eingabefeld , kein übergabe von Value / Text

The problem is, I think, that you did not declare the variable connected with the input field in the parameter window (?) at the bottom. You have to write the name of the variable in the little box named "Var:"
The problem is, I think, that you did not declare the variable connected with the input field in the parameter window (?) at the bottom. You have to write the name of the variable in the little box named "Var:"

Naah, don't do that. That usually just causes more trouble.Are you sure that the textfield is on the _root-level and not inside some other movieclip?

Please post the *.fla so we can look into the problem.
see what happened , See the 1st image

the code of the submit button is as follows:
on (release){
	myLV = new LoadVars();
myLV.namesender =_root.namesender.text;

and the form has now some text in the Name's field, just like shown in the 2nd Image

and I get nothing in the email :

by the way , the code of 'form.php' is as follows:
    $empfaenger = "myemail@yahoo.com"; 
    $betreff = "Neue Frage eingegangen"; 
    $from = "From: Website <myemail@yahoo.com>"; 
    $txt  = "Name: ".$_REQUEST['namesender']."\n"; // without .utf8_decode
    $txt .= "Vorname1: ".utf8_decode($_POST['MyLV'])."\n"; //with
    $txt .= "Vorname: ".utf8_decode($_POST['vorname'])."\n"; 
    $txt .= "Tel. ".utf8_decode($_POST['tel'])."\n"; 
    $txt .= "Email: ".utf8_decode($_POST['email'])."\n"; 
    $txt .= "Nachricht: ".utf8_decode($_POST['nachricht'])."\n";
    mail($empfaenger, $betreff, $txt, $from); 


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The second picture you attached indicates that your textfield is in another Movieclip. Give that movieclip a name and then use the full path to the textfield, for example _root.myMovieclip.mytextfield.text.

I mentioned this before and you posted the exact same post before,all you did was adding one picture. Getting tired of repetition!

Also, I mentioned that the var for the textfield should not be used (at least in your case). If you still want to do so, use another name for the var then for the textfield itself.
The text is because the variable is unknown, you should add a
in the first line, then it disappears.

Eine Frage an Jens Bahr:

Warum kann es Probleme geben, wenn man die Variblen von Textfeldern so einsetzt? Nur damit man in Zukunft gewappnet ist....:rolleyes:

Zunächst einmal sollte man ihnen nicht den selben Namen geben, dann weiß Flash bzw. der Interpreter ja nicht ob nun das Textfeld oder die Variable gemeint ist. Da kommt es gerne mal zu Verwechslungen.

Außerdem hab ich von Fällen gehört, wo diese Variable nicht gut Funktioniert hat. U.a. war das bei HTML-Textfeldern als auch bei Eingabefeldern der Fall. meinTextfeld.text hat bisher aber immer funktioniert und ist nur 5 Buchstaben mehr.

Außerdem sollte man mit der Globalität dieser Variable vorsichtig sein. Auch das kann Probleme machen.
the problem is now solved , thanks to everyone who gave me an advice ..

I have found out like Jens B. said that the whole form is blocked under a movie clip .. it has no name .. so I gave it the name 'hallo' see the image :
and then I gave the submit buttom the following Code:
on (release){
	myLV = new LoadVars();
myLV.namesender =_level0.hallo.namesender.text;
now everything is ok , and everything I write in that field ( the name's field) will be sent to the email , the same thing of course can be applied to the other fields for example the 'Tel.' , 'Nachricht' etc.
thank you again for your suggestions.


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