Problem mit Namen ändern


Ich versuche die Namen der Bilder zu ändern... Aber irgendwie klappts bei mir nich.
Ich krieg die aktuellen Namen der Bilder nicht ausgegeben.
 * show an image thumbnail
 * if aSubDir is not empty, the thumbnail should be the first image of
 * a sub folder. So the corresponding link should open the directory...

 * show the image in real size
function showBigImg($aPath, $aIdx)
  global $files, $isDir;

  echo "<center>";
  echo "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\">";

  if($isDir[$files[$aIdx]]) {
    showDir($aPath, $files[$aIdx]);
  } else {
    // generate the html
    echo "<td>";
    echo "<center><img border=\"1\" src=\"".$aPath.$files[$aIdx]."\"></img></center>";
    echo "</td>";

    echo "</table>";
    echo "</center>";

 * get the filename of the first image from a folder
function getFirstImgFn($aPath, $aExt)
  $dir_handle = @opendir($aPath) or die("Unable to open $aPath");

  while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
    $fullpath = $aPath.$file;

    if(is_dir($fullpath) == false) {
      $ext = substr($file, -4);
      if(strtolower($ext) == $aExt) {
        return $file;
   * return empty if no img exists.
  return "";
function showImg($aPath, $aFn, $aIdx, $aThisPage, $aSubDir="")
global $g_twidth, $g_dispFn, $g_thumb_worh, $g_showInPopup, $g_popupWidth, $g_popupHeight, $g_shrinkPopup, $iii;

  $fullpath = $aPath.$aFn;

  // find the width and height of the thumbnail
  $imgsize = GetImageSize($fullpath);
  if($g_thumb_worh == 'w') {
    //$twidth = $g_twidth;
    $twidth = 230;
    $theight = 160;
  } else {
   // $theight = $g_twidth;
    $theight = 160;
    $twidth = 160;

  // generate the html
  echo "<td width=\"160\" valign=\"top\">";

  if($aSubDir != "") {
    echo "<left><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath\"><img border=\"1\" width=\"$twidth\" height=\"$theight\" src=\"genthumbs.php?image=$fullpath&w=$twidth\"></img></a></center>";
  } else {
    // need scrollbar?
    $sb = "yes";

      $w = $g_popupWidth;
      $h = $g_popupHeight;
      if($g_shrinkPopup == 'check') {
        $picsize = GetImageSize($aPath.$aFn);
        if($picsize[0] < $w && $picsize[1]< $h) {
          $w = $picsize[0];
          $h = $picsize[1];
          $sb = "no";


      echo "<left><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath&page=$aThisPage&img=$aFn&idx=$aIdx\"><img border=\"1\" width=\"$twidth\" height=\"$theight\" src=\"genthumbs.php?image=$fullpath&w=$twidth\"></img></a></center>";

// display filename?
  if($g_dispFn) {
    echo "<left>";
    if($aSubDir == "") {
      //$l = strlen($aFn) - 4;
      $l = substr($aFn, 0, 1);
      $img_name = $aFn;
      * ATOTHEK
      echo "<input type='text' name='pos[]' size='22' value='$l'>\n";
      //echo substr($aFn, 0, $l);
    } else {
                $s = $aSubDir;
                $sz = str_replace("-", "<br>", $s);
               // echo "<br>".$sz;
                echo "<textarea name='partyname' rows='4' cols='17'>$s</textarea>\n";
  echo "</td>";

 * get the filename of a random image from a folder
function getRandomImgFn($aPath, $aExt)
  $dir_handle = @opendir($aPath) or die("Unable to open $aPath");

  $imgfiles = array();
  while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
    $fullpath = $aPath.$file;

    if(is_dir($fullpath) == false) {
      $ext = substr($file, -4);
      if(strtolower($ext) == $aExt) {
        $imgfiles[] = $file;

  $num = count($imgfiles);
  if($num <= 0) {
     * return empty if no img exists.
    return "";

