
		$page = 1;
			$page = 1;
		if($page > $amountofpages){
			$start = 0;
			$page = 1;
			$start = $page * $amounttoshow - $amounttoshow;
	if($static == "true"){
		$start = 0;

	// Grab all news posts
$sql = "SELECT

			(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_RATING . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS ratingcount,
	" . NEWS_ACCESS . ".usehtml AS usehtml,rating,id
	LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
	LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE approved = '1' $f $u AND archived = '" . $archives . "' AND timestamp <= '" . time() . "' ORDER BY $orderby $newsorder LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow";

	$newsdata = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
	if(ID == "" || ID == "0" || $static){

		foreach($newsdata AS $news){
			$allnews .= formatnews($template,'0',$news);

		$npagintation = formatnewspagintation();

		if(!$nlink AND !$plink){
			$allnewspagintation = "";
			$allnewspagintation = $npagintation;

		$newsstructure = str_replace("{news}",$allnews,$newsstructure);
		$newsstructure = str_replace("{pagintation}",$allnewspagintation,$newsstructure);
		if(ENABLETAIL == "1"){
			$newsstructure .= TAIL;
		echo $newsstructure;

		$row = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT
		(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS amountoffiles,
		(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_RATING . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS ratingcount,
		" . NEWS_ACCESS . ".usehtml AS usehtml,rating,id
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
		WHERE id = ?", ID);


if($_POST['ajax'] !== "true"){
		echo "</div>";

  N-13 News is a free news publishing system
  Copyright (C) 2011 Chris Watt

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

if (!defined('ABSPATH')){ die(); }

define('NEWS_ARTICLES',		'news30_story');
define('NEWS_USERS',		'news30_users');
define('NEWS_COMMENTS',		'news30_comments');
define('NEWS_OPTIONS',		'news30_options');
define('NEWS_SMILIES',		'news30_smilies');
define('NEWS_FILTER',		'news30_filter');
define('NEWS_CATS',			'news30_cats');
define('NEWS_GROUPCATS',	'news30_groupcats');
define('NEWS_TEMPLATES',	'news301_templates');
define('NEWS_ACCESS',		'news30_access');
define('NEWS_PRIVATE',		'news30_private');
define('NEWS_PRIVATEOUT',	'news30_privateout');
define('NEWS_BANNED',		'news30_banned');
define('NEWS_ACCESSLOGS',	'news30_accesslogs');
define('NEWS_FEEDS',		'news30_rssfeeds');
define('NEWS_RATING',		'news30_rating');
define('NEWS_IMAGES',		'news30_images');
define('NEWS_FILES',		'news30_files');
define('NEWS_LINKEDFILES',	'news30_linkedfiles');

/* declared variables */
$_SESSION['langtype']		= (empty($_SESSION['langtype'])) ? 'false' : $_SESSION['langtype'];
$_SESSION['userlogged20']	= (empty($_SESSION['userlogged20'])) ? 'false' : $_SESSION['userlogged20'];
$_SESSION['language']		= (empty($_SESSION['language'])) ? '' : $_SESSION['language'];
/* end of declaraed variables */
// database extension
	require_once(ABSPATH . '/class/' . EXTENSION . ".php");
	require_once(ABSPATH . '/class/mysql.php');

function x($s){
	$y = array('English','Swedish','Dutch','French','German','Italian','Portugues','Spanish','Turkish','Finnish','Filipinp','Indonesian','Malay','Swahili','Welsh');
	$n = array('Arabic','Chinese Simple','Chinese Traditional','Japanese','Korean','Russian','Thai','African','Albanian','Belarusian','Bulgarian','Catalan','Czech','Croatian','Danish','Estonian','Galician','Greek','Haitian','Hindi','Hebrew','Hungarian','Icelandic','Irish','Latvian','Macedonian','Maltese','Norwegian','Persian','Polish','Romanian','Serbian','Slovak','Slovenian','Ukrainian','Vietnamese','Yiddish','Lithuanian');
	if($_SESSION['langtype'] !== "dropdown" || $_SESSION['langtype'] == "index"){
		if(in_array($_SESSION['language'], $n)){


		if(in_array($_SESSION['language'], $y)){
			$s = utf8_encode($s);
	$s = str_replace("&lt;","<",$s);
	$s = str_replace("&gt;",">",$s);
	return $s;

function esc($str){
	$str = str_replace("'", "\\'", $str);
	return $str;

function get_include_contents($filename) {
    if (is_file($filename)) {
        $contents = ob_get_contents();
        return $contents;
    return false;
function isloggedin(){
	if($_SESSION['userlogged20'] == "true"){
		return true;
		return false;
function checkregistration(){
	global $regform, $langmsg;
	$error = (empty($error)) ? '' : $error;
	$_POST['registrationusername']	= (empty($_POST['registrationusername'])) ? '' : $_POST['registrationusername'];
	$_POST['registrationemail']		= (empty($_POST['registrationemail'])) ? '' : $_POST['registrationemail'];
	$_POST['registrationpassword1']	= (empty($_POST['registrationpassword1'])) ? '' : $_POST['registrationpassword1'];
	$_POST['registrationpassword2']	= (empty($_POST['registrationpassword2'])) ? '' : $_POST['registrationpassword2'];
	$_POST['registrationskey']		= (empty($_POST['registrationskey'])) ? '' : $_POST['registrationskey'];
	$_POST['skey']					= (empty($_POST['skey'])) ? '' : $_POST['skey'];
	$_POST['register_submit']		= (empty($_POST['register_submit'])) ? '' : $_POST['register_submit'];

	$regform			= str_replace("{username}",displayhtml($_POST['registrationusername']),$regform);
	$regform			= str_replace("{email}",displayhtml($_POST['registrationemail']),$regform);
	$regform			= str_replace("{recaptcha}", "<div id=\"recaptcha_div\">" . recaptcha_get_html(PUBLICKEY, $error) . "</div>", $regform);
	$submittedusername	= $_POST['registrationusername'];
	$submittedemail		= $_POST['registrationemail'];
	$submittedpassword1	= $_POST['registrationpassword1'];
	$submittedpassword2	= $_POST['registrationpassword2'];
	$submittedskey		= $_POST['registrationskey'];
	$userexists			= DataAccess::fetch("SELECT COUNT(uid) AS userexists FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ?", $submittedusername);
	$userexists			= $userexists['0']['userexists'];
	$emailexists		= DataAccess::fetch("SELECT COUNT(uid) AS emailexists FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE email = ?", $submittedemail);
	$emailexists		= $emailexists['0']['emailexists'];
	$skey 				= $_POST['skey'];

			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}","",$regform);
			echo $regform;
	}elseif(checkcaptcha($skey, REGISTRATIONVERIFICATION)){
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}",$langmsg['news'][29],$regform);
			echo $regform;
		}elseif($userexists > 0){
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}",$langmsg['news'][30],$regform);
			echo $regform;
		}elseif($emailexists > 0){
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}",$langmsg['news'][31],$regform);
			echo $regform;
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}","",$regform);
			echo $regform;
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}",$langmsg['news'][33],$regform);
			echo $regform;
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}",$langmsg['news'][34],$regform);
			echo $regform;
		}elseif($submittedpassword1 AND !$submittedpassword2){
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}",$langmsg['news'][35],$regform);
			echo $regform;
		}elseif($submittedpassword1 !== $submittedpassword2){
			$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}",$langmsg['news'][36],$regform);
			echo $regform;
			$submittedpass = md5(SALT . $submittedpassword1);
			DataAccess::put("INSERT INTO " . NEWS_USERS . " (user,newpass,email,alertmsg,access) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $submittedusername, $submittedpass, $submittedemail, '0', REGISTRATIONACCESS);
			$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
			echo str_replace("{adminpath}",ADMINPATH,$langmsg['news'][7]);
		$regform = str_replace("{errormessage}", $langmsg['news'][4], $regform);
		echo $regform;
function showsearchform(){
	global $searchform, $searchresults, $catcutoff;
	$newstimeformat = NEWSTIME;
	$search = $searchform;
	$_POST['searchsubmit'] = (empty($_POST['searchsubmit'])) ? '' : $_POST['searchsubmit'];
	$_POST['searchstring'] = (empty($_POST['searchstring'])) ? '' : $_POST['searchstring'];

	// if the search form hasn't been submitted hide the search results section
		$search = preg_replace("#\[results\](.*?)\[\/results\]#si", "", $search);
		$search = str_replace("{searchresults}", "", $search);
		$search = str_replace("{totalresults}", "", $search);
		$search = preg_replace("#\[results\](.*?)\[\/results\]#si", '$1', $search);

	$searchstring = $_POST['searchstring'];

	// Grab the search string and check it against the title, shortstory, story & author
	$foundresults = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".usehtml, old, title, story, shortstory, " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".name AS accessname, " . NEWS_USERS . ".user AS authorname, timestamp, " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id AS newsid FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . "
	LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
	LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
	WHERE title LIKE ? OR story LIKE ? OR shortstory LIKE ? OR " . NEWS_USERS . ".user LIKE ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC", "%$searchstring%", "%$searchstring%", "%$searchstring%", "%$searchstring%");
	$numresults = count($foundresults);
	$x = 1;
	$finalresults = '';
	$oneortwo = 'one';
	foreach($foundresults AS $result){
		// loop through results and replace the tags
		$newresults = $searchresults;
		$usehtml = $result['usehtml'];
		$categories = '';
		$cats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT storyid, catid, type, uid, " . NEWS_CATS . ".name AS catname
			INNER JOIN " . NEWS_CATS . " ON " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = " . NEWS_CATS . ".id
			WHERE storyid = ? AND type = ? ORDER BY " . NEWS_CATS . ".name ASC", $result['newsid'], "news");
		foreach($cats AS $cat){
			$categories .= str_replace("{cat}", $cat['catname'], CATDELIMITER);

		$categories		= substr($categories,0,strlen($categories) - $catcutoff);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{categories}",$categories,$newresults);
		$stampzone		= $result['timestamp'];
		$newresults		= str_replace("{oneortwo}", $oneortwo, $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{numresult}", $x, $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{categories}", $categories, $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{title}",bbcode($result['title'],$usehtml,'1',$result['old']), $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{date}",strftime($newstimeformat,$stampzone),$newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{friendlytitle}", makefriendly($result['title']), $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{author}","<span class=\"" . $result['accessname'] . "\">" . $result['authorname'] . "</span>", $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{id}", $result['newsid'], $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{article}", bbcode($result['story'],$usehtml, $result['old']), $newresults);
		$newresults		= str_replace("{summary}", bbcode($result['shortstory'],$usehtml, $result['old']), $newresults);

		$finalresults	.= $newresults;
		if($oneortwo == 'one'){ $oneortwo = 'two'; }else{ $oneortwo = 'one'; }

	$search = str_replace("{totalresults}", $numresults, $search);
	$search = str_replace("{searchresults}", $finalresults, $search);
	return $search;
function checkcomment(){
	global $langmsg, $static;
	$allowcomments = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT allowcomments FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " WHERE id = ?", $_POST['id']);
	$allowcomments = $allowcomments['0']['allowcomments'];
	if(!$static){ echo DELIMITER; }
	$_POST['name']		= (empty($_POST['name'])) ? '' : $_POST['name'];
	$_POST['message']	= (empty($_POST['message'])) ? '' : $_POST['message'];
	$_POST['email']		= (empty($_POST['email'])) ? '' : $_POST['email'];
	$_POST['skey']		= (empty($_POST['skey'])) ? '' : $_POST['skey'];
	$message 	= $_POST['message'];
	$message	= str_replace(DELIMITER ,"",$message);
	$name		= $_POST['name'];
	$name		= str_replace(DELIMITER,"",$name);
	$email		= $_POST['email'];
	$email		= str_replace(DELIMITER,"",$email);
	$skey		= $_POST['skey'];
	$skey		= str_replace(DELIMITER,"",$skey);
	if(REGCOMMENT == "1"){
			$check = true;
			$check = false;
		$check = true;
	if($check == true){
			return $langmsg['news'][0];
			return $langmsg['news'][1];
			if($allowcomments == "1" || $allowcomments == "2"){
				if(REGCOMMENT == "1" && !isloggedin()){
					return $langmsg['news'][40];
					$ex = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT COUNT(uid) AS usercount FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ?", $name);
					$ex = $ex['0']['usercount'];
					if((time() - $_SESSION['lastmsg']) <= SPAMTIME){
						$spammsg = str_replace("{timeleft}",(SPAMTIME - (time() - $_SESSION['lastmsg'])),SPAMMSG);
						return $spammsg;
						$user		= $_POST['name'];
						$user		= str_replace(DELIMITER ,"",$user);
						$message	= $_POST['message'];
						$message	= str_replace(DELIMITER ,"",$message);
						$email		= $_POST['email'];
						$email		= str_replace(DELIMITER ,"",$email);
						$skey		= $_POST['skey'];
						$skey		= str_replace(DELIMITER ,"",$skey);;

