[PHP] SimpleLogger - Ein einfache Logger-Klasse

[PHP] SimpleLogger - Ein einfache Logger-Klasse

// Needed by strftime() => error message otherwise
date_default_timezone_set ( 'Europe/Berlin' );

 * A simple logging class
 * - uses file access to log any message such as debug, info, error,
 * fatal or an exception including stacktrace
 * @author saftmeister
class SimpleLogger
  const DEBUG = 1;
  const INFO = 2;
  const NOTICE = 4;
  const WARNING = 8;
  const ERROR = 16;
  const CRITICAL = 32;
  const ALERT = 64;
  const EMERGENCY = 128;
   * Path to log file
   * @var string
  private static $filePath = 'application.log';
   * Log file size in MB
   * @var number
  private static $maxLogSize = 2;
   * Logs a particular message using a given log level
   * @param number $level
   *          The level of error the message is
   * @param string $message
   *          Either a format or a constant
   *          string which represents the message to log.
  public static function log($level, $message /*,...*/)
    clearstatcache ();
    if (! is_int ( $level ))
      $message = $level;
      $level = self::DEBUG;
    else if ($level != self::DEBUG && $level != self::INFO && $level != self::NOTICE &&
        $level != self::WARNING && $level != self::ERROR && $level != self::CRITICAL && 
        $level != self::ALERT && $level != self::EMERGENCY)
      $level = self::ERROR;
    $mode = "a";
    if (! file_exists ( self::$filePath ))
      $mode = "w";
      $attributes = stat ( self::$filePath );
      if ($attributes == false || $attributes ['size'] >= self::$maxLogSize * 1024 * 1024)
        $mode = "w";
    $levelStr = "FATAL";
    switch ($level)
      case self::DEBUG:    $levelStr = "DEBUG"; break;
      case self::INFO:     $levelStr = "INFO "; break;
      case self::NOTICE:   $levelStr = "NOTIC"; break;
      case self::WARNING:  $levelStr = "WARN "; break;
      case self::ERROR:    $levelStr = "ERROR"; break;
      case self::CRITICAL: $levelStr = "CRIT "; break;
      case self::ALERT:    $levelStr = "ALERT"; break;
      case self::EMERGENCY:$levelStr = "EMERG"; break;
    $fd = fopen ( self::$filePath, $mode );
    if ($fd)
      $arguments = func_get_args ();
      if (count ( $arguments ) > 2)
        $format = $arguments [1];
        array_shift ( $arguments ); // Do not need the level
        array_shift ( $arguments ); // Do not need the format as argument
        $message = vsprintf ( $format, $arguments );
      $time = strftime ( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time () );
      fprintf ( $fd, "%s\t[%s]: %s", $time, $levelStr, $message );
      fflush ( $fd );
      fclose ( $fd );
   * Simple wrapper arround log method for alert level
   * @param string $message          
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function alert($message)
    self::log ( self::ALERT, $message );
   * Simple wrapper arround log method for critical level
   * @param string $message
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function crit($message)
    self::log ( self::CRITICAL, $message );
   * Simple wrapper arround log method for debug level
   * @param string $message          
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function debug($message)
    self::log ( self::DEBUG, $message );
   * Simple wrapper arround log method for emergency level
   * @param string $message          
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function emerg($message)
    self::log ( self::EMERGENCY, $message );
   * Simple wrapper arround log method for info level
   * @param string $message          
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function info($message)
    self::log ( self::INFO, $message );
   * Simple wrapper arround log method for notice level
   * @param string $message          
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function notice($message)
    self::log ( self::NOTICE, $message );

   * Simple wrapper arround log method for error level
   * @param string $message          
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function error($message)
    self::log ( self::ERROR, $message );
   * Simple wrapper arround log method for notice level
   * @param string $message
   * @see SimpleLogger::log()
  public static function warn($message)
    self::log ( self::WARNING, $message );
   * Log a particular exception
   * @param Exception $ex
   *          The exception to log
  public static function logException(Exception $ex)
    $level = self::ERROR;
    if ($ex instanceof RuntimeException)
      $level = self::ALERT;
    self::log ( $level, "Exception %s occured: %s\n%s\n", get_class ( $ex ), $ex->getMessage (), $ex->getTraceAsString () );
    if ($ex->getPrevious () && $ex->getPrevious () instanceof Exception)
      self::log ( $level, "Caused by:\n" );
      self::logException ( $ex->getPrevious () );
   * Dump a particular object and write it to log file
   * @param mixed $o
  public static function dump($o)
    $out = var_export ( $o, true );
    self::debug ( sprintf ( "Contents of %s\n%s\n", gettype ( $o ), $out ) );
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