[jQuery Countdown] Millisekunden hinzufügen?


Erfahrenes Mitglied

ich habe hier ein Countdown Plugin, wo mir aber leider im Countdown die Millisekunden fehlen. Ich habe mir das Plugin angeschaut und versucht selbst noch die Millisekunden anzuhängern... ohne erfolg.

Zur Zeit gilt folgendes Format: Tage:Stunden:Minuten:Sekunden

Würde mich riesig über einen Tipp freuen.

Hier der Code vom Plugin:
* jquery-countdown plugin - v0.2
* Copyright (c) 2009 Martin Conte Mac Donell <Reflejo@gmail.com>
* Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Farmer <pfarmer@gmail.com>
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* http://docs.jquery.com/License

(function( $ ) {
    var init = function( userOptions ) {
        var options = {
            stepTime: 60,
            format: "dd:hh:mm:ss",
            startTime: "01:12:32:55",
            digitImages: 6,
            digitWidth: 53,
            digitHeight: 77,
            autoStart: true,
            timerEnd: function() {
            image: "digits.png"
        var digits = [], interval;

        // Draw digits in given container
        var createDigits = function(where) {
            var c = 0;
            var hCounter = 0;
            var mCounter = 0;
            var sCounter = 0;

            // Check the incoming startTime
            // console.log("options.startTime = " + options.startTime);

            if ((typeof options.startTime == 'object') && (options.startTime.constructor == Date)) {
                // console.log("Have been passed a date object? hopefully?");
                var now = new Date();
                if (options.startTime.getTime() < now.getTime()) {
                    options.startTime.setFullYear(options.startTime.getFullYear() + 1);
                    // console.log("options.startTime is now = " + options.startTime);
                // console.log("options.startTime.getTime() = " + options.startTime.getTime());
                // console.log("now.getTime() = " + now.getTime());
                var datediff = Math.ceil((options.startTime.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 1000);
                // console.log("datediff = " + datediff);
                var days = Math.floor(datediff / 86400);
                // console.log("days = " + days);
                var hours = Math.floor((datediff % 86400) / 3600);
                var minutes = Math.floor(((datediff % 86400) % 3600) / 60);
                var seconds = ((datediff % 86400) % 3600) % 60;
                options.startTime = days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;

            _startTime = options.startTime.split("");
            // Count the number of ":" in the startTime.
            cCounter = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < _startTime.length; i++) {
                if (isNaN(parseInt(_startTime[i]))) {
                    // console.log("cCounter++ (" + _startTime[i] + ")");
                    cCounter = cCounter + 1;

            // Zero pad each section of the startTime if required.
            // console.log("options.startTime = " + options.startTime)
            var chunks = options.startTime.split(":");
            // console.log("chunks.length = " + chunks.length);
            var newstartTime = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
                var max = 59;
                if (chunks.length == 3) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        max = 23;
                if (chunks.length == 4) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        max = 9999;
                    if (i == 1) {
                        max = 23;

                if (chunks[i] > max) {
                    chunks[i] = max;
                if (chunks[i].length < 2) {
                    chunks[i] = "0" + chunks[i];

            options.startTime = chunks.join(":");
            // console.log("options.startTime = " + options.startTime)

            // Calculate what the format should be:
            switch (cCounter) {
                case 3:
                    // console.log("options.startTime.split(':', 1).length is " + options.startTime.split(":")[0].length);
                    if (options.startTime.split(":")[0].length == 3) {
                        options.format = "ddd:hh:mm:ss";
                    } else {
                        options.format = "dd:hh:mm:ss";
                case 2:
                    options.format = "hh:mm:ss";
                case 1:
                    options.format = "mm:ss";
                case 0:
                    options.format = "ss";

            // console.log("cCounter == " + cCounter);
            // console.log("options.format == " + options.format);