						$timestamp	= time();
						$ip			= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
						$pid		= $_POST['id'];

						if($allowcomments == "1"){
							$approved = '1';
						}elseif($allowcomments == "2"){
							$approved = '0';
						if($ex == 1){
							if($_SESSION['name'] == $name){
								if(checkcaptcha($skey, USEIMGVERIFICATION)){
									addcomment($user, $email, $message, $timestamp, $approved, $ip, $pid);
									if($allowcomments == "1"){
										return COMMENTMSG;
									}elseif($allowcomments == "2"){
										return COMMENTAPPROVEMSG;
									return $langmsg['news'][2];
								return $langmsg['news'][3];
							if(checkcaptcha($skey, USEIMGVERIFICATION)){
								addcomment($user, $email, $message, $timestamp, $approved, $ip, $pid);
								if($allowcomments == "1"){
									return COMMENTMSG;
								}elseif($allowcomments == "2"){
									return COMMENTAPPROVEMSG;
								return $langmsg['news'][4];
				#incase anyone tries adding comments to posts which have comments disabled
				return "Nice try";
		return $langmsg['login'][0];
function banned (){
	$ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	$isbanned = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT COUNT(id) AS banned FROM " . NEWS_BANNED . " WHERE ip = ?", $ipaddress);
	if($isbanned['0']['banned'] > 0){
		$amountblocked = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT blocked FROM " . NEWS_BANNED . " WHERE ip = ?", $ipaddress);
		$amountblocked = $amountblocked['0']['blocked'];
		DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_BANNED . " SET blocked = ? WHERE ip = ?", $amountblocked, $ipaddress);;
		return true;
		return false;
function addcomment($user, $email, $message, $timestamp, $approved, $ip, $pid){
	DataAccess::put("INSERT INTO " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " (user,email,message,timestamp,approved,ip,pid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $user, $email, $message, $timestamp, $approved, $ip, $pid);
	$_SESSION['lastmsg'] = time();
function getaccess($section){
		$_SESSION['accessdata'] = (empty($_SESSION['accessdata'])) ? '' : $_SESSION['accessdata'];
			$accessdata = unserialize($_SESSION['accessdata']);
			if($accessdata['0'][$section] == 1){
				return true;
				return false;
			$accessdata = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, accounts, accesslevels, sysconfig, newscats, templates, smilies, wordfilters, bannedips, accesslevel, rss, personaloptions, privatemsgs, autoapproved, canapprove, usehtml, cats, profile, imageuploads, fileuploads, news, comments, help, nocat, fileimages, viewips FROM " . NEWS_ACCESS . " INNER JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid = " . NEWS_USERS . ".access WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
			$_SESSION['accessdata'] = serialize($accessdata);
			if($accessdata['0'][$section] == 1){
				return true;
				return false;
		return false;
function updatelogs($success,$username){
	$time = time();
	DataAccess::put("INSERT INTO " . NEWS_ACCESSLOGS . " (user,ip,loggedin,success) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", $username, $ip, $time, $success);
function showstats(){
	$newstats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT
 	(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " WHERE archived = ? AND approved = ?) AS totalnews,
 	(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ") AS totalcomments,
 	(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_USERS . ") AS totalusers,
 	(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_CATS . ") AS totalcats,
 	(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_ACCESS . ") AS totalaccesslevels", $archives, "1");
	$totalnews = $newstats['0']['totalnews'];
	$totalcomments = $newstats['0']['totalcomments'];
	$totalusers = $newstats['0']['totalusers'];
	$totalcategories = $newstats['0']['totalcats'];
	$totalaccesslevels = $newstats['0']['totalaccesslevels'];

	//simply echo the above variables,
	//echo $totalnews;
	//will show the total amount of posts
function checklogin(){
	global $default_index_language, $langmsg;

	$username	= $_POST['loginname'];
	$password	= $_POST['loginpassword'];
	$rememberme	= $_POST['loginremember'];
	$all = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT user, email, uid FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ? AND newpass = ?", $username, md5(SALT . $password));
	if(count($all) > 0){
		$_SESSION['userlogged20'] = "true";
		$_SESSION['email'] = $all['0']['email'];
		$_SESSION['name'] = $all['0']['user'];
		$_SESSION['uid'] = $all['0']['uid'];
		$_SESSION['language'] = $default_index_language;
			setcookies($all['0']['user'], $all['0']['uid'], $default_index_language);
		return true;
		return false;
function formatloginform($loginform){
	global $templateid, $linkprefix, $loginerror;

	$_POST['loginname'] = (empty($_POST['loginname'])) ? '' : $_POST['loginname'];
	$error = (empty($error)) ? '' : $error;
	$username = (empty($username)) ? '' : $username;

	$loginform = str_replace("{username}", $_POST['loginname'], $loginform);
	$loginform = str_replace("{loginerror}", $loginerror, $loginform);
	$loginform = str_replace("{recaptcha}", "<div id=\"recaptcha_div\">" . recaptcha_get_html(PUBLICKEY, $error) . "</div>", $loginform);
	$loginform = str_replace("{username}", $username, $loginform);

	return $loginform;
function formatcommentsform($commentsform){
	global $templateid, $linkprefix, $langmsg;

	$_POST['email']		= (empty($_POST['email'])) ? '' : $_POST['email'];
	$_POST['name']		= (empty($_POST['name'])) ? '' : $_POST['name'];
	$_POST['message']	= (empty($_POST['message'])) ? '' : $_POST['message'];
	$_POST['S1']		= (empty($_POST['S1'])) ? '' : $_POST['S1'];
	$tmpname			= (empty($_SESSION['name'])) ? '' : $_SESSION['name'];
	$error				= (empty($error)) ? '' : $error;
	$message			= displayhtml($_POST['message']);
		$email = $_SESSION['email'];
			$tmpname	= $langmsg['news'][47];
			$email		= $langmsg['news'][48];
			$message	= $langmsg['news'][49];
			$email = displayhtml($_POST['email']);
			$tmpname = displayhtml($_POST['name']);

	$commentsform = str_replace("{id}",ID,$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace("{name}",$tmpname,$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace("{email}",$email,$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace("{message}",$message,$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace(DELIMITER,"",$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace("{template}",$templateid,$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace("{smilies}",getsmilies(),$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace("{url}",$linkprefix,$commentsform);
	$commentsform = str_replace("{recaptcha}", "<div id=\"recaptcha_div\">" . recaptcha_get_html(PUBLICKEY, $error) . "</div>", $commentsform);
	return $commentsform;
function checkcaptcha($skey, $verificationtype){
	if($verificationtype == "1"){
		if(md5(SALT . $skey) == $_SESSION['image_random_value']){
			return true;
			return false;
	}elseif($verificationtype == "2"){
		$resp = recaptcha_check_answer (PRIVATEKEY, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
			return true;
			//$error = $resp->error;
			return false;
		return true;
function sendunapprovednotifications($author, $title, $date){
	global $langmsg;
		$mailsubject = "New Unapproved";
		$mailmessage = $langmsg['news'][46];
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{author}",displayhtml($author),$mailmessage);
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{title}",displayhtml($title),$mailmessage);
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{date}",displayhtml($date),$mailmessage);
		$fromemail = "newcomment@" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
		$headers = 'From: New Unapproved <' . $fromemail . ">\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $fromemail . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
		foreach(explode(",", EMAILNOTIFY) AS $emails){
function sendcommentnotification($user,$message,$email,$ip,$pid){
	global $langmsg;
		$mailsubject = $langmsg['news'][41];
		$mailsubject = str_replace("{domain}",$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$mailsubject);
		$mailmessage = $langmsg['news'][42];
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{name}",displayhtml($user),$mailmessage);
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{email}",displayhtml($email),$mailmessage);
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{message}",displayhtml($message),$mailmessage);
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{ip}",$ip,$mailmessage);
		$fromemail = "newcomment@" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
		$headers = 'From: New Comment <' . $fromemail . ">\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $fromemail . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
		foreach(explode(",", EMAILNOTIFY) AS $emails){
function sendregisternotification($user,$email,$ip){
	global $langmsg;
		$mailsubject = $langmsg['news'][43];
		$mailsubject = str_replace("{domain}",$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$mailsubject);
		$mailmessage = $langmsg['news'][44];
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{name}",displayhtml($user),$mailmessage);
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{email}",displayhtml($email),$mailmessage);
		$mailmessage = str_replace("{ip}",$ip,$mailmessage);
		$fromemail = "newregistration@" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
		$headers = 'From: New Registration <' . $fromemail . ">\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $fromemail . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
		foreach(explode(",", EMAILNOTIFY) AS $emails){
function redirect($url){
    if(!headers_sent()) {
        header('Location: '.$url); exit;
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
        echo 'window.location.href="'.$url.'";';
        echo '</script>';
        echo '<noscript>';
        echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url='.$url.'" />';
        echo '</noscript>'; exit;

function formatnews($str,$type,$row){
	global $uploadedfilestemplate, $linkprefix, $newstimeformat,$stampzone, $templateid, $commentspop, $image_clickable, $catcutoff, $oneortwo, $news_layout, $comments_layout, $stripimg;
	$newsorder		= (empty($newsorder)) ? '' : $newsorder;
    $numcomments	= $row['commentcount'];

	$newstime = $newstimeformat;

	$str = str_replace("{oneortwo}", $oneortwo, $str);
	$usehtml = $row['usehtml'];
	$str = str_replace("{title}",bbcode($row['title'],$usehtml, $row['old']),$str);

	$str = str_replace("{friendlytitle}", makefriendly($row['title']), $str);
	$categories = '';
    $cats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT storyid, catid, type, uid, " . NEWS_CATS . ".name AS catname
        FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . "
        INNER JOIN " . NEWS_CATS . " ON " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = " . NEWS_CATS . ".id
        WHERE storyid = ? AND type = ? ORDER BY " . NEWS_CATS . ".name ASC", $row['id'], "news");
    $current_cats = array();
    foreach($cats AS $cat){
		$current_cats[] = $cat['catname'];
		$categories .= str_replace("{cat}", $cat['catname'], CATDELIMITER);

	$categories = substr($categories,0,strlen($categories) - $catcutoff);
	$str = str_replace("{categories}",$categories,$str);

	// if stripimg is true, remove images
	$stripimg = (empty($stripimg)) ? false : true;
		$row['story']		= strip_only($row['story'], "img");
		$row['shortstory']	= strip_only($row['shortstory'], "img");

	if($type == 0){
		if($news_layout == "0"){
				$str = str_replace("{shortstory}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("{summary}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("{story}","",$str);
				$str = str_replace("{article}","",$str);
					$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"%s%s-0-%s\">", PREFIX, $row['id'], makefriendly($row['title'])),$str);
					$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"?%s" . "id=%s\">", $linkprefix, $row['id']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("[/readmore]","</a>",$str);
				$str = str_replace("{shortstory}","",$str);
				$str = str_replace("{summary}","",$str);
				$str = str_replace("{story}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml, $row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("{article}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml, $row['old']),$str);
				$str = preg_replace('#\[readmore\](.*?)\[\/readmore\]#se', '', $str);
		}elseif($news_layout == "1"){
			$str = str_replace("{shortstory}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{summary}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{story}","",$str);
			$str = str_replace("{article}","",$str);			if(FRIENDLY){
			$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"%s%s-0-%s\">", PREFIX, $row['id'], makefriendly($row['title'])),$str);
				$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"?%s" . "id=%s\">", $linkprefix, $row['id']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("[/readmore]","</a>",$str);
		}elseif($news_layout == "2"){
			$str = str_replace("{shortstory}","",$str);
			$str = str_replace("{summary}","",$str);
			$str = str_replace("{story}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml, $row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{article}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml, $row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"%s%s-0-%s\">", PREFIX, $row['id'], makefriendly($row['title'])),$str);
				$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"?%s" . "id=%s\">", $linkprefix, $row['id']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("[/readmore]","</a>",$str);
		}elseif($news_layout == "3"){
			$str = str_replace("{shortstory}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{summary}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{story}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{article}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"%s%s-0-%s\">", PREFIX, $row['id'], makefriendly($row['title'])),$str);
				$str = str_replace("[readmore]", sprintf("<a href=\"?%s" . "id=%s\">", $linkprefix, $row['id']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("[/readmore]","</a>",$str);
		if($comments_layout == "0"){
				$str = str_replace("{shortstory}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("{summary}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("{story}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("{article}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
				$str = preg_replace('#\[readmore\](.*?)\[\/readmore\]#se', '', $str);
				$str = str_replace("{shortstory}","",$str);
				$str = str_replace("{summary}","",$str);
				$str = str_replace("{story}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml, $row['old']),$str);
				$str = str_replace("{article}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml, $row['old']),$str);
				$str = preg_replace('#\[readmore\](.*?)\[\/readmore\]#se', '', $str);
		}elseif($comments_layout == "1"){
			$str = str_replace("{shortstory}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{summary}",bbcode($row['shortstory'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{story}","",$str);
			$str = str_replace("{article}","",$str);
			$str = preg_replace('#\[readmore\](.*?)\[\/readmore\]#se', '', $str);
		}elseif($comments_layout == "2"){
			$str = str_replace("{shortstory}","",$str);
			$str = str_replace("{summary}","",$str);
			$str = str_replace("{story}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = str_replace("{article}",bbcode($row['story'],$usehtml,$row['old']),$str);
			$str = preg_replace('#\[readmore\](.*?)\[\/readmore\]#se', '', $str);
		$str = preg_replace('#\[loggedin\](.*?)\[\/loggedin\]#se', '$1', $str);
		$str = preg_replace('#\[loggedin\](.*?)\[\/loggedin\]#se', '', $str);
	$str = str_replace("{image}","<img src=\"" . $row['profile_image'] . "\" alt=\"" . $row['user'] . "\" />",$str);
		$str = str_replace("{author}","<span class=\"" . $row['accessname'] . "\">" . $row['origauthor'] . "</span>",$str);
		$str = str_replace("{author}","<span class=\"" . $row['accessname'] . "\">" . $row['user'] . "</span>",$str);
	$stampzone	= $row['timestamp'];
	$str		= str_replace("{date}",strftime($newstime,$stampzone),$str);
	$str		= str_replace("{id}",$row['id'],$str);
	$str		= str_replace("{viewcount}",$row['viewcount'],$str);
    $wordcount	= count(explode(" ", $row['story'] . $row['shortstory']));
    $str		= str_replace("{wordcount}",$wordcount,$str);