   * randomly pick one
  $idx = rand(0, $num-1);
  return $imgfiles[$idx];


 * show the thumb / image of a folder
function showDir($aPath, $aFn)
  global $g_showFirstThumb, $g_folderImg;
  $fullpath = $aPath.$aFn."/";

  // 3 --> first jpg image, 4 --> random jpg image
  if($g_folderImg == '3' || $g_folderImg == '4') {
     $fn = "";
     if($g_folderImg == '3')
       $fn = getFirstImgFn($fullpath, '.jpg');
       $fn = getRandomImgFn($fullpath, '.jpg');

     if($fn != "") {
       showImg($fullpath, $fn, "0", "0", $aFn);

  echo "<td>";
  echo "<left>$aFn</center><br>";
  $done = false;
  // 2 --> first gif image
  if($g_folderImg == '2') {
    $fn = getFirstImgFn($fullpath, '.gif');
    if($fn != "") {
      $imgsize = GetImageSize($fullpath.$fn);
      echo "<left><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$fullpath\"><img border=\"1\" style=\"width:230px;\" height=\"$imgsize[1]\" src=\"$fullpath$fn\"></img></a></center>";
      $done = true;

  // default is folder.gif
  if($done == false) {
    $imgsize = GetImageSize("folder.gif");
    echo "<left><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$fullpath\"><img border=\"1\" width=\"$imgsize[0]\" height=\"$imgsize[1]\" src=\"folder.gif\"></img></a></center>";

  echo "</td>";


 * show 1 row of thumbs
function showImgRow($aPath, $aFiles, $aIsDir, $aThisPage, $aStart, $aEnd)
  echo "<tr>";
  for($i=$aStart; $i<$aEnd; $i++) {
    if($aIsDir["_".$aFiles[$i]]) {
      showDir($aPath, $aFiles[$i]);
    } else {
      showImg($aPath, $aFiles[$i], $i, $aThisPage);
  echo "</tr>";

 * show the whole table of thumbs
function showImgTable($aPath, $aFiles, $aIsDir, $aThisPage,
        $aNumCols, $aNumRows)
  global $g_spacing;

  $numPerPage = $aNumRows * $aNumCols;
  $totalFiles = count($aFiles);
  $start = $aThisPage * $numPerPage;
  $end = $start + $numPerPage;
  $end = min($end, $totalFiles);

  echo "<left>";
  echo "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"$g_spacing\" cellpadding=\"0\">";

  echo '<form action="aendern.php" method="post">';
  while($start < $end) {
    $e = min($start + $aNumCols, $end);
  showImgRow($aPath, $aFiles, $aIsDir, $aThisPage, $start, $e);
    $start += $aNumCols;
  echo "</table>";
  echo "</center>";
  echo "<br><input type='submit' value='speichern'>";
  echo "</form>";


 * show the links to different pages
function showPageLinks($aPath, $aNumFiles, $aThisPage, $aIdx, $aNumCols, $aNumRows)
  global $files;
  $numPerPage = $aNumCols * $aNumRows;
  $numPages = ceil($aNumFiles / $numPerPage);

   * reverse finding '/' start from the second last char
   * since the last char must be '/'
  $pdir = "";
  $plen = strlen($aPath);
  for($j=$plen-2; $j>0; $j--) {
    if($aPath[$j] == '/') {
      $pdir = substr($aPath, 0, $j+1);

