Frage wegen Download Traffic ?


Habe mal ein wenig auf der Seite gestöbert und bin hier auf folgende Weiterleitung gestoßen:

Dort sind die A-DSL-Tarife auf englisch, u.a. auch das Transfervolumen.
Dort könntest Du ja mal Deine Daten vergleichen und dann siehst Du Deine Traffic-Beschränkung.

Data transfer volume

The term "Monthly Volume," expressed in Gigabytes, refers to all the data that have transited your ADSL connection.
More precisely, we record for you the data sent from your computer to the Internet (upload) and the data coming into your computer from the Internet (download).
Depending on your subscription, the monthly data transfer volume can vary between 10 and 15 GB (ADSL Go and ADSL Plus).

When you have reached your maximum monthly data transfer volume, you have the following choice:

" either continue to surf until the end of the month at the slower speed of 64 Kbps (comparable with the speed of a traditional connection)
" or subscribe to the Volume Pack option which enables you to take advantage of the 5 additional Gbytes of download capacity.

To check your monthly volume or order additional volume packs, please refer to Management of my Internet account
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