	$amountoffiles = $row['amountoffiles'];
	if($amountoffiles < 1){
		$str = preg_replace("/\[files\](.*?)\[\/files\]/se","",$str);
		$str = str_replace("[files]","",$str);
		$str = str_replace("[/files]","",$str);

		$files = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid AS fileuid, " . NEWS_USERS . ".user, " . NEWS_FILES . ".timestamp AS timestamp, " . NEWS_FILES . ".author AS author, " . NEWS_FILES . ".url AS url, " . NEWS_FILES . ".filesize AS filesize, " . NEWS_FILES . ".title AS title, " . NEWS_FILES . ".downloadcount AS downloadcount FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . "
		LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_FILES . " ON " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . ".fileid = " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid
		LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_FILES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
		WHERE storyid = ? ORDER BY " . NEWS_FILES . ".title ASC", $row['id']);
		$aafiles = '';
		$oneortwo_files = 'one';
		foreach($files AS $file){
			$afiles = $uploadedfilestemplate;
			$url = $file['url'];
					//$downloadurl = PREFIX . "download-" . $file['fileuid'];
					$downloadurl = SCRIPTPATH . "getdownload.php?goto=download&amp;fileuid=" . $file['fileuid'];
					$downloadurl = SCRIPTPATH . "getdownload.php?goto=download&amp;fileuid=" . $file['fileuid'];

			$uploader = $file['user'];
			$afiles = str_replace("{oneortwo}", $oneortwo_files, $afiles);
			$afiles = str_replace("{filetitle}",$file['title'],$afiles);
			$afiles = str_replace("{downloadcount}",$file['downloadcount'],$afiles);
			$afiles = str_replace("{filesize}",round($file['filesize'],1),$afiles);
			$afiles = str_replace("{filename}",basename($file['url']),$afiles);
			$afiles = str_replace("{url}",$downloadurl,$afiles);
			$afiles = str_replace("{uploader}",$uploader,$afiles);
			$afiles = str_replace("{filedate}",strftime(FILETIME,$file['timestamp']),$afiles);
			$aafiles .=  $afiles;
			if($oneortwo_files == 'one'){ $oneortwo_files = 'two'; }else{ $oneortwo_files = 'one'; }

		$str = str_replace("{files}",$aafiles,$str);

	// rating stars
	$currentrating = $row['rating'];
	$str = str_replace("{currentrating}",round($currentrating,3),$str);
	$ratingcount = $row['ratingcount'];
    $str = str_replace("{ratingcount}",$ratingcount,$str);

	$i = 1;
	$ratingstars = '';
	while($i <= 5){
		if(round($currentrating,0) < $i){
			$ratingstars .= "<img style=\"cursor: pointer\" onmouseover=\"ratingstarshover('id" . $row['id'] . "', '$i')\" onclick=\"senddata('rating', " . $row['id'] . ", $i)\" id=\"id" . $row['id'] . "_stars_$i\" src=\"" . IMAGEPATH . "stars_6.png\" alt=\"$i/5\" />";
			$ratingstars .= "<img style=\"cursor: pointer\" onmouseover=\"ratingstarshover('id" . $row['id'] . "', '$i')\" onclick=\"senddata('rating', " . $row['id'] . ", $i)\" id=\"id" . $row['id'] . "_stars_$i\" src=\"" . IMAGEPATH . "stars_7.png\" alt=\"$i/5\" />";

	#$str = str_replace("{ratingstars}","<img src=\"".$imagepath ."stars_0.png\" alt=\"0/5\" />",$str);
	$str = str_replace("{ratingstars}",$ratingstars,$str);

		$_SESSION['accessdata'] = (empty($_SESSION['accessdata'])) ? '' : $_SESSION['accessdata'];
		$accessdata = unserialize($_SESSION['accessdata']);
		if($accessdata['0']['viewips'] == "1"){
			$str = str_replace("{ip}",$row['ip'],$str);
			$str = str_replace("{ip}","",$str);
	$row['email'] = (empty($row['email'])) ? '' : $row['email'];
	$temail = ascii_encode($row['email']);
	$str = str_replace("[ email ]","<a href=\"mailto:$temail\">",$str);
	$str = str_replace("[ /email ]","</a>",$str);
	$str = str_replace("{email}",$row['email'],$str);
		$str = str_replace("[profile]", sprintf("<a href=\"%sprofile-%s\">", PREFIX, $row['user']),$str);
		$str = str_replace("[profile]", sprintf("<a href=\"?%sgoto=profile&user=%s\">", $linkprefix, $row['user']),$str);
	$str = str_replace("[/profile]","</a>",$str);
	if($commentspop == 0){
			$t = sprintf("<a href=\"%s%s-0-%s#comments\">", PREFIX, $row['id'], makefriendly($row['title']));
			$t = sprintf("<a href=\"?%sid=%s#comments\">", $linkprefix, $row['id']);
     		$t = sprintf("<a target=\"_NEW\" href=\"%s%s-0#comments\">", PREFIX, $row['id'], makefriendly($row['title']));
			$t = sprintf("<a target=\"_NEW\" href=\"?%sid=%s#comments\">", $linkprefix, $row['id']);
	if($type == 0){
		$str = str_replace("[comments]",$t,$str);
		$str = str_replace("[/comments]","</a>",$str);
		$str = str_replace("[comments]","",$str);
		$str = str_replace("[/comments]","",$str);
	$str = str_replace("{comments}",$numcomments,$str);
	$row['useravatar'] = (empty($row['useravatar'])) ? '' : $row['useravatar'];
	if($row['useravatar'] == "0" || $row['useravatar'] == ""){
		$str = str_replace("{avatar}","",$str);
		if(stristr($str, "{avatar}") === FALSE){
			// {avatar} tag not found, no point calling an extra query
			$str = str_replace("{avatar}","",$str);
			$useravatar = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT file FROM " . NEWS_IMAGES . " WHERE uid = ?", $row['useravatar']);
			$useravatar = $useravatar['0']['file'];
			$useravatar = UPLOADPATH . $useravatar;
			$str = str_replace("{avatar}","<img src=\"". $useravatar. "\">",$str);
	if($oneortwo == 'one'){ $oneortwo = 'two'; }else{ $oneortwo = 'one'; }
	return $str;

function deletecomment(){
	$commentid		= $_GET['deletecomment'];
	$commentdata	= DataAccess::fetch("SELECT user, pid FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE id = ?", $commentid);
	if(count($commentdata) > 0){
		$user			= $commentdata['0']['user'];
		$pid			= $commentdata['0']['pid'];

		// delete comments link
		$accessdata = unserialize($_SESSION['accessdata']);
		if($accessdata['0']['accesslevel'] > 1){
			// mod or admin, delete comment
			DataAccess::put("DELETE FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE id = ? AND pid = ?", $commentid, $pid);
			// update comment count on news article
				if($_SESSION['name'] == $user){
					// user owns this comment, delete it
					DataAccess::put("DELETE FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE id = ? AND pid = ?", $commentid, $pid);
					// update comment count on news article
					// do nothing
				// do nothing
function updatecommentcount($newsid){
	DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " SET commentcount = (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".pid = news30_story.id AND approved = '1') WHERE " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = ?", $newsid);
function formatcomments($str,$row){
	global $friendlytitle, $linkprefix, $oneortwo, $commentstimeformat;

	$str = str_replace("{oneortwo}", $oneortwo, $str);

	$commentstime = $commentstimeformat;

	$stampzone = $row['timestamp'];
	$avatar = $row['useravatar'];
        $avatar = "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" />";
        $avatar = '';

	$str = str_replace("{avatar}",$avatar,$str);
	$str = str_replace("{date}",strftime($commentstime,$stampzone),$str);

	$message = displayhtml($row['message']);
    foreach(unserialize(SMILIES) AS $smiley){
        $message = str_replace($smiley['keycode'],"<img src=\"" . $smiley['path'] . "\" />", $message);
	$message = substr($message, 0, COMMENTSLENGTH);

	$message = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $message);
	$message = trim($message);

	$author = displayhtml($row['user']);
		$str = str_replace("{author}","<span class=\"" . $row['accessname'] . "\">" . $row['user'] . "</span>",$str);
		$str = str_replace("{author}",$author,$str);

    $wordcount = count(explode(" ", $message));
    $str = str_replace("{wordcount}",$wordcount,$str);

	$str = str_replace("{message}",$message,$str);

		$accessdata = unserialize($_SESSION['accessdata']);
		if($accessdata['0']['viewips'] == "1"){
			$str = str_replace("{ip}",$row['ip'],$str);
			$str = str_replace("{ip}","",$str);
		$str = str_replace("{ip}","",$str);
	$email2 = htmlspecialchars($row['email']);

	$str = str_replace("{id}",$row['id'],$str);
	$str = str_replace("{email}",$email2,$str);
		$str = str_replace("[ email ]","",$str);
		$str = str_replace("[ /email ]","",$str);
		$temail = ascii_encode($row['email']);
				$str = str_replace("[ email ]","<a href=\"mailto:$temail\">",$str);
				$str = str_replace("[ email ]","<a href=\"$temail\">",$str);
		$str = str_replace("[ /email ]","</a>",$str);

		$str = preg_replace('#\[loggedin\](.*?)\[\/loggedin\]#se', '$1', $str);
		$str = preg_replace('#\[loggedin\](.*?)\[\/loggedin\]#se', '', $str);

	// delete comments link
		if($accessdata['0']['accesslevel'] > 1){
				$str = str_replace("[delete-link]", sprintf("<a href=\"%s%s-0-$friendlytitle?deletecomment=%s#comments\">", PREFIX, ID, $row['id']), $str);
				$str = str_replace("[/delete-link]", "</a>", $str);
				$str = str_replace("[delete-link]", sprintf("<a href=\"?%sid=%s&deletecomment=%s#comments\">", $linkprefix, ID, $row['id']), $str);
				$str = str_replace("[/delete-link]", "</a>", $str);
				if($_SESSION['name'] == $row['user']){
						$str = str_replace("[delete-link]", sprintf("<a href=\"%s%s-0-%s?deletecomment=%s#comments\">", PREFIX, ID, $friendlytitle, $row['id']), $str);
						$str = str_replace("[/delete-link]", "</a>", $str);
						$str = str_replace("[delete-link]", sprintf("<a href=\"?%sid=%s&deletecomment=%s#comments\">", $linkprefix, ID, $row['id']), $str);
						$str = str_replace("[/delete-link]", "</a>", $str);
					$str = preg_replace('#\[delete-link\](.*?)\[\/delete-link\]#se', '', $str);
				$str = preg_replace('#\[delete-link\](.*?)\[\/delete-link\]#se', '', $str);
		$str = preg_replace('#\[delete-link\](.*?)\[\/delete-link\]#se', '', $str);
    foreach(unserialize(FILTERS) AS $filter){
        $str = str_ireplace($filter['filter'], $filter['alt'], $str);
	if($oneortwo == 'one'){ $oneortwo = 'two'; }else{ $oneortwo = 'one'; }
	return $str;
function commentspagintation($type){
	global $linkprefix, $page, $start, $amountofpages, $friendlytitle;

	if($type == "currentpage"){
		$ccurrentpage = $page;
		return $ccurrentpage;
	if($type == "previouspage"){
		if($page <= 1){
			$cpreviouspage = 1;
			$cpreviouspage = ($page - 1);

		return $cpreviouspage;
	if($type == "nextpage"){

		$cnextpage = ($page + 1);
		if($cnextpage >= $amountofpages){
			$cnextpage = $amountofpages;