            // Iterate each startTime digit, if it is not a digit
            // we'll assume that it's a separator
            options.startTime = options.startTime.split("");
            options.format = options.format.split("");
            // console.log("options.startTime = " + options.startTime);
            // console.log("options.startTime.length = " + options.startTime.length);
            for (var i = 0; i < options.startTime.length; i++) {
                // console.log("options.startTime[" + i + "] = " + options.startTime[i]);
                if (parseInt(options.startTime[i]) >= 0) {
                    // console.log("parseInt >= 0");
                    var elem = jQuery('<div id="cnt_' + i + '" class="cntDigit" />').css({
                        height: options.digitHeight * options.digitImages * 10,
                        "float": 'left', background: 'url(\'' + options.image + '\')',
                        width: options.digitWidth});
                    // console.log("elem = " + elem);
                    margin(c, -((parseInt(options.startTime[i]) * options.digitHeight *
                    digits[ C].__max = 9;
                    // Add max digits, for example, first digit of minutes (mm) has
                    // a max of 5. Conditional max is used when the left digit has reach
                    // the max. For example second "hours" digit has a conditional max of 4
                    // console.log("options.format[" + i + "] = " + options.format[i]);
                    switch (options.format[i]) {
                        case 'h':
                            if (hCounter < 1) {
                                // console.log("digits[ C] = " + digits[ C]);
                                digits[ C].__max = 2;
                                // console.log("settings digits[" + c + "].__max = 2");
                                hCounter = 1;
                            } else {
                                digits[ C].__condmax = 3;
                                // console.log("settings digits[" + c + "].__condmax = 3");
                        case 'd':
                            digits[ C].__max = 9;
                        case 'm':
                            if (mCounter < 1) {
                                digits[ C].__max = 5;
                                mCounter = 1;
                            } else {
                                digits[ C].__condmax = 9;
                        case 's':
                            if (sCounter < 1) {
                                digits[ C].__max = 5;
                                sCounter = 1;
                            } else {
                                digits[ C].__condmax = 9;
                } else {
                    elem = jQuery('<div class="cntSeparator"/>').css({"float": 'left'}).text(options.startTime[i]);

        // Set or get element margin
        var margin = function(elem, val) {
            if (val !== undefined)
                return digits[elem].css({'marginTop': val + 'px'});

            return parseInt(digits[elem].css('marginTop').replace('px', ''));

        // Makes the movement. This is done by "digitImages" steps.
        var moveStep = function(elem) {
            // console.log("digits[elem] = " + digits[elem]);
            digits[elem]._digitInitial = -(digits[elem].__max * options.digitHeight * options.digitImages);
            return function _move() {
                mtop = margin(elem) + options.digitHeight;
                if (mtop == options.digitHeight) {
                    margin(elem, digits[elem]._digitInitial);
                    if (elem > 0) moveStep(elem - 1)();
                    else {
                        for (var i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) margin(i, 0);
                    if ((elem > 0) && (digits[elem].__condmax !== undefined) &&
                        (digits[elem - 1]._digitInitial == margin(elem - 1)))
                        margin(elem, -(digits[elem].__condmax * options.digitHeight * options.digitImages));

                margin(elem, mtop);
                if (margin(elem) / options.digitHeight % options.digitImages != 0)
                    setTimeout(_move, options.stepTime);

                if (mtop == 0) digits[elem].__isma = true;

        var start = function() {
            if (interval == undefined)
                interval = setInterval(moveStep(digits.length - 1), 1000);

        var pause = function() {
            if (interval) {
                interval = undefined;

        this.data("countdown", {
            "start": start,
            "pause": pause

        $.extend(options, userOptions);
        this.css({height: options.digitHeight, overflow: 'hidden'});
        if (options.autoStart) {

    $.fn.countdown = function( method ) {
        var methods = this.data("countdown");
        if ( methods && methods[method] ) {
            return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
        } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
            return init.apply( this, arguments );
        } else {
            $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.countdown' );
})( jQuery );

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