Tutorial! Wie gehts?


Mit diesen Tutorial soll man coole Linien hin bekommen!
Nur leider weis ich nichts damit anzufangen!
Wo ist z.B. der Noise> Add Noise Button? (Filter)

Danke für jeden Hilfe!

Start with a new document 500 x 500 pixels and RGB color.

Now you will need the Lasso tool. Make crazy things but kind close together, to make more than one Lasso you will have to hold shift and make another one. (I learned that you have to play with it to get it better).

Make about 4 or 5 medium sized crazed things. Now go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise.

Amount 400. Distibution Gaussin and make sure that Monochromatic is checked.

Now press ctrl + d on your keyboard. It will Deselect the lasso.

Now to see if you made the Lasso's good, go to Filter>Blur>Motion Blur> Angle 0. Distance 999.

If it just looks like a grey'ish background you might wanna start over and make the Lasso a little different.

Well I hope you ended with somthing cool. If You want to change to color my best way is go to Image>Adjust>Color Balance

And to make it end faded go to Image>Adjust>Channel Mixer and Have Monochrome checked and move the "Red" dial up.