		return $cnextpage;
	if($type == "cpages"){
		$d = 1;
		$cpages = '';
		while($d <= $amountofpages){
			if($amountofpages == 1){
				if($d == $page){
					$cpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_cactive\">$d</span> ";
						$cpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, ID, $d, $friendlytitle, $d);
						$cpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"?%sid=%s&page=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, ID, $d, $d);
		return $cpages;
	if($type == "newpages"){
		$d = 1;
		$newpages = '';
		$maxtoshow = 3;
		if($amountofpages <= $maxtoshow){
			while($d <= $amountofpages){
				if($amountofpages == 1){
					if($d == $page){
						$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_cactive\">$d</span> ";
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, ID, $d, $friendlytitle, $d);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"?%s&id=%s&page=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, ID, $d, $d);
			if($page <= 1){
				$r = 1;
				while($r <= $maxtoshow){
					if($r == $page){
						$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_cactive\">$r</span> ";
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, ID, $r, $friendlytitle, $r);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"?%s&id=%s&page=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, ID, $r, $r);
			}elseif($page >= $amountofpages){
				$r = $page - $maxtoshow;
				while($r <= $amountofpages){
					if($r == $page){
						$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_cactive\">$r</span> ";
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, ID, $r, $friendlytitle, $r);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"?%s&id=%s&page=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, ID, $r, $r);
				$d = $page - 1;
				$r = 1;
				while($r <= $maxtoshow){
					if($d == $page){
						$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_cactive\">$d</span> ";
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, ID, $d, $friendlytitle, $d);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnonactive\" href=\"?%s" . "&id=%s&page=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, ID, $d, $d);
		return $newpages;
	if($type == "firstpagelink"){
		# [firstpage] & [/firstpage]
		if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
			$firstpagelink = "";
				$firstpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cfirstpage\" href=\"%s%s-1-%s\"> ", PREFIX, ID, $friendlytitle);
				$firstpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cfirstpage\" href=\"?%s&id=%s&page=1\"> ", $linkprefix, ID);
		return $firstpagelink;

	if($type == "nextlink"){
		# [next-link] & [/next-link]
		if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
			$nlink = "";
			$g = $page + 1;
				$nlink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnextlink\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">", PREFIX, ID, $g, $friendlytitle);
				$nlink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cnextlink\" href=\"?%sid=%s&page=%s\">", $linkprefix, ID, $g);
		return $nlink;

	if($type == "prevlink"){
		# [prev-link] & [/prev-link]
		if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
			$plink = "";
			$g = $page - 1;
				$plink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cprevlink\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\"> ", PREFIX, ID, $g, $friendlytitle);
				$plink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_cprevlinkh\" href=\"?%s&id=%s&page=%s\"> ", $linkprefix, ID, $g);
		return $plink;
	if($type == "lastpagelink"){
		# [lastpage] & [/lastpage]
		if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
			$lastpagelink = "";
				$lastpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_clastpage\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">", PREFIX, ID, $amountofpages, $friendlytitle);
				$lastpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_clastpage\" href=\"?%sid=%s&page=%s\">", $linkprefix, ID, $amountofpages);
		return $lastpagelink;
function newspagintation($type){
	global $amountofpages, $linkprefix, $page;
	if($type == "currentpage"){
		$currentpage = $page;
		return $currentpage;
	if($type == "previouspage"){
		if($page <= 1){
			$previouspage = 1;
			$previouspage = ($page - 1);

		return $previouspage;
	if($type == "nextpage"){
		$nextpage = ($page + 1);
		if($nextpage >= $amountofpages){
			$nextpage = $amountofpages;

		return $nextpage;
	if($type == "pages"){
		$pages = '';
		$d = 1;
		while($d <= $amountofpages){
			if($amountofpages == 1){
				if($d == $page){
					$pages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">$d</span> ";
						$pages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s%s-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, '0', $d, NEWSSUFFIX, $d);
						$pages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $d, $d);
		return $pages;
	if($type == "newpages"){
		$d = 1;
		$newpages = '';
		$maxtoshow = 3;
		if($amountofpages <= $maxtoshow){
			while($d <= $amountofpages){
				if($amountofpages !== 1){
					if($d == $page){
						$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">$d</span> ";
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, $d, NEWSSUFFIX, $d);
							$newpages .= "<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?$linkprefix" . "page=$d\">$d</a> ";
			if($page <= 1){
				$r = 1;
				while($r <= $maxtoshow){
					if($r == $page){
						$newpages .= "<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">$r</span> ";
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-1-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, NEWSSUFFIX, $r);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $r, $r);
			}elseif($page >= $amountofpages){
				$r = $page - $maxtoshow;
				while($r <= $amountofpages){
					if($r == $page){
						$newpages .= sprintf("<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">%s</span> ", $r);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, $r, NEWSSUFFIX, $r);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $r, $r);
				$d = $page - 1;
				$r = 1;
				while($r <= $maxtoshow){
					if($d == $page){
						$newpages .= sprintf("<span class=\"n13_pages_active\">$d</span> " ;
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">%s</a> ", PREFIX, $d, NEWSSUFFIX, $d);
							$newpages .= sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nonactive\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">%s</a> ", $linkprefix, $d, $d);
		return $newpages;

	if($type == "firstpage"){
		# [firstpage] & [/firstpage]
		if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
			$firstpagelink = "";
				$firstpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_firstpage\" href=\"%s0-1-%s\"> ", PREFIX, NEWSSUFFIX);
				$firstpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_firstpage\" href=\"?%spage=1\"> ", $linkprefix);
		return $firstpagelink;

	if($type == "prevlink"){
		# [prev-link] & [/prev-link]
		if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
			$plink = "";
			$g = $page - 1;
				$plink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_prevlink\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\"> ", PREFIX, $g, NEWSSUFFIX);
				$plink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_prevlink\" href=\"?%spage=%s\"> ", $linkprefix, $g);

		return $plink;

	if($type == "lastpage"){
		# [lastpage] & [/lastpage]
		if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
			$lastpagelink = "";
			$g = $page + 1;
				$lastpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_lastpage\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">", PREFIX, $amountofpages, NEWSSUFFIX);
				$lastpagelink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_lastpage\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">", $linkprefix, $amountofpages);
		return $lastpagelink;

	if($type == "nextlink"){
		# [next-link] & [/next-link]
		if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
			$nlink = "";
			$g = $page + 1;
				$nlink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nextlink\" href=\"%s0-%s-%s\">", PREFIX, $g, NEWSSUFFIX);
				$nlink = sprintf("<a class=\"n13_pages_nextlink\" href=\"?%spage=%s\">", $linkprefix, $g);
		return $nlink;

function formatcommentspagintation(){
	global $cpagintation, $plink, $firstpagelink, $nlink, $lastpagelink, $pages, $newpages, $ccurrentpage, $cpreviouspage, $cnextpage, $cpid, $cfriendlytitle;
		$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[prev-link\](.*?)\[\/prev-link\]#se','', $cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[firstpage\](.*?)\[\/firstpage\]#se','', $cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[lastpage\](.*?)\[\/lastpage\]#se','', $cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = preg_replace('#\[next-link\](.*?)\[\/next-link\]#se','', $cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("[prev-link]", $plink,$cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("[firstpage]", $firstpagelink,$cpagintation);

	if($plink == ""){
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "",$cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "",$cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("[next-link]", $nlink,$cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("[lastpage]", $lastpagelink,$cpagintation);
	if($nlink == ""){
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "",$cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "",$cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
		$cpagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "</a>",$cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("{pages}", $pages,$cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("{newpages}", $newpages,$cpagintation);

	$cpagintation = str_replace("{currentpage}", $ccurrentpage, $cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("{previouspage}", $cpreviouspage, $cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("{nextpage}", $cnextpage, $cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("{pid}", ID, $cpagintation);
	$cpagintation = str_replace("{friendlytitle}", $cfriendlytitle, $cpagintation);
	return $cpagintation;
function formatnewspagintation(){
	global $npagintation, $pages,$newpages,$firstpagelink,$plink,$lastpagelink,$nlink, $currentpage, $nextpage, $previouspage;
		$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[prev-link\](.*?)\[\/prev-link\]#se','', $npagintation);
		$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[firstpage\](.*?)\[\/firstpage\]#se','', $npagintation);
		$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[lastpage\](.*?)\[\/lastpage\]#se','', $npagintation);
		$npagintation = preg_replace('#\[next-link\](.*?)\[\/next-link\]#se','', $npagintation);

	$npagintation = str_replace("[prev-link]", $plink,$npagintation);
	$npagintation = str_replace("[firstpage]", $firstpagelink,$npagintation);

	if($plink == ""){
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "",$npagintation);
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "",$npagintation);
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/prev-link]", "</a>",$npagintation);
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/firstpage]", "</a>",$npagintation);
	$npagintation = str_replace("[next-link]", $nlink,$npagintation);
	$npagintation = str_replace("[lastpage]", $lastpagelink,$npagintation);
	if($nlink == ""){
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "",$npagintation);
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "",$npagintation);
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/next-link]", "</a>",$npagintation);
		$npagintation = str_replace("[/lastpage]", "</a>",$npagintation);
	$npagintation = str_replace("{pages}", $pages,$npagintation);
	$npagintation = str_replace("{newpages}", $newpages,$npagintation);

	$npagintation = str_replace("{currentpage}", $currentpage, $npagintation);
	$npagintation = str_replace("{previouspage}", $previouspage, $npagintation);
	$npagintation = str_replace("{nextpage}", $nextpage, $npagintation);
	return $npagintation;
function strip_only($str, $tags, $stripContent = false) {
	$content = '';
	if(!is_array($tags)) {
		$tags = (strpos($str, '>') !== false ? explode('>', str_replace('<', '', $tags)) : array($tags));
		if(end($tags) == '') array_pop($tags);
	foreach($tags as $tag) {
		if ($stripContent)
			$content = '(.+</'.$tag.'[^>]*>|)';
		$str = preg_replace('#</?'.$tag.'[^>]*>'.$content.'#is', '', $str);
	return $str;
function displayhtml($str){
	$str = str_replace("&","&amp;",$str);
	$str = str_replace("<","&lt;",$str);
	$str = str_replace(">","&gt;",$str);
	$str = str_replace("\"","&quot;",$str);
	return $str;
function addrating($parent, $value){
	###update rating system
		$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
		$alreadyrated = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT COUNT(uid) AS alreadyrated FROM " . NEWS_RATING . " WHERE ip = ? AND storyid = ?", $ip, $parent);
		$alreadyrated = $alreadyrated['0']['alreadyrated'];
		if($alreadyrated == (int)"1"){
			return "Already rated";
			#make sure the user enters onl 1-5
			if($value == (int)"1" || $value == (int)"2" || $value == (int)"3" || $value == (int)"4" || $value == (int)"5"){
				#add rating
				DataAccess::put("INSERT INTO " . NEWS_RATING . " (vote,ip,storyid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", $value, $ip, $parent);
				$average = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT avg(vote) AS average FROM " . NEWS_RATING . " WHERE storyid = ?", $parent);
				$average = $average['0']['average'];
				DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " SET rating = ? WHERE id = ?", $average, $parent);
				return "Success";
				#incase the user tries to post with a value other than 1-5
				#do nothing
				return false;
		#$ratingvalue = slash2($_POST['ratingvalue']);
		#echo $ratingvalue;
function nothingtoseehere($str){
	//move along now
	return $str . base64_decode("PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0idGV4dC1hbGlnbjogY2VudGVyOyBmb250LWZhbWlseTogVmVyZGFuYTsgZm9udC1zaXplOiA4cHQiPlBvd2VyZWQgYnkgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL25ldHdvcmstMTMuY29tIj5OLTEzIE5ld3M8L2E+PC9kaXY+");
function dologout(){
	DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_USERS . " SET cookie = ? , language = ? WHERE uid = ?", "", "", $_SESSION['uid']);
	setcookie('data', false);
	setcookie('name', false);
	setcookie('language', false);
	header ("Location: ?");
function setcookies($name,$uid,$language){
	$hash	= rand(0,9999999);
	$hash	= md5(SALT . $hash);
	if(!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/language/' . basename($_SESSION['language']) . '.php')){
		$language = 'English';

	DataAccess::put("UPDATE " . NEWS_USERS . " SET cookie = ?, language = ? WHERE user = ?", $hash, $language, $name);
	setcookie("data", $hash, time()+60*60*24*90);
	setcookie("name", $name, time()+60*60*24*90);
	setcookie("language", $language, time()+60*60*24*90);

function checkcookie(){
	$_COOKIE['data']	= (empty($_COOKIE['data'])) ? '' : $_COOKIE['data'];

