ICQ-Away über Bitlbee


Ich wüsste gerne, ob es mittlerweile möglich ist, über Bitlbee eine Away für ICQ zu setzen (also nicht nur den Status sichtbar zu machen, sondern auch eine Nachricht hinzuzufügen).
Habe schon nach allen möglichen Sachen gegooglet, bin aber genau so schlau wie vorher.
00:50:11 @root> As you might've expected, you can just use the /away command in your IRC client to set an away-state. BitlBee supports most
away-states supported by the protocols.
00:50:11 @root>
00:50:11 @root> Not all away states are supported by all protocols, and some protocols have different names for them. BitlBee will try to
pick the best available alias from this list for every connection:
00:50:11 @root>
00:50:11 @root> - Away from computer, Away, Extended away
00:50:11 @root> - NA, N/A, Not available
00:50:11 @root> - Busy, Do not disturb, DND, Occupied
00:50:11 @root> - Be right back, BRB
00:50:11 @root> - On the phone, Phone, On phone
00:50:11 @root> - Out to lunch, Lunch, Food
00:50:11 @root>
00:50:11 @root> So /away Food will set your state to "Out to lunch" on your MSN connection, and for most other connections the default,
"Away" or "Away from computer" will be chosen.
00:50:11 @root>
00:50:11 @root> You can also add more information to your away message. Setting it to "Busy - Fixing BitlBee bugs" will set your
IM-away-states to Busy, but your away message will be more descriptive for people on IRC. Protocols like Yahoo! and Jabber
will also show this complete away message to your buddies.

Also einfach:

/away Away - Bin nicht da

Funktioniert aber nur mit Yahoo und Jabber, beim Rest wird die zusätzliche Awaynachricht wohl nicht angezeigt - so wie es da steht.

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