Grafischer Countdown


Moin zusammen!

Habe ein JS gefunden, welches genau nach meinen Bedürfnissen angepasst ist,
aber es funktioniert nicht!

Die grafischen Elemente (0.gif - 9.gif), so wie die HTM-Datei habe ich alle in einem Ordner gepackt,
klappt trotzdem nicht!

<script type="text/javascript"> 
// Countdown script  v1.1 
// documentation: 
// license: 
// code by Chris Nott (chris[at]dithered[dot]com) 

function Countdown(name, updateFrequency) { = name; 
   this.updateFrequency = updateFrequency; 
   this.images = null; 
   this.endDate = new Date(); 
   this.format = (document.getElementById && document.getElementById( ? document.getElementById( : ''; 

Countdown.prototype.setImages = function(num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9) { 
   this.images = new Array(num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9); 
   preloadImages(num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9); 

Countdown.prototype.setEndDate = function(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milliseconds) { 
   this.endDate = new Date(year, month - 1, day, ( (hour) ? hour : 0), ( (minute) ? minute : 0), ( (second) ? second : 0), ( (milliseconds) ? milliseconds : 0)); 

Countdown.prototype.start = function() { 
   setInterval( + '.update()', (this.updateFrequency ? this.updateFrequency : 1000) ); 

Countdown.prototype.update = function() { 
   // calculate the time until countdown end date 
   var now = new Date(); 
   var difference = this.endDate - now; 
   // decompose difference into days, hours, minutes and seconds parts 
   var days    = parseInt(difference / 86400000) + ''; 
   var hours   = parseInt((difference % 86400000) / 3600000) + ''; 
   var minutes = parseInt((difference % 3600000) / 60000) + ''; 
   var seconds = parseInt((difference % 60000) / 1000) + ''; 
   var milliseconds = parseInt(difference % 1000) + ''; 
   // negative values should be set to 0 
   if (isNaN(days) || days.charAt(0) == '-') days = '0'; 
   if (isNaN(hours) || hours.charAt(0) == '-') hours = '0'; 
   if (isNaN(minutes) || minutes.charAt(0) == '-') minutes = '0'; 
   if (isNaN(seconds) || seconds.charAt(0) == '-') seconds = '0'; 
   if (isNaN(milliseconds) || milliseconds.charAt(0) == '-') milliseconds = '0'; 
   // display changes differently for images and text countdowns 
   if (this.images != null) { 
      // single digit values should have a '0' prepended to them 
      if (days.length == 1) days = '000' + days; 
      else if (days.length == 2) days = '00' + days; 
      else if (days.length == 3) days = '0' + days; 
      if (hours.length == 1) hours = '0' + hours; 
      if (minutes.length == 1) minutes = '0' + minutes; 
      if (seconds.length == 1) seconds = '0' + seconds; 
      if (milliseconds.length == 1) milliseconds = '00' + milliseconds; 
      else if (milliseconds.length == 2) milliseconds = '0' + milliseconds; 
      // update images 
      if (document.images[ + '_d1000']) document.images[ + '_d1000'].src = this.images[parseInt(days.charAt(0))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_d100']) document.images[ + '_d100'].src = this.images[parseInt(days.charAt(1))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_d10']) document.images[ + '_d10'].src = this.images[parseInt(days.charAt(2))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_d1']) document.images[ + '_d1'].src = this.images[parseInt(days.charAt(3))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_h10']) document.images[ + '_h10'].src = this.images[parseInt(hours.charAt(0))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_h1']) document.images[ + '_h1'].src = this.images[parseInt(hours.charAt(1))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_m10']) document.images[ + '_m10'].src = this.images[parseInt(minutes.charAt(0))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_m1']) document.images[ + '_m1'].src = this.images[parseInt(minutes.charAt(1))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_s10']) document.images[ + '_s10'].src = this.images[parseInt(seconds.charAt(0))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_s1']) document.images[ + '_s1'].src = this.images[parseInt(seconds.charAt(1))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_ms100']) document.images[ + '_ms100'].src = this.images[parseInt(milliseconds.charAt(0))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_ms10']) document.images[ + '_ms10'].src = this.images[parseInt(milliseconds.charAt(1))]; 
      if (document.images[ + '_ms1']) document.images[ + '_ms1'].src = this.images[parseInt(milliseconds.charAt(2))]; 
   else if (this.format != '') { 
      if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById( { 
         var html = this.format; 
         html = html.replace(/~d~/, days); 
         html = html.replace(/~h~/, hours); 
         html = html.replace(/~m~/, minutes); 
         html = html.replace(/~s~/, seconds); 
         html = html.replace(/~ms~/, milliseconds); 
         document.getElementById( = html; 

// Image preloader 
function preloadImages() { 
   if (document.images) { 
      for (var i = 0; i < preloadImages.arguments.length; i++) { 
         (new Image()).src = preloadImages.arguments[i]; 



<script type="text/javascript">Countdown("Countdown","600");</script> 



Nun brauche ich eure Hilfe!

MfG Speedy

Neue Beiträge