	$_COOKIE['name']	= (empty($_COOKIE['name'])) ? '' : $_COOKIE['name'];
		$data = $_COOKIE['data'];
		$user = $_COOKIE['name'];
		$cookie_exists = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT email, user, uid, language FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ? AND cookie = ?", $user, $data);
		if(count($cookie_exists) > 0){
			$uid		= $cookie_exists['0']['uid'];
			$language	= $cookie_exists['0']['language'];
			$name		= $cookie_exists['0']['user'];
			$email		= $cookie_exists['0']['email'];
			$_SESSION['userlogged20']	= "true";
			$_SESSION['name']			= $name;
			$_SESSION['email']			= $email;
			$_SESSION['uid']			= $uid;
			$_SESSION['language']		= $language;

function uniqueid2(){
	$id = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
	$id = md5($id);
	$id = substr($id,0,20);
	return $id;
function makefriendly($str){
	$str = str_replace("%20","-",$str);
	$str = preg_replace("/[^a-z\d]/i", "-", $str);
	$str = str_replace("--", "-", $str);
	$str = str_replace("--", "-", $str);
	$str = trim($str, "-");
	$str = $str . SUFFIX;
	return $str;
function ascii_encode($string) {
	$i = strlen($string);
	$s = 0;
	$encoded = '';
	while($s < $i){
	$encoded .= "&#" . ord(substr($string,$s)) . ";";
	return $encoded;
function slash2($string) {
#	if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
#		return $string;
#	}else{
#		return addslashes($string);
#	}
return $string;
function uniqueid(){
	$str = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
	$str = substr($str,rand(0,16),16);
	return $str;
function bbcode($str,$usehtml,$style){
	global $image_clickable;
	$str = bb2html($str,$usehtml,$style);
	return $str;
function getsmilies(){
	$allsmilies = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT keycode,path FROM " . NEWS_SMILIES . " WHERE showhide = ? ORDER BY 0+ID", "1");
	$smilies = '';
	foreach($allsmilies AS $smiley){
		$smilies .= "<a href=\"javascript:insertsmiley('" . $smiley['keycode'] . "');\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"" . $smiley['path'] . "\" alt=\"" . $smiley['keycode'] . "\"></a>\n";
	$jscript	= "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
	$jscript	.= " //<![CDATA[\n";
	$jscript	.= " function insertsmiley(key){\n";
	$jscript	.= " document.commentsform.message.value=document.commentsform.message.value+' '+ key;\n";
	$jscript	.= " document.commentsform.message.focus();\n";
	$jscript	.= "}\n";
	$jscript	.= "//]]>";
	$jscript	.= "\n</script>\n";
	return $jscript . $smilies;

function allnews(){
	global $langmsg, $postids;
	$all = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT access, " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid, " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel as accesslevel FROM " . NEWS_USERS . "
	LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
	WHERE user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	$all	= $all['0'];
	$access	= $all['accesslevel'];
	$id		= $all['uid'];
	if($_GET['archives'] == "true"){
		$showarchives = '1';
		$showarchives = '0';
	$_GET['filtercat'] = (empty($_GET['filtercat'])) ? '' : $_GET['filtercat'];
	if($access == "3"){
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
			WHERE archived = '$showarchives'";
			$sql .= " AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
			$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
			WHERE archived = '$showarchives'";
			$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
	}elseif($access == 2){
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
			WHERE (author = '$id' OR " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel = '1') AND archived = '$showarchives'";
			$sql .= " AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
			$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
			WHERE (author = '$id' OR " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel = '1') AND archived = '$showarchives'";
			$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
	}elseif($access == 1){
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
			WHERE author = '$id' AND archived = '$showarchives'";
			$sql .= " AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
			$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
			LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
			WHERE author = '$id' AND archived = '$showarchives'";
			$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);

	$totalnews = count($allnews);
	$_SESSION['newsoptions'] = (empty($_SESSION['newsoptions'])) ? '' : $_SESSION['newsoptions'];
	if($_SESSION['newsoptions'] == true){
		$_POST['changeoptions'] = (empty($_POST['changeoptions'])) ? '' : $_POST['changeoptions'];
			$_SESSION['amounttoshow']	= $_POST['newsoptions_amount'];
			$_SESSION['sortby']			= $_POST['newsoptions_sort'];
			$_SESSION['order']			= $_POST['newsoptions_order'];
			$_SESSION['newsoptions']	= true;
			$amounttoshow				= $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
			$sortby						= $_SESSION['sortby'];
			$order						= $_SESSION['order'];
			$amounttoshow	= $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
			$sortby			= $_SESSION['sortby'];
			$order			= $_SESSION['order'];
			if(!$order){ $order = 'DESC'; }
		$_POST['changeoptions'] = (empty($_POST['changeoptions'])) ? '' : $_POST['changeoptions'];
			$_SESSION['amounttoshow']	= $_POST['newsoptions_amount'];
			$_SESSION['sortby']			= $_POST['newsoptions_sort'];
			$_SESSION['order']			= $_POST['newsoptions_order'];
			$_SESSION['newsoptions']	= true;
			$amounttoshow				= $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
			$sortby						= $_SESSION['sortby'];
			$order						= $_SESSION['order'];
			$sortby						= NEWS_ARTICLES . '.timestamp';
			$amounttoshow				= 15;
			$order						= 'DESC';
			$_SESSION['order']			= $order;
			$_SESSION['newsoptions']	= true;
			$_SESSION['amounttoshow']	= $amounttoshow;
			$_SESSION['sortby']			= $sortby;
			$_SESSION['newsoptions']	= true;

	#$amounttoshow = 15;
	#$amounttoshow = $_POST['newsoptions_amount'];
	$_GET['page'] = (empty($_GET['page'])) ? '' : $_GET['page'];
	$page = $_GET['page'];
	$amountofpages = ceil($totalnews / $amounttoshow);
		$start = 0;
		$page = 1;
			$page = 1;
		if($page > $amountofpages){
			$start = 0;
			$page = 1;
			$start = $page * $amounttoshow - $amounttoshow;

	if($access == "3"){
		$sql	= "SELECT DISTINCT title, story, shortstory, author, origauthor, ip, timestamp, allowcomments, short, approved, id, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".pid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS numcomments,
				" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id AS postid, " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved AS postapproved,
				(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS totalfiles,
				(SELECT " . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author) AS authorname,
				" . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . "
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
				WHERE archived = '$showarchives' ";
			$sql .= "AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
		$sql .= " ORDER BY $sortby $order LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow";
	}elseif($access == "2"){
		$sql	= "SELECT DISTINCT title, story, shortstory, author, origauthor, ip, timestamp, allowcomments, short, approved, id, " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved AS postapproved, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".pid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS numcomments,
				" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id AS postid,
				(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS totalfiles,
				(SELECT " . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author) AS authorname,
				" . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . "
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " on " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
				WHERE (author = '$id' OR " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".accesslevel = '1')
				AND archived = '$showarchives' ";
			$sql .= "AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
		$sql .= " ORDER BY $sortby $order LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow";
	}elseif($access == "1"){
		$sql	= "SELECT DISTINCT title, story, shortstory, author, origauthor, ip, timestamp, allowcomments, short, approved, id, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . NEWS_COMMENTS . " WHERE " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".pid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS numcomments,
				" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id AS postid, " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved AS postapproved,
				(SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id) AS totalfiles,
				(SELECT " . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author) AS authorname,
				" . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . "
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " ON " . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".id = " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".storyid
				WHERE author = '$id'
				AND archived = '$showarchives' ";
			$sql .= "AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".type = 'news' AND " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . ".catid = ?";
		$sql .= " ORDER BY $sortby $order LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow";
	$d = 1;
	$pages = '';
	while($d <= $amountofpages){
		if($amountofpages !== 1){
			if($d == $page){
				$pages .= "<span class=\"page2\">$d</span> ";
				$pages .= "<a class=\"page1\" href=\"admin.php?action=editnews&filtercat=$_GET[filtercat]&archives=$_GET[archives]&page=$d\">$d</a> ";
	if($amountofpages == 1 || $page == 1){
		$plink = "";
		$g = $page - 1;
		$plink = "<a class=\"page1\" href=\"admin.php?action=editnews&filtercat=$_GET[filtercat]&archives=$_GET[archives]&page=$g\"><</a> ";

	if($amountofpages == $page || $amountofpages == 0){
		$nlink = "";
		$g = $page + 1;
		$nlink = "<a class=\"page1\" href=\"admin.php?action=editnews&filtercat=$_GET[filtercat]&archives=$_GET[archives]&page=$g\">></a>";
		$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql, $_GET['filtercat']);
		$allnews = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
	$shownnews = count($allnews);
	$langmsg['editnews'][1] = $langmsg['editnews'][1] . " <b>$shownnews</b> " . $langmsg['editnews'][21] . " <b>$totalnews</b> " . $langmsg['editnews'][22];
	echo "<div onclick=\"toggle_section2('newsoptions')\" class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"cursor: pointer\"><div style=\"float: right\">";

	echo "<span style=\"cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;\">".$langmsg['editnews'][2]."</span>&nbsp;</div>".$langmsg['editnews'][1]."</div><form style=\"margin: 0px\" method=\"POST\" name=\"editform\" id=\"editform\" action=\"?action=editnews&archives=" . $_GET['archives'] . "&filtercat=" . $_GET['filtercat'] . "\">\n";
	echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body displaytable\" style=\"";
		echo "display: table";
		echo "display: none;";
	echo "text-align: left; margin-bottom: 18px; width: 691px\" id=\"section_newsoptions\">";
	if($_GET['archives']){ $archives = "true"; }else{ $archives = ''; }
	echo $langmsg['editnews'][25] . " <select onchange=\"editnews_filtercat('$archives');\" id=\"filter_cat\" style=\"margin-right: 6px; margin-top: -2px\" name=\"filter_cat\">";

	$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	$allowedcats = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];

	$d = '';
	if($allowedcats !== "all"){
		$a = explode(",",$allowedcats);
		foreach($a as $c){
			$d .= "id LIKE '$c' OR ";
	$d = substr($d,0,(strlen($d) - 3));
	$d = "WHERE " . $d;

	$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $d ORDER BY name";

	$selcats = DataAccess::fetch($sql);
	echo "<option value=\"\"></option>";
	foreach($selcats AS $row){
		echo "<option value=\"$row[id]\"";
		if($_GET['filtercat'] == $row['id']){
			echo " selected=\"selected\"";
		echo ">" . $row['name'] . "</option>";

	echo "</select>";
	echo "<hr />";
	echo $langmsg['editnews'][3] . " <select name=\"newsoptions_amount\">";
	$amount = $_SESSION['amounttoshow'];
	for($i=1; $i<=50; $i++){
		echo "<option";
		if($amount == $i){
			echo " selected=\"selected\"";
		echo " value=\"$i\">$i</option>";
	$sort = $_SESSION['sortby'];
	echo "</select> ".$langmsg['editnews'][4]." <select name=\"newsoptions_sort\">";
	echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".timestamp\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".timestamp"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][11]."</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".title\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".title"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][12]."</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".author"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][13]."</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"numcomments\""; if($sort == "numcomments"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">".$langmsg['selectfield'][15]."</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"" . NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved\""; if($sort == NEWS_ARTICLES . ".approved"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">Approval</option>";
	echo "</select>";
	echo " ".$langmsg['editnews'][5]." ";
	$order = $_SESSION['order'];
	echo "<select name=\"newsoptions_order\">";
	echo "<option value=\"ASC\""; if($order == "ASC"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">Ascending</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"DESC\""; if($order == "DESC"){ echo " selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">Descending</option>";
	echo "</select> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"changeoptions\" value=\"".$langmsg['submitfield'][0]."\" />";
	echo "<br><br></div>";

	$i = 0;
	$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT * FROM " . NEWS_CATS . "");
	$cats = array();
	foreach($allcats AS $row2){
		$cats[$i] = array("name" => $row2['name'], "id" => $row2['id']);
	echo "<br />";
	echo "<table id=\"rows\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n";
	echo "<tr><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\"></td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"25%\">".$langmsg['editnews'][7]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['editnews'][8]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0); showalleditnewscats()\">".$langmsg['editnews'][9]."</a></td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"11%\">".$langmsg['editnews'][10]."&nbsp;</td><td width=\"15%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >".$langmsg['editnews'][11]."</td><td width=\"15%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['editnews'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\"><input name=\"allcheck\" id=\"allcheck\" onclick=\"selectall()\" type=\"checkbox\" /></td></tr>\n";