  echo "<br><left>";
  echo "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
  echo "<tr>";
  if($aIdx != "") {
    // Showing back link
    echo "<td><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath&page=$aThisPage\">« Zurück</a></td>";
    // show prev, next link
    if($aIdx > 0) {
      $idx = $aIdx - 1;
      echo "<td><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath&page=$aThisPage&idx=$idx\">&lt;</a></td>";
    if($aIdx + 1 < count($files)) {
      $idx = $aIdx + 1;
      echo "<td><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath&page=$aThisPage&idx=$idx\">&gt;</a></td>";
  } else {
    // show the up link
    if($pdir != "") {
      echo "<td><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$pdir\">« Zurück</a></td>";
    // show the page links
    if($numPages == 0) {
      echo "<td>Keine Fotos im Ordner</td>";
    } else {
      // show only 10 pages
      $minp = 0;
      $maxp = 10;
      if($numPages > 10) {
        $minp = floor($aThisPage/10) * 10;
        $maxp = ceil(($aThisPage+1)/10) * 10;
      $maxp = min($maxp, $numPages);

      echo "<td>$aSubDir  Seite:</td>";

      // show the prev link
      if($minp >= 10) {
        $prevp = $minp - 1;
        echo "<td><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath&page=$prevp\">&lt;</a></td>";

      // show page no(s)
      for($i=$minp; $i<$maxp; $i++) {
        $p = $i + 1;
        if($aThisPage == $i) {
          echo "<td><b>$p</b></td>";
        } else {
          echo "<td><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath&page=$i\">$p</a></td>";

      // show the next link
      if($maxp < $numPages) {
        $nextp = $maxp;
        echo "<td><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?path=$aPath&page=$nextp\">;</a></td>";
  echo "</tr>";
  echo "</table>";
  echo "</center>";

// case insensitive comparison
function cicmp($a, $b)
  return strcasecmp($a, $b);

 * read file / dir names from a directory
function readFiles($aPath, &$aFiles, &$aIsDir)

 global $g_sortByFn, $g_insensitive_sort;
  $confdir = "imgconfig";

  $dir_handle = @opendir($aPath) or die("Unable to open $aPath");

  while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
    $fullpath = $aPath.$file;

    if(is_dir($fullpath)) {
      if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != $confdir) {
        $aFiles[] = $file;
        $tmparray = array("_".$file => true);
       $aIsDir = array_merge($aIsDir, $tmparray);
    } else {
      $ext = substr($file, -4);
      if($file[0] != '.' && (strtolower($ext) == '.jpg')) {
        $aFiles[] = $file;
        $tmparray = array("_".$file => false);
        $aIsDir = array_merge($aIsDir, $tmparray);
    if($g_sortByFn == 'check') {
          if($g_insensitive_sort == 'check') {
                  usort($aFiles, "cicmp");
          } else {


function adjustPath($aPath)
  $ret = $aPath;
    $ret = "./";
  if(substr($ret, -1) != "/")
  $ret = $ret.'/';

  // reset to home, if illegal access
  if(substr($ret, 0, 1) != '.' || strstr($ret, "..")) {
    $ret= './';

  return $ret;



echo "<pre>";
print_r( $pos );
echo "</pre>";

function getFileProcessItem( $oldName, $newName ) {

$o = new stdClass();
$o->orgFile = $oldName;
$o->newName = $newName ;
$o->exists = file_exists( $newName ) ;

return $o;

$itemList = array();
$itemList[] = getFileProcessItem( '1_foto.jpg', '$pos' );
$itemList[] = getFileProcessItem( '2_foto.jpg', '$pos' );
$itemList[] = getFileProcessItem( '3_foto.jpg', '$pos' );

function processFileList( $fileList ) {

foreach( $fileList as $fileItem ) {

$tmpName = md5( rand() );
if( $fileItem->exists ) {
rename( $fileItem->newName, $tmpName );
rename( $fileItem->orgFile, $fileList->newName );
rename( $tmpName, $fileList->orgFile );
} else {
rename( $fileItem->orgFile, $fileItem->newName );


processFileList( $fileList );
Es gibt mehrere Dateien, diese sind die zwei wichtigsten.
Ich versuche den aktuellen Namen der Bilder ausgeben zu lassen...
das klappt nicht! Dieser muss in dem FUNC.PHP irgendwo sein... also die Variable dafür... doch ich komm nich drauf...

Mehr Hirne sind besser als einer :)

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