Datenbanksuche mit Blätterfunktion



ich habe mir eine Datenbanksuche zusammengebastelt und will jetzt eine Blätterfunktion (ab 10 Ergebnisse) hinzufügen.

Die Such funktioniert super - nur das Limit (Ergebnisse) wird nicht eingehalten.

<font face="tahoma" size="4"> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Mysql 
<form action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post"> 
  <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Specific Word or Phrase 
  <input type="text" name="words" value="<?php echo($words); ?>"> 
  <input type="hidden" name="good" value="yes"> 
  <input type="submit" value="Search"> 
<p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br> 
   echo("<font face=\"tahoma\" size=\"3\" color=\"green\"><b>Results for $words</b></font><br><br>"); 
   $location = "localhost"; // database host (localhost) 
   $username = "webxxx"; // mysql username 
   $password = "xxx"; //mysql password 
   $database = "webxxx_1"; //mysql database name 
   $db_table = "affilinet_shop"; // mysql table name to search 
   $mysql_row = "Description_short"; // This is the row in your mysql database that you want to search for text in. 
   $start = (isset($start)) ? abs((int)$start) : 0; 
   $limit = 10;                     // Datensätze pro Ausgabeseite 
   // Feststellen der Anzahl der verfügbaren Datensätze. 
   $resultID = @mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM ".$db_table); 
   $total    = @mysql_result($resultID,0); 
   // Ggf. $start korrigieren (falls Parameter in 
   // der URL manipuliert wurde) 
   $start    = ($start >= $total) ? $total - $limit : $start; 
   $query    = "SELECT * FROM ".$db_table." LIMIT ".$start.",".$limit; 
   $resultID = @mysql_query($query); 

   $conn = mysql_connect("$location","$username","$password"); 
   if (!$conn) die ("Could not connect MySQL"); 
   mysql_select_db($database,$conn) or die ("Could not open database"); 

   $query = "ALTER TABLE $db_table ORDER BY id DESC"; 
   $result = mysql_query($query); // bad coding yes ;) 

   $query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table"; 
   $result = mysql_query($query); 
   $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); 
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 

   if(preg_match("/$words/i", $row[$mysql_row])) 

      $rawTitle = ($row[Title]); 
     $rawDeepLink1 = ($row[DeepLink1]); //yes strange variable names. It works so it doesnt matter. 
      $rawDescription = ($row[Description]); //T just grab extra data to be added with the search tool 
      $rawDisplayPrice = ($row[DisplayPrice]); 
      $rawProductCategoryName = ($row[ProductCategoryName]); 
      $rawKeywords = ($row[Keywords]); 
      $rawImg120_url = ($row[Img120_url]); 
      $rawImg_url = ($row[Img_url]); 
      $newnews = preg_replace("/$words/i", "<b><font color=\"red\">$words</font></b>", $row[$mysql_row]); 
      $display = '<H2 font face="tahoma" font-size: 13pt><b><a href=' . $rawDeepLink1 . ' TARGET=_blank TITLE="' . $rawTitle . '" STYLE="text-decoration: none"> ' .$rawTitle . ' </a>     <a href=' . $rawDeepLink1 . ' TARGET=_blank TITLE="' . $rawKeywords . '" STYLE="text-decoration: none"> ' .$rawDisplayPrice . ' </a></b><br><font face="tahoma" size="2">' . $newnews . '<br><a href=' . $rawDeepLink1 . ' TARGET=_blank TITLE="' . $rawProductCategoryName . '" STYLE="text-decoration: none">Kategorie: ' .$rawProductCategoryName . ' </a>     <a href=' . $rawImg_url . ' TARGET=_blank TITLE="' . $rawDescription . '" STYLE="text-decoration: none">Foto</a>     <a href=' . $rawDeepLink1 . ' TARGET=_blank TITLE="' . $rawDescription_short . '" STYLE="text-decoration: none">Mehr Infos</a>     <a href=' . $rawDeepLink1 . ' TARGET=_blank TITLE="' . $rawTitle . '" STYLE="text-decoration: none"> >>>>  Zum Shop</a></font></H2>'; 
echo("<font face=\"tahoma\" size=\"3\" color=\"green\"><b>$foundcount Treffer für: $words</b></font>"); 

if ($start > 0) 
  $newStart = ($start - $limit < 0) ? 0 : ($start-$limit); 
  echo "<a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?start=".$newStart 
      .">&lt;&lt; zurück</a>"; 

if ($start + $limit < $total) 
  $newStart = $start + $limit; 
  echo " <a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?start=".$newStart 
      .">vor &gt;&gt;</a>"; 


Hat jemand eine Idee?