	$tmpcolor = "1";
	$d = 1;
	$postids = array();
	foreach($allnews AS $row){
		if($tmpcolor == 1){
			$class = "row1";
			$tmpcolor = 2;
		}elseif($tmpcolor = 2){
			$class = "row2";
			$tmpcolor = 1;
		echo "  <tr onmouseover=\"markfield('$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('$d')\" id=\"$d\" class=\"$class\">\n";
		$numcomments = $row['numcomments'];
		if($row['allowcomments'] == "0"){
			$numcomments = $langmsg['editnews'][20];
		$title = $row['title'];
		$totalfiles = $row['totalfiles'];
		$title = "$title";
		if($row['totalfiles'] > 0){
			$hasfiles = "<img class=\"slink\" src=\"images/icons/page_white_office.png\" onclick=\"showhideeditnewsfiles('files_" . $d . "')\" style=\"\" />";
			$hasfiles = '';
		echo "    <td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\"><a href=\"?action=editnews&id=$row[postid]\"><img src=\"images/icons/pencil.png\" alt=\"Edit\" Title=\"Edit\" /></a>$hasfiles</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\"><div style=\"height: 17px; width: 136px; overflow: hidden\">$title</div></td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">";
			echo $row['origauthor'];
			echo $row['user'];
		if($row['postapproved'] == "1"){
			$approved = "<span style=\"color: #00AA00\">" . $langmsg['editnews'][14] . "</span>";
			$approved = "<span style=\"color: #AA0000\">" . $langmsg['editnews'][15] . "</span>";
		$groupcats 		= DataAccess::fetch("SELECT * FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = ? AND storyid = ?", "news", $row['postid']);
		$catsperstory	= count($groupcats);
		$dcats = '';
		foreach($groupcats AS $row2){
			$dcats .= ":".$row2['catid'].":";
		if(count($cats) > 0){
			foreach($cats as $cat){
				$dcats = str_replace(":" . $cat['id'] . ":",$cat['name'] .", ",$dcats);
		$dcats = substr($dcats,0,strlen($dcats) - 2);
		if($catsperstory > 0){
			$g = "<a href=\"#\" id=\"showcatlink_$row[postid]\" onclick=\"this.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('showcats_$row[postid]').style.display = '';\">".$langmsg['editnews'][13]."</a>";
			$g = "<a href=\"#\" id=\"showcatlink_$row[postid]\" onclick=\"this.style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('showcats_$row[postid]').style.display = '';\"></a>";
		echo "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$g<span style=\"display: none\" id=\"showcats_$row[postid]\">$dcats</span>";
		echo "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . date("d-m-y" ,$row['timestamp']) . "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$approved</td><td align=center class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\"><a href=\"?action=editcomments&pid=$row[postid]\">$numcomments</a></td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('$d') }\" value=\"$row[postid]\" id=\"check_$d\" name=\"selectedposts[]\">";
		echo "</td></tr>\n";
		if($row['totalfiles'] > 0){
			echo "<tr style=\"display: none\" id=\"files_$d\"><td style=\"\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF\" colspan=\"8\">";
			echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF\" cellspacing=\"0\">";
			echo "<tr><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" style=\"width: 136px;\">" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][33] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][34] . "</td><td class=\"tableshead\" >" . $langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25];
			$files = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title, url, filesize, downloadcount, author, timestamp FROM " . NEWS_FILES . " WHERE uid IN (SELECT fileid FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = ?)", $row['postid']);
			foreach($files AS $file){
				echo "<tr>";
				echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">";
				#echo "<img src=\"images/icons/page_white_office.png\" style=\"postition: absolute; float: left; margin-left: -20px;\" />";
				echo $file['title'] . "</td>";
				echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . basename($file['url']) . "</td>";
				echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . $file['downloadcount'] . "</td>";
				echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . round($file['filesize'],1) . " KB</td>";
				echo "<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" . date("j-m-y",$file['timestamp']) . "</td>";
				$uploader = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT user FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE uid = ?", $file['author']);
				$uploader = $uploader['0']['user'];
				echo "<td class=\"tablebody\">$uploader</td>";
				echo "</tr>";
			echo "</table>";
		$postids[] = $row['postid'];

	echo "</table>\n";
	echo "<div align=\"right\" style=\"float: right\">";
	echo "<select name=\"action\" id=\"action\" onclick=\"editnewsaction();\">";
	echo "<option value=\"\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][0]."</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"addtoarchive\">Add to archive</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"removefromarchive\">Remove from archive</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"allowcomments\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][5]."</option>";
	$canapprove = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".canapprove FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	$canapprove = $canapprove['0']['canapprove'];
	if($canapprove == "1"){
		echo "<option value=\"changeapproval\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][6]."</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"resetview\">" . $langmsg['selectfield'][20] . "</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"resetratings\">" . $langmsg['selectfield'][21] . "</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"delete\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][3]."</option>";
	echo "</select>&nbsp;";
	echo "<select style=\"margin-right: 2px; display: none\" id=\"allowcomments\" name=\"allowcomments\"><option value=\"1\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][1]."</option><option value=\"0\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][2]."</option><option value=\"2\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][4]."</option></select>";
	echo "<select id=\"approveaction\" style=\"margin-right: 2px; display: none\" name=\"approveaction\">";
	echo "<option value=\"1\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][9]."</option>";
	echo "<option value=\"0\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][10]."</option>";
	echo "</select>";
	echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"".$langmsg['submitfield'][0]."\" class=\"nostyle\" onclick=\"doeditaction();\" name=\"S1\" /></div>";
	if($amountofpages > 1){
		echo "<br />";
		echo "<br />";
		echo "<div style=\"float: right\">$plink $pages $nlink</div>";
	$_SESSION['formauth'] = md5(HASH . time());
	echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formauth\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['formauth'] . "\" />";
	echo "</form>\n";
function selectimages(){
	global $langmsg, $imageuploaddir, $imageupload_thumbnails;
	echo "<div style=\"display: none\" id=\"whichbox\">x</div>";
	echo "<div style=\"position: absolute; width: 580px; left: 35%; display: none; z-index: 10001\" id=\"imagebox\">";
	echo "<div style=\"width:580px; height: 340px; background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; position: absolute; left: -190px\">";
	echo "<a style=\"float: right; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"bbcode('image','story')\">[close]</a><span class=\"header\" style=\"padding-left: 0px; background-color: #FFFFFF\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][23] . "</span>";
	echo "<hr />";
	echo "<input id=\"imageurl\" type=\"text\" style=\"width: 300px\" value=\"http://\" /> <input type=\"button\" onclick=\"insertimage(document.getElementById('whichbox').innerHTML,''+ document.getElementById('imageurl').value + ''); bbcode('image','')\" value=\"" . $langmsg['newsform'][24] . "\" />";

	echo "<br />";
	echo "<br />";
	echo "<span style=\"float: right\">";
	echo "<select name=\"news_selectcat\" onchange=\"newschangecatgroup();\" id=\"news_selectcat\">";
	echo "<option value=\"1\"></option>";

	$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	if($allowedcats['0']['cats'] !== "all"){
		$e = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
		if(!$e){ $e = ''; }else{ $e = "WHERE id IN ($e)"; }
		$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $e ORDER BY name");
		$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name");

	$g = 2;
	foreach($allcats AS $row){
		echo "<option value=\"$g\"";
		$_GET['catid'] = (empty($_GET['catid'])) ? '' : $_GET['catid'];
		if(in_array($_GET['catid'], $allcats)){
			echo " selected=\"selected\"";
		echo ">" . $row['name'] . "</option>";

	echo "</select>";
	echo "</span>";
	echo "<span class=\"header\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF; padding-left: 0px\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][25] . "</span>";
	echo '<hr style="clear: both; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF" />
	<hr style="clear: both;" />';

	$b = 0;
	echo "<div style=\"height: 225px; width: 580px; overflow: auto\">";

	// container for loading thumbnails
	echo "<div id=\"thumbnails_container\">";

	#get all images not assigned to cats
	echo "<div id=\"imagecat_1\">";
	#echo $xsql;
	$noncatimages = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT file,filesize,uploader,height,width,uid FROM " . NEWS_IMAGES . " WHERE uid NOT IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = 'image') ORDER BY uid DESC");
	$totalfilesize = 0;
	foreach($noncatimages AS $row){
		$file = $row['file'];
		list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($imageuploaddir . $file);
		if($width > 80 || $height > 80){
			$new_width	= $width;
			$new_height	= $height;
			$percent = 0.9;
			while($new_width > 80|| $new_height > 80){
				$new_width	= $width * $percent;
				$new_height	= $height * $percent;
				$percent	= $percent - 0.01;
			$new_width	= $width;
			$new_height	= $height;

		$filesize = round(filesize($imageuploaddir . $file) / 1024,0);
		$totalfilesize += $filesize;
		$filesize .= " KB";
		$x = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
		$x = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),SCRIPTPATH . 'uploads/' . $file,$x);

		echo '<div style="float: left; width: 112px; height: 130px"><div id="'.$b.'" class="thumbnail" style="cursor: pointer">';
		echo '<div style="text-align: left">';

		echo '</div>';
		if($imageupload_thumbnails == "1"){
			echo "<img onclick=\"insertimage(document.getElementById('whichbox').innerHTML,'";
			echo UPLOADPATH . $file;
			echo "'); bbcode('image','')\" width=\"$new_width\" height=\"$new_height\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD\" src=\"?action=options&mod=imageuploads&thumb=" . UPLOADPATH . $file . "&height=$new_height&width=$new_width\" />";
			echo '<img onclick="insertimage(document.getElementById(\'whichbox\').innerHTML,\''.UPLOADPATH . $file.'\'); bbcode(\'image\',\'\')" width="'.$new_width.'" height="'.$new_height.'" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD" src="'.$imageuploaddir.$file.'" />';
		echo '</div></div>';
	echo "</div>";

	echo "</div>";

	echo '</div></div>';

	echo "</div>";
	echo "</div>";
	echo "</div>";

function newsform($type){
	global $imageuploaddir,$newsform_options, $langmsg, $imageupload_thumbnails;
	$_SESSION['formauth'] = md5(HASH . time());
	$uploaddir = $imageuploaddir;

		$allowcomments	= 1;
		$day			= date('d',time());
		$month			= date('F',time());
		$year			= date('Y',time());
		$hour			= date('H',time());
		$minute			= date('i',time());
		$second			= date('s',time());

		$archive_day		= date('d',time());
		$archive_month		= date('F',time());
		$archive_year		= date('Y',time());
		$archive_hour		= date('H',time());
		$archive_minute		= date('i',time());
		$archive_second		= date('s',time());
		$neverarchive		= $newsform_options['never_archive'];
		$togglesummary		= $newsform_options['toggle_summary'];
		$allowcomments		= $newsform_options['allow_comments'];
		$togglearchive		= $newsform_options['toggle_archive'];
		$toggledate			= $newsform_options['toggle_date'];

		$title				= $langmsg['news'][50];
		$story				= '';
		$shortstory			= '';

		$changecolor		= "onfocus=\"this.style.color='#000000'; if(this.value=='" . $langmsg['news'][50] . "'){ this.value=''; }\" style=\"width: 99%; color: #AAAAAA\" ";

		if($_GET['action'] == "editnews"){
				$id					= $_GET['id'];
				$all				= DataAccess::fetch("SELECT old,title,story,shortstory,author,origauthor,ip,timestamp,allowcomments,short,approved,viewcount,rating,archivedate,neverarchive,archived,id FROM " . NEWS_ARTICLES . " WHERE id = ?", $id);
				$title				= displayhtml($all['0']['title']);
				if($all['0']['old'] == "1"){
					$story			= bbcode(displayhtml($all['0']['story']), '1', '1');
					$shortstory		= bbcode(displayhtml($all['0']['shortstory']), '1', '1');
					$story			= displayhtml($all['0']['story']);
					$shortstory		= displayhtml($all['0']['shortstory']);
					$togglesummary = '1';
					$togglesummary = '0';
				$allowcomments		= htmlspecialchars($all['0']['allowcomments']);
				$day	= date('d',$all['0']['timestamp']);
				$month	= date('F',$all['0']['timestamp']);
				$year	= date('Y',$all['0']['timestamp']);
				$hour	= date('H',$all['0']['timestamp']);
				$minute	= date('i',$all['0']['timestamp']);
				$second	= date('s',$all['0']['timestamp']);

				$archive_day	= date('d',$all['0']['archivedate']);
				$archive_month	= date('F',$all['0']['archivedate']);
				$archive_year	= date('Y',$all['0']['archivedate']);
				$archive_hour	= date('H',$all['0']['archivedate']);
				$archive_minute	= date('i',$all['0']['archivedate']);
				$archive_second	= date('s',$all['0']['archivedate']);
				$neverarchive	= $all['0']['neverarchive'];
			$changecolor		= 'style="width: 99%" ';
				$newsform_options['toggle_summary'] = "1";
		$day	= $_POST['day'];
		$month	= $_POST['month'];
		$year	= $_POST['year'];
		$hour	= $_POST['hour'];
		$minute	= $_POST['minute'];
		$second	= $_POST['second'];

		$archive_day	= (empty($_POST['archive_day'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_day'];
		$archive_month	= (empty($_POST['archive_month'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_month'];
		$archive_year	= (empty($_POST['archive_year'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_year'];
		$archive_hour	= (empty($_POST['archive_hour'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_hour'];
		$archive_minute	= (empty($_POST['archive_minute'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_minute'];
		$archive_second	= (empty($_POST['archive_second'])) ? '' : $_POST['archive_second'];
		$neverarchive	= (empty($_POST['neverarchive'])) ? '' : $_POST['neverarchive'];

		$allowcomments		= htmlspecialchars($_POST['allowcomments']);
		$title				= displayhtml($_POST['title']);
		$shortstory			= displayhtml($_POST['shortstory']);
		$story				= displayhtml($_POST['story']);

		$changecolor		= 'style="width: 99%" ';
			$togglesummary = '1';
			$togglesummary = '0';

	if($type == "addnews"){
		echo "<form method=\"POST\" name=\"post\" action=\"?action=addnews\">\n";
		echo "<form method=\"POST\" name=\"post\" action=\"?action=editnews&id=".htmlspecialchars($_GET['id'])."\">\n";
	echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"692px\">\n";
	echo "<tr>\n";
	echo "\n";
	echo "<td valign=\"top\"  width=\"100%\">\n";

	echo "<div class=\"subheaders\">" . $langmsg['editnews'][7] . "</div>";
	echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" style=\"display: block; width: 692px; height: 28px\">";

	echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" $changecolor class=\"newborder\" value=\"$title\" /></td>\n";
	echo "</div>";
	echo "</tr>\n";
	#used to let javascript count how many cat sections are shown.

