Bilderverzeichnis auslesen und bilder anzeigen


Erfahrenes Mitglied
Ich stehe gerade vor folgendem Problem:
Ich habe auf dem Server ein bilderverzeichnis, darin mehrere Unterverzeichnisse mit unterschiedlich vielen Bildern.

Wie kann ich jetzt unter php die bilder im Verzeichnis zählen lassen, und dann ausgeben lassen?
Ich dachte da an folgende Vorgehensweise:
Man sieht das erste bild, beim klick auf das bild kommt das nächste, u.s.w.
am ende soll es wieder von vorn anfangen.
Schau mal, ob dir das irgendwie hilft:

class CarouselException extends Exception{};

* Image carousel class
* @author saftmeister
* @license BSD
class Carousel
   * The url which sends the image to the client
   * @var string
  private $imageUrl;
   * The url which displays the HTML for displaying the carousel
   * @var string
  private $indexUrl;
   * The directory which contains the image files
   * @var string
  private $directory;
   * Whether to use recursive search
   * @var boolean
  private $recursive;
   * The data holder
   * @var array
  private $allImages;
   * Maximum width (height will be aspected ratio)
   * @var number
  private $maxWidth;
   * Create a new carousel instance
   * @param string $indexUrl         
   * @param string $imageUrl         
   * @param string $directory         
   * @param boolean $recursive         
   * @param number $maxWidth         
   * @throws CarouselException
  public function __construct($indexUrl, $imageUrl, $directory, $recursive = true, $maxWidth = 0)
    $this->indexUrl = $indexUrl;
    $this->imageUrl = $imageUrl;
    $this->directory = $directory;
    $this->recursive = boolval ( $recursive );
    $this->maxWidth = $maxWidth;
    if (! is_dir ( $directory ))
      throw new CarouselException ( "Given path does not exist or is no directory!" );
    clearstatcache ();
    $this->loadImageData ( $this->directory );
   * Loads the images into data holder
   * @throws CarouselException
   * @param string $path         
  private function loadImageData($path)
    if ($this->recursive)
      $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $path );
      $iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator ( $dir );
      $iter = new DirectoryIterator ( $path );
    $regex = new RegexIterator ( $iter, '/^.+\.jpg/i', RegexIterator::GET_MATCH );
    foreach ( $regex as $jpeg )
      $key = md5 ( $jpeg [0] );
      $this->allImages [$key] = $jpeg [0];
      throw new CarouselException("No images found!");
   * Retrieve the url to next image
   * @return string
  public function getNextLink()
    $nextInArray = array_keys ( $this->allImages )[0];
    if (isset ( $_GET ['next'] ))
      $id = $_GET ['next'];
      if (array_key_exists ( $id, $this->allImages ))
        $found = false;
        foreach ( $this->allImages as $key => $value )
          if ($found)
            $nextInArray = $key;
          if ($key === $id)
            $found = true;
    return sprintf ( "%s?next=%s", $this->indexUrl, $nextInArray );
   * Returns the url to the current image
   * @return string
  public function getCurrentLink()
    return sprintf ( "%s?next=%s", $this->imageUrl, $this->getCurrentId () );
   * Returns the current id
   * @return string
  public function getCurrentId()
    $current = array_keys ( $this->allImages )[0];
    if (isset ( $_GET ['next'] ))
      $id = $_GET ['next'];
      if (array_key_exists ( $id, $this->allImages ))
        $current = $id;
    return $current;
   * Returns the current image file path
   * @throws CarouselException
   * @return string
  private function getCurrentImageFile()
    $id = $this->getCurrentId ();
    if (! $id)
      throw new CarouselException ( "Image does not exist!" );
    $image = $this->allImages [$id];
    return $image;
   * Sends the current image to the client
  public function getCurrentImage()
    $image = $this->getCurrentImageFile ();
    $data = file_get_contents ( $image );
    $localDate = new DateTime ( 'UTC' );
    $localDate->setTimestamp ( filemtime ( $image ) );
    header ( 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' );
    header ( sprintf ( 'Content-Length: %d', strlen ( $data ) ) );
    header ( sprintf ( 'Last-Modified: %s', $localDate->format ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ) ) );
    header ( 'Cache-Control: public' );
    header ( sprintf ( 'ETag: "%s"', md5 ( $localDate->getTimestamp () . $image ) ) );
    echo $data;
    exit ();
   * Retrieve the current image file height (respect the max width parameter)
   * @throws CarouselException
   * @return number
  public function getCurrentHeight()
    $image = $this->getCurrentImageFile ();
    $info = getimagesize ( $image );
    if (! $info)
      throw new CarouselException ( "Could not determine image size!" );
    $height = $info [1];
    if ($this->maxWidth > 0 && $this->maxWidth < $info [0])
      $ratio = $this->maxWidth / ($info [0] / 100) / 100;
      $height = $height * $ratio;
    return $height;
   * Retrieve the current image file width (respect the max width parameter)
   * @throws CarouselException
   * @return number
  public function getCurrentWidth()
    $image = $this->getCurrentImageFile ();
    $info = getimagesize ( $image );
    if (! $info)
      throw new CarouselException ( "Could not determine image size!" );
    $width = $info [0];
    if ($this->maxWidth > 0 && $this->maxWidth < $info [0])
      $width = $this->maxWidth;
    return $width;

* Example index file for the carousel
require 'Carousel.php';
<!DOCTYPE a PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <title>An image carousel class example</title>
    $carousel = new Carousel('/ImageCarousel', '/ImageCarousel/image.php', 'd:/images', true, 200);
    printf('<a href="%s"><img width="%d" height="%d" src="%s"></a>', $carousel->getNextLink(),
        $carousel->getCurrentWidth(), $carousel->getCurrentHeight(), $carousel->getCurrentLink());
  catch(Exception $ex)
    echo $ex->getMessage();

* Example image displayer for the carousel
require 'Carousel.php';

  $carousel = new Carousel('/ImageCarousel', '/ImageCarousel/image.php', 'd:/images');
catch(Exception $ex)
  header("HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found");
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