[DHTML] bei mouseover -> colorfade?


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ich hoffe jemand kann mir weiter helfen. es geht um dhtml, wie lautet der befehl um einen link mit einem colorfade zu belegen, also wenn ich drüber gehe das die farbe langsam wechselt?

thx ;)
oh, da hab ich was ganz leckeres gefunden:

document.onmouseover = domouseover;
document.onmouseout = domouseout;

function domouseover() {
  srcElement = window.event.srcElement;
  if (srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") > -1) {
        var linkName = srcElement.name;

function domouseout() {
  if (document.all){
  srcElement = window.event.srcElement;
  if (srcElement.className.indexOf("fade") > -1) {
        var linkName = srcElement.name;

function makearray(n) {
    this.length = n;
    for(var i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        this[i] = 0;
    return this;

hexa = new makearray(16);
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    hexa[i] = i;
hexa[10]="a"; hexa[11]="b"; hexa[12]="c";
hexa[13]="d"; hexa[14]="e"; hexa[15]="f";

function hex(i) {
    if (i < 0)
        return "00";
    else if (i > 255)
        return "ff";
       return "" + hexa[Math.floor(i/16)] + hexa[i%16];}

function setbgColor(r, g, b, element) {
      var hr = hex(r); var hg = hex(g); var hb = hex(b);
      element.style.color = "#"+hr+hg+hb;

function fade(sr, sg, sb, er, eg, eb, step, direction, element){
    for(var i = 0; i <= step; i++) {
setTimeout("setbgColor(Math.floor(" +sr+ " *(( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +er+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sg+ " * (( " +step+ " - " +i+ " )/ " +step+ " ) + " +eg+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),Math.floor(" +sb+ " * ((" +step+ "-" +i+ ")/" +step+ ") + " +eb+ " * (" +i+ "/" +step+ ")),"+element+");",i*step);

||Fades the text from one color to another color   ||
||when the mouse moves off of the link.            ||

function fadeout(element) {

||Example:                                         ||
||                                                 ||
||fade(255,150,0, 255,255,255, 180, 1, element);    ||
||                                                 ||
||Explanation:                                     ||
||                                                 ||
||RGB (red, green, blue) values of first color     ||
||(color to start at), then RGB values of second   ||
||color (color to fade to). For my site, I have    ||
||the first color (255,150,0), which is orange,    ||
||and the second color (255,255,255), which is     ||
||white.  Therefore it fades from orange to white  ||
||when the mouse moves off.                        ||
||                                                 ||
||The 30 parameter is the delay time: decrease     ||
||to make it go quicker and increase it to go      ||
||faster.                                          ||
||                                                 ||
||The last two parameters shouldn't be messed with.||
    fade(0,255,0, 0,128,0, 20, 1, element);

||Fades the text from one color to another color   ||
||when the mouse moves over the link.              ||

function fadein(element) {

||Example:                                         ||
||                                                 ||
||fade(255,255,255, 255,150,0, 180, 1, element);    ||
||                                                 ||
||Explanation:                                     ||
||                                                 ||
||RGB (red, green, blue) values of first color     ||
||(color to start at), then RGB values of second   ||
||color (color to fade to). For my site, I have    ||
||the first color (255,255,255), which is white,   ||
||and the second color (255,150,0), which is or-   ||
||ange.  Therefore it fades from white to orange   ||
||when the mouse moves over the link.              ||
||                                                 ||
||The 23 parameter is the delay time: decrease to  ||
||make it go quicker and increase it to go faster. ||
||In this case, the fading will be slightly quick- ||
||er when the mouse moves over the link than when  ||
||the mouse moves off (which is set to 30, in my   ||
||case).                                           ||
||                                                 ||
||The last two parameters shouldn't be messed with.||

    fade(0,128,0, 0,255,0, 20, 1, element);
/*ignore this >>>>*/
function fadeIn2(id){
	fade(255,255,255, 102,0,0, 25, 1, id);

function fadeOut2(id){
	fade(102,0,0, 255,255,255, 29, 1, id);
/*<<<<< stop ignoring =)*/

/*---------------=[final note]=---------------------
||Now, once you have customized your fading colors,||  
||you need to include your customized .js file on  ||  
||every page that you want to use it in. You can   ||
||include javascript files using this syntax (in   ||
||the head of a document):                         ||      
||<script src="fade.js" language="Javascript">     ||
||</script>                                        ||
||                                                 ||
||Now that you have the file included, you need to ||   
||setup your links a small bit.  Each link that you||  
||want to fade needs to have it's own _unique_ Name||  
||and must use the fade class.                     ||  
||                                                 ||                                                   
||Example:                                         ||
||                                                 || 
||<a href="blah.html" name="fading_link_1" class=  ||
||"fade">click here</a>                            ||
||                                                 ||
||Also, the link must be plain text.  This means   ||
||that you can't have <b>'s, <i>'s, <font>'s, etc. ||
||inside of the link.                              ||
||                                                 ||
||Example of what not to do:                       ||
||                                                 ||
||<a href="blah.html" name="fading_link_1" class=  ||
||"fade"><b>click</b> here</a>                     ||
||                                                 ||
||Have fun!                                        ||
||-Anarchos-                                       ||

musst nur noch die farben anpassen......is was ganz feines :)

wenn man die kommentare rausnimmt, dann ist das programm sogar ziemlich übersichtlich ;)
cooles script

is zwar ein cooles script nur würd ich sowas nie in einer page von mir einsetzen
da das script einfach zu lang ist für so nen schwachsinnigen fade
aber ansonsten ein gutes script

greets daIllu ;-)
Re: cooles script

Original geschrieben von [23]^5^
da das script einfach zu lang ist für so nen schwachsinnigen fade

das kann ja jeder für sich entscheiden :)
aber 5kb (ohne comments) is nich besonders viel (außer man macht bei nem 5k-contest mit :) )

naj0, stimmt, kommt sich ja auch drauf an wieviele scripts du sonst noch im quelltext hast usw.

soll jeder für sich entscheiden 3-)
eh klar

greets daIllu ;-)
naaaa :)

des geht auch einfacher leute, das MUSS einfacher gehen. ein einfacher fadin bei mouseover und dann ein fadeout beim weggehen mit der maus.

aber danke schon mal, ich will ja nich unhöfflich sein :)
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