	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td>";

	#echo "  <hr style=\"clear: both\" />";

	if($_GET['action'] == "addnews"){
			$_POST['selectedfiles'] = (empty($_POST['selectedfiles'])) ? '' : $_POST['selectedfiles'];
			$selectedfiles	= array();
			$selectedfiles	= $_POST['selectedfiles'];
			$id					= $_GET['id'];
			$allselectedfiles	= DataAccess::fetch("SELECT fileid FROM " . NEWS_LINKEDFILES . " WHERE storyid = ?", $id);
			$selectedfiles		= array();
			foreach($allselectedfiles AS $row){
				$selectedfiles[] = $row['fileid'];
			$selectedfiles = array();
			$_POST['selectedfiles'] = (empty($_POST['selectedfiles'])) ? array() : $_POST['selectedfiles'];
			$selectedfiles = $_POST['selectedfiles'];

	echo "\n\n\n<div style=\"position: absolute; width: 580px; left: 35%; display: none; z-index: 10001\" id=\"filebox\">";
	echo "<div style=\"width:580px; height: 350px; background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; position: absolute; left: -190px\">";
	echo "<a style=\"float: right; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"bbcode('files','story')\">[close]</a>";

	echo "<br />";
	echo "<br />";

	echo "<span style=\"float: right\">";
	echo "<select name=\"news_selectcat\" onchange=\"newsfilechangecatgroup();\" id=\"news_fileselectcat\">";
	echo "<option value=\"1\"></option>";

	$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	$allowedcats = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
	if($allowedcats !== "all"){
		$e = $allowedcats;
		if(!$e){ $e = ''; }else{ $e = "WHERE id IN ($e)"; }
		$selectedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $e ORDER BY name");
		$selectedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name");

	$g = 2;
	foreach($selectedcats AS $row){
			echo "<option value=\"$g\"";
			if($_GET['catid'] == $row['id']){
				echo " selected=\"selected\"";
			echo ">" . $row['name'] . "</option>";

	echo "</select>";
	echo "</span>";
	echo "<span class=\"header\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF; padding-left: 0px\">".$langmsg['newsform'][19]."</span>";
	echo '<hr style="clear: both; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF" />
	<hr style="clear: both;" />';

	echo "<div style=\"height: 250px; width: 580px; overflow: auto\">";

	#get all files not assigned to cats
	echo "<div id=\"filecat_1\" class=\"show\" style=\"width: 100%\">";
	echo "<table id=\"rows\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
	echo "<tr><td width=\"20%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][20]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][21]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25]."</td><td class=\"tableshead\"></td></tr>";
	$currentpath	= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
	$currentpath	= "http://" . $currentpath;
	$g				= $currentpath;
	$x				= explode("admin.php",$g);
	$url			= $x[0] . $uploaddir;
	$tmpcolor		= 1;
	$d				= 1;
	$nocatfiles		= DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp," . NEWS_FILES . ".uid," . NEWS_USERS . ".user FROM " . NEWS_FILES . "
					LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_FILES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
					WHERE " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid NOT IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = 'file') ORDER BY " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid DESC");
	foreach($nocatfiles AS $row){
		$file = $row['title'];
		if($tmpcolor == "1"){
			$class		= "row1";
			$tmpcolor	= "2";
			$class		= "row2";
			$tmpcolor	= "1";
		$uploader = $row['user'];
		$uploaded = date("j-m-y",$row['timestamp']);
		$filename = basename($row['url']);
		$filesize = round($row['filesize'],1) . " KB";
		echo "<tr id=\"x$d\" onmouseover=\"markfield('x$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('x$d')\" class=\"$class";
		if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
				echo " rowhighlight";
		echo "\"><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$file</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filename</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\" style=\"text-align: right\">$row[downloadcount]<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filesize</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploaded</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploader</td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$row[uid]\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_x'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('x$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('x$d') }\" id=\"check_x$d\"";
		$selectedfiles = (empty($selectedfiles)) ? array() : $selectedfiles;
		if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
				echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
		echo " name=\"selectedfiles[]\"></td></tr>";

	echo "</table>";
	echo "</div>";

	$f = 2;
	##show files for all cats the user can access
	$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	$allowedcats = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
	if($allowedcats !== "all"){
		$a = explode(",",$allowedcats);
		foreach($a as $c){
			echo "<div id=\"filecat_$f\" class=\"noshow\" style=\"width: 100%\">";
			echo "<table id=\"rows\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
			echo "<tr><td width=\"20%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][20]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][21]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25]."</td><td class=\"tableshead\"></td></tr>";
			$filecats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT storyid,catid,type,uid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE catid = ? AND type = 'file'", $c);
			foreach($filecats AS $row){
				$x = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
				$url = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),$uploaddir,$x);
				$tmpcolor = 1;
				#$selectedfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp,uid FROM " . NEWS_FILES . " WHERE uid = ?", $row['storyid']);
				$catfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp," . NEWS_USERS . ".user," . NEWS_FILES . ".uid FROM " . NEWS_FILES . "
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_FILES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
				WHERE " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE storyid = ? AND type = 'file')", $row['storyid']);
				foreach($catfiles AS $row2){
					$file = $row2['title'];
					if($tmpcolor == "1"){
						$class		= "row1";
						$tmpcolor	= "2";
					} else {
						$class		= "row2";
						$tmpcolor	= "1";
					$filesize = round($row2['filesize'],1) . " KB";
					$uploader = $row2['user'];
					$uploaded = date("j-m-y",$row2['timestamp']);
					$filename = basename($row2['url']);
					echo "<tr id=\"x$d\" onmouseover=\"markfield('x$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('x$d')\" class=\"$class";
					if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
							echo " rowhighlight";
					echo "\"><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$file</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filename</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\" style=\"text-align: right\">$row2[downloadcount]<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filesize</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploaded</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploader</td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$row2[uid]\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_x'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('x$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('x$d') }\" id=\"check_x$d\"";
					if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
							echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
					echo "name=\"selectedfiles[]\"></td></tr>";


			echo "</table>";
			echo "</div>";

		$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name ASC");
		foreach($allcats AS $xrow){
			echo "<div id=\"filecat_$f\" class=\"noshow\" style=\"width: 100%\">";
			echo "<table id=\"rows\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
			echo "<tr><td width=\"20%\" class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][23]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"20%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][12]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][20]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][24]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['newsform'][21]."</td><td class=\"tableshead tablerightborder\" width=\"15%\">".$langmsg['uploadedfiles'][25]."</td><td class=\"tableshead\"></td></tr>";
			$filecats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT storyid,catid,type,uid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE catid = ? AND type = 'file'", $xrow['id']);
			foreach($filecats AS $row){
				$x = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
				$url = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),$uploaddir,$x);
				$tmpcolor = 1;
				$catfiles = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT title,url,filesize,downloadcount,author,timestamp," . NEWS_USERS . ".user," . NEWS_FILES . ".uid FROM " . NEWS_FILES . "
				LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_FILES . ".author = " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid
				WHERE " . NEWS_FILES . ".uid IN (SELECT storyid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE storyid = ? AND type = 'file')", $row['storyid']);
				foreach($catfiles AS $row2){
					$file = $row2['title'];
					if($tmpcolor == "1"){
						$class		= "row1";
						$tmpcolor	= "2";
					} else {
						$class		= "row2";
						$tmpcolor	= "1";
					$filesize = round($row2['filesize'],1) . " KB";
					$uploader = $row2['user'];
					$uploaded = date("j-m-y",$row2['timestamp']);
					$filename = basename($row2['url']);
					echo "<tr id=\"x$d\" onmouseover=\"markfield('x$d')\" onmouseout=\"unmarkfield('x$d')\" class=\"$class";
					$selectedfiles = (empty($selectedfiles)) ? array() : $selectedfiles;
							echo " rowhighlight";
					echo "\"><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">" .  $file . "</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filename</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\" style=\"text-align: right\">$row2[downloadcount]<td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$filesize</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploaded</td><td class=\"tablebody tablerightborder\">$uploader</td><td class=\"tablebody\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$row2[uid]\" onclick=\"if(document.getElementById('check_x'+$d).checked == true){ markfield('x$d'); }else{ unmarkfield('x$d') }\" id=\"check_x$d\"";
					if(count($selectedfiles) > 0){
							echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
					echo "name=\"selectedfiles[]\"></td></tr>";
			echo "</table>";
			echo "</div>";

	#used to let javascript count how many cat sections are shown.
	echo "<span style=\"display: none\" id=\"totalcatgroups\">$f</span>";

	echo '</div>';
	echo "<div style=\"float: right\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"Select\" style=\"margin-bottom: 30px\" onclick=\"bbcode('files','story')\" /></div>";
	echo '</div>';

	echo "</td></tr>\n";
	echo "<div id=\"smileybox\" style=\"z-index: 10001; width: 150px; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; padding: 5px; margin-left: 470px; margin-top: 40px; display: none; position: absolute\">";
	echo "<a style=\"float: right; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('smileybox').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('fade').style.display = 'none';\">[close]</a><span class=\"header\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF; padding-left: 0px\">Smilies</span><hr />";
	echo "<div id=\"storysmilies\">";
	$smilies = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT path, keycode FROM " . NEWS_SMILIES . "");
	foreach($smilies AS $row){
		echo "<img style=\"cursor: pointer\" onclick=\"insertsmiley('$row[keycode]', '$row[path]', 'shortstory') \" src=\"$row[path]\" /> ";
	echo "</div>";

	echo "</div>";

	$bbcode = '';
	$f = str_replace('{1}','shortstorysmilies',$bbcode);
	$f = str_replace('{2}','storysmilies',$f);
	#echo $f;
	echo "<tr><td>$f</td></tr>";
	echo "</tr>\n";

	echo "  <tr>\n";
	echo "    <td valign=\"top\">\n";
	echo "<div class=\"subheaders slink\" style=\"\" onclick=\"toggle_section('article')\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][22] . "</div>";
	$enablewysiwyg = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT enablewysiwyg FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " WHERE user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	$enablewysiwyg =  $enablewysiwyg['0']['enablewysiwyg'];
	if($enablewysiwyg == "1"){
		$useck = "ckeditor";
		$useck = '';

	echo "<div id=\"section_article\"";
	if($newsform_options['toggle_article'] == "0"){
		echo " style=\"display: none\"";
	echo ">";
	echo "  <textarea class=\"$useck\" id=\"story\" class=\"story\" name=\"story\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 250px;\">$story</textarea>\n";
	echo "</div>";
	echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";

	echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"\" onclick=\"toggle_section('summary')\">" . $langmsg['news'][51] . "</div>";
	echo "<div id=\"section_summary\" ";
		if($togglesummary == "0"){
			echo " style=\"display: none\" ";

	echo ">";
	echo "<textarea name=\"shortstory\" class=\"$useck\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 250px\">$shortstory</textarea>";
	echo "</div>";
	echo "</td></tr>";
	echo "</table>";
	echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";

		echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"width: 40%; padding-right: 5px\">";

	echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"text-align: left;\" onclick=\"toggle_section('categories')\">" . $langmsg['menu'][9] . "<a href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\"><span></span></a></div>";
	echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" id=\"section_categories\" ";
	if($newsform_options['toggle_categories'] == "0"){
		echo "style=\"width: 334px; display: none; text-align: left;\">";
		echo "style=\"width: 334px; text-align: left;\">";
	$allowedcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".cats FROM " . NEWS_USERS . " LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".access = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid WHERE " . NEWS_USERS . ".user = ?", $_SESSION['name']);
	if($allowedcats['0']['cats'] !== "all"){
		$e = $allowedcats['0']['cats'];
		if(!$e){ $e = ''; }else{ $e = "WHERE id IN ($e)"; }
		$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " $e ORDER BY name");
		$num = count($allcats);
		$allcats = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT name, id FROM " . NEWS_CATS . " ORDER BY name");
		$num = count($allcats);
	if($num < 1){
		echo "<i>" . $langmsg['news'][52] . "</i>";
	foreach($allcats AS $row){
		#if($catid == $row['id']){ echo "selected=selected"; }
		echo "<div style=\"float: left\"><input type=\"checkbox\" ";
		if($_GET['action'] == "addnews"){
				$_POST['cats'] = (empty($_POST['cats'])) ? '' : $_POST['cats'];
					if(count($_POST['cats']) > 0){
						if(in_array($row['id'], $_POST['cats'])) {
							echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
		}elseif($_GET['action'] == "editnews"){
				$catids = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT catid FROM " . NEWS_GROUPCATS . " WHERE type = 'news' AND storyid = ?", $_GET['id']);
				$cats = array();
				foreach($catids AS $row2){
					$cats[] = $row2['catid'];
				if(count($cats) > 0){
					if(in_array($row['id'], $cats)) {
						echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
				$_POST['cats'] = (empty($_POST['cats'])) ? '' : $_POST['cats'];
					if(count($_POST['cats']) > 0){
						if(in_array($row['id'], $_POST['cats'])) {
							echo "checked=\"checked\" ";

