*grummel* reason frisst meine ressourcen =/

Naja mein ultimativer tip ist... einfach den ASIO Treiber von Cubase Nehmen... der ist universell. und ich benutz den auch mit meiner tollen SB PCI 128 .... wie gesagt 46 ms Latency auf nem PIII 667.... ist aushaltbar.

Tschö 2b

Anleitung ... gefunden im creative Forum (Wenn man nur ne alte cubase hat)

Cubase 3.7x VST 5 Demo
... 5 minutes free time ...

Get the new VST5 ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver

Here's how in ten easy steps...
1,- back up your current ASIO folder for safe keeping (call it "origasio.zip").
2,- install the Cubase5 demo.
3,- back-up the contents of the ASIO folder from the Cubase 5 demo. (call it "newasio.zip")
4,- uninstall the Cubase5 demo
5,- now replace the contents of the ASIO folder of your Cubase full prog with the contents of the ASIO folder from the Cubase 5 demo ("newasio.zip").
6,- drag the file 'AsioDxFd.dll' on to 'Regsvr32.exe' (in your windows system folder).
7,- launch Cubase 3.7 (or whatever), go to the Audio menu/System
8,- select 'ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver' from the ASIO device drop-down.
9,- click 'ASIO Control Panel'
10,- for DirectSound (SB Live! Wave Out) AND SB Live Wave In set the buffer size to 1200, and hit return.

That's it. If you have a P3/450 or higher, you should find you have a latency of 27ms or less.
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