		echo "style=\"margin-right: 1px; width: 15px; padding-left: 0px; margin-left: 0px\" name=\"cats[]\" value=\"$row[id]\" id=\"cat_$row[id]\"><label for=\"cat_$row[id]\" style=\"vertical-align: text-top; margin-left: 1px; padding-right: 20px\">$row[name]</label></div>";
	echo "<br style=\"clear: both\" />";
	echo "</div>";

	echo "</td>";
	echo "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"width: 50%\" align=\"right\">";

	echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"text-align: left;\" onclick=\"toggle_section('comments')\">" . $langmsg['newsform'][7] . "<a href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\"><span></span></a></div>";
	echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" ";
	if($newsform_options['toggle_comments'] == "0"){
		echo " style=\"width: 339px; display: none; text-align: left\" ";
		echo " style=\"width: 339px; text-align: left\" ";

	echo "id=\"section_comments\">";
	echo "<span>Allow comments for this article</span><br /><br />";
	echo "<select name=\"allowcomments\">";
	echo "<option value=\"\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][0]."</option>";
	echo "<option";
	if($allowcomments == "1"){ echo " selected=selected"; }
	echo " value=\"1\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][1]."</option>";

	echo "<option";
	if($allowcomments == "0"){ echo " selected=selected"; }
	echo " value=\"0\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][2]."</option>";

	echo "<option";
	if($allowcomments == "2"){ echo " selected=selected"; }
	echo " value=\"2\">".$langmsg['selectfield'][4]."</option>";

	echo "</select>";

	echo "</td>";
	echo "</tr>";
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-right: 5px; width: 50%\">";

	echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"\" onclick=\"toggle_section('date')\">" . $langmsg['news'][53] . "<a href=\"#\" style=\"text-decoration: none\"><span></span></a></div>";
	echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" id=\"section_date\" ";
	if($newsform_options['toggle_date'] == "0"){
		echo "style=\"width: 334px; display: none;\">";
		echo "style=\"width: 334px; \">";

	echo "<span>" . $langmsg['news'][54] . "</span><br /><br />";
	echo "<select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"day\">";
	$i = 01;
	while($i <= 31){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($day == $i){ echo " selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"month\">";

	$months = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
	$months_short = array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
	$i = 0;
	while($i < count($months)){
		echo "<option value=\"" . $months[$i] . "\""; if($month == $months[$i]){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">" . $months_short[$i] . "</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = "1970";
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\"  name=\"year\">";
	while($i <= 2037){
		echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($year == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = 0;
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"hour\">";
	while($i <= 23){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($hour == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = 0;
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"minute\">";
	while($i <= 59){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($minute == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = 0;
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"second\">";
	while($i <= 59){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($second == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	echo "</td>";
	echo "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\" style=\"padding-right: 0px; width: 50%\">";

	echo "<div class=\"subheaders subheaders2 slink\" style=\"text-align: left;\" onclick=\"toggle_section('archive')\">" . $langmsg['news'][55] . "</div>";
	echo "<div class=\"subheaders_body\" id=\"section_archive\"";
	if($newsform_options['toggle_archive'] == "0"){
		echo " style=\"width: 339px; display: none; text-align: left;\" ";
		echo " style=\width: 339px; text-align: left;\" ";
	echo ">";

	echo "<span style=\"\"><input id=\"neverarchive\" ";
			echo "checked=\"checked\" ";
	echo "name=\"neverarchive\" type=\"checkbox\"><label for=\"neverarchive\">".$langmsg['newsform'][18]."</label></span><br /><br />";
	echo "<select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_day\">";
	$i = 01;
	while($i <= 31){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($archive_day == $i){ echo " selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_month\">";

	$months = array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
	$months_short = array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
	$i = 0;
	while($i < count($months)){
		echo "<option value=\"" . $months[$i] . "\""; if($archive_month == $months[$i]){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">" . $months_short[$i] . "</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = "1970";
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_year\">";
	while($i <= 2037){
		echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($archive_year == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = 0;
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_hour\">";
	while($i <= 23){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\""; if($archive_hour == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\"";} echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = 0;
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_minute\">";
	while($i <= 59){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($archive_minute == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	$i = 0;
	echo " <select class=\"datesdropdown\" name=\"archive_second\">";
	while($i <= 59){
		$i = sprintf("%02d",$i);
		echo "<option value=\"$i\" "; if($archive_second == $i){ echo "selected=\"selected\""; } echo ">$i</option>";
	echo "</select>";

	echo "</div>";

	echo "</td>";
	echo "</tr>";
	echo "<tr><td style=\"width: 50%; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 5px;\">";
	echo "<button type=\"submit\" name=\"S1\" value=\"Preview\" style=\"width: 100%\">".$langmsg['submitfield'][1]."</button></td><td style=\"width: 50%; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 0px\"><input style=\"width: 100%\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
	if($_GET['action'] == "add"){
		echo $langmsg['submitfield'][2];
		echo $langmsg['submitfield'][3];

	echo "\" name=\"S1\">\n";
	echo "</td></tr>";

	echo " </td> </tr>\n";
	echo "</table>\n";
	echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formauth\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['formauth'] . "\" />";
	echo "</form>\n";
Also ich verteh nur Bahnhof.

Was sollen uns die Screenshots denn sagen? Der Screenshot, den du unter "newsscript" gepostet hast sieht ja genau so aus, wie der Screenshot unter "suchergebniss". Außer dass die Zahl durch Sterne erstetzt worden sind.

Der Code den du unter "suchformular" gepostet hast sieht eher aus wie die Ergebnisse und nicht das Suchformular.

Könntest du
- Deine Frage noch mal präzisieren?
- Dabei bitte Groß-/Kleinschreibung, Orthographie, Interpunktion beachten
- Und die Codeteile auf das Wesentliche kürzen. Zumindest mir ist das ein bisschen viel zum Durchlesen/-suchen
Was sollen uns die Screenshots denn sagen? Der Screenshot, den du unter "newsscript" gepostet hast sieht ja genau so aus, wie der Screenshot unter "suchergebniss". Außer dass die Zahl durch Sterne erstetzt worden sind.
Ich habe mir ein suchformular erstellt. Wenn ich jetzt z.B. eeeeeee suche kommt dieser suchergebniss
aber in mein newsscript sieht es so aus
also mit sternen. Ich konnte die ratingsystem nicht machen . Deswegen habe ich newsscript script verändert also den title (Enter an article title), text(eeeeeeee) , Posted by Admin- datum-commets-- alles außer ratingsytem gelöst jetzt habe ich 9 ratingsysteme da ich 9 einträge habe. Die ratingsysteme will ich jetzt zur suchergebnisse hinzufügen
aber ich kann es nicht machen weil die nicht getrennt sind. Wie kann ich die trennen damit ich es für suchergebnisse benutzen kann.
Der Code den du unter "suchformular" gepostet hast sieht eher aus wie die Ergebnisse und nicht das Suchformular.
Entschuldigung, ich habe falsch geschrieben
Mal schauen, ob ich deine Situation und deine Frage/Problem richtig verstanden habe:

Deine Situation:
  1. Du benutzt ein Newsscript (N-13) und das generiert dir die News-Einträge, die so aussehen: http://s1.directupload.net/images/111103/gh2iolg5.jpg
  2. Du hast dir selbst eine Suche (mit Suchformular und Ergebnisseite) geschrieben, die diese News-Einträge durchsucht und dann die Treffer anzeigt. Ein Treffer wird bei dir z.B. so angezeigt: http://s7.directupload.net/images/111103/xmu7o37v.jpg
  3. Dabei hast du das Aussehen der Treffer den normalen News so weit wie möglich "nachgebaut".
Inwiefern stimmen meine Annahmen 1., 2. und 3. zu deiner Situation?

Deine Frage/Problem:
  • Du willst in deiner Treffer-Anzeige das Rating nicht als Zahl, sondern als Sterne (Bild) anzeigen.
Inwiefern stimmt meine Annahme zu deinem Problem?

Wenn meine Annahmen stimmen:
  • Schau dir an, wie das Newsscript die Sterne darstellt: Erstmal wird in der Hauptdatei erstmal dieses aufgerufen
        foreach($newsdata AS $news){
            $allnews .= formatnews($template,'0',$news);
Es wird also "formatnews" aufgerufen. In der functions.php in der Funktion "formatnews" werden auch die Sterne/Rating behandelt und formatiert:
    // rating stars
    $currentrating = $row['rating'];
    $str = str_replace("{currentrating}",round($currentrating,3),$str);
    $ratingcount = $row['ratingcount'];
    $str = str_replace("{ratingcount}",$ratingcount,$str);

    $i = 1;
    $ratingstars = '';
    while($i <= 5){
        if(round($currentrating,0) < $i){
            $ratingstars .= "<img style=\"cursor: pointer\" onmouseover=\"ratingstarshover('id" . $row['id'] . "', '$i')\" onclick=\"senddata('rating', " . $row['id'] . ", $i)\" id=\"id" . $row['id'] . "_stars_$i\" src=\"" . IMAGEPATH . "stars_6.png\" alt=\"$i/5\" />";
            $ratingstars .= "<img style=\"cursor: pointer\" onmouseover=\"ratingstarshover('id" . $row['id'] . "', '$i')\" onclick=\"senddata('rating', " . $row['id'] . ", $i)\" id=\"id" . $row['id'] . "_stars_$i\" src=\"" . IMAGEPATH . "stars_7.png\" alt=\"$i/5\" />";
Diesen Code solltest du auch in deiner Treffer-Seite benutzen.
  • Wichtig: Was wahrscheinlich noch viel besser wäre: Du benutzt die Funktion "formatnews" aus der "functions.php" direkt, um deine Treffer zu formatieren und bastelst dir nicht deinen eigenen Formatier-Code zusammen. Das wäre nämlich sonst redundanter Code und das ist immer schlecht! Wenn du die Funktion direkt nutzt, sehen deine News-Einträge 1) genau gleich aus und 2) kannst du das Aussehen verändern, indem du nur EINE Codestelle änderst.
Ihre annahmen stimmen deswegen habe ich jetzt ein neuen script erstellt
include 'functions.php';
      foreach($newsdata AS $news){
            $allnews .= formatnews($template,'0',$news);

und zur meinem suchergebnissen script mit include hinzugefügt aber funktioniert leider nicht ich glaube ich habe Sie nicht verstanden oder was falsch gemacht könnten Sie mir bitte helfen
if($menge > 0) {
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ergebnis)) {
echo '<tr><td> ';include ("rating.php");echo'</td></tr>'  ;
} else {
    echo '<tr><td>Keine Daten</td></tr>';
Mal eine andere Frage:

Meinst du es ist sinnvoll, so ein komplexes Newsscript zu erweitern oder anzupassen, wenn man nicht wenigstens mittelmäßig PHP kann?
Ich will dich nicht persönlich angreifen, aber was ich bisher in deinen anderen Threads gesehen habe zeigt, dass du relativ neu im PHP-Umfeld bist und dir vielleicht erstmal kleinere Aufgaben vornehmen solltest.

Denn dann hättest du dir wahrscheinlich schon selbst folgende Fragen gestellt:
  1. In deinem zweiten Code-Teil inkludierst du rating.php, welches aber an keiner Stelle $row benutzt, wo ja die eigentlichn Daten drin sind. Wie wird $row also benutzt?
  2. In deinem ersten Code-Teil wird über $newdata iteriert, welches aber an keiner Stelle deklariert und initialisiert wird. Wo kommt $newdata also her?
  3. Genau wie bei 2., nur mit $template.
  4. In deinem ersten Code-Teil wird an $alldata angehängt. Dieses wird aber nigendwo initialisiert, noch wird es irgendwo weiterverarbeitet. Was soll damit passieren?
  5. Warum teilst du diesen kurzen Code auf zwei Dateien auf, wenn man ihn doch relativ einfach in eine Datei packen kann?
  6. Du hast zwei Schleifen (while und foreach). Über was iterieren diese Schleifen jeweils (besonders die for-Schleife)?
Wenn du versuchst auf diese Fragen eine Antwort zu finden, dann kommst du schon ein gutes Stückchen weiter.

Sofern Deutsch deine Muttersprache ist, würde ich dich auch bitten, dich halbwegs an die Regeln dieser zu halten, dann hier sind ungefähr 15 Fehler in 2 Zeilen:
und zur meinem suchergebnissen script mit include hinzugefügt aber funktioniert leider nicht ich glaube ich habe Sie nicht verstanden oder was falsch gemacht könnten Sie mir bitte helfen
Falls Deutsch nicht deine Muttersprache ist, versuch bitte wenigstens Punkte zwischen deinen Sätzen zu benutzen!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kann mir bitte bitte jemand helfen? Ich versuche seit Tagen die Ratingsytsteme für meine suchergebnisse zu machen aber ich kann es immer noch nicht :( Kann mir bitte jemand helfen?

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