Teamspeak Viewer(Anzeige) umprogramieren


Hallo ich möchte einen Teamspeak Viewer so umprogramieren das ich die TS Server Daten per URL angeben kann.
Also so:
Ich habe es schon mit get probirt aber leider kommt immer dieser fehler.

Parse error: parse error, expecting `','' or `';'' in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 8


Ich habe unten den code eingefügt kann mir einer sagen wo der fehler ist und wie ich ihn beheben kann?.

PHPScript Code:
class tss2info {

var $sitetitle = "Teamspeak Viewer 1.1"; // SeitenTitle und Scriptversion
var $_GET['serverAddress'];  // Hier die TeamSpeak IP Adresse eintragen !!wichtig!! (Beispiel:
var $_GET['serverQueryPort']; // TeamSpeak QueryPort.. Schau in die server.ini von TeamSpeak (Standard 51234)
var $_GET['serverUDPPort']; // UDP Port für Teamspeak der auch hinter der IP Adresse genutzt wird (Standard 8767)
var $tabellenbreite = "150"; // Mindestbreite der Teamspeaktabelle (die einbindung mit einem IFRAME sollte 20px mehr betragen)
var $refreshtime = "10"; // Zeit in Sekunden nach der die Anzeige aktualisiert wird, wenn "auto on" aktiv ist
var $serverPasswort = ""; // Serverpasswort das bei Serversettings eingestellt wird (wenn kein Passwort erteilt, dann leer lassen)
// (Passwort wird meistens bei Clanservern gebraucht)
// **** end of SETTINGS ****

/* Ab hier darf >>> KEIN <<< Text mehr geändert werden */

var $socket;

// external
var $serverStatus = "offline";
var $playerList = array();
var $channelList = array();

// opens a connection to the teamspeak server
function getSocket($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout) {
  $attempts = 1;
  while($attempts <= "1" and !$this->socket) {
    @$socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
    $this->errno = $errno;
    $this->errstr = $errstr;
    if($socket and fread($socket, 4) == "[TS]") {
      fgets($socket, 128);
      return $socket;
  }// end while
  return false;
}// end function getSocket(...)

// sends a query to the teamspeak server
function sendQuery($socket, $query) {
  fputs($socket, $query."\n");
}// end function sendQuery(...)

// answer OK?
function getOK($socket) {
  $result = fread($socket, 2);
  fgets($socket, 128);
  return($result == "OK");
}// end function getOK(...)

// closes the connection to the teamspeak server
function closeSocket($socket) {
  fputs($socket, "quit");
}// end function closeSocket(...)

// retrieves the next argument in a tabulator-separated string (PHP scanf function bug workaround)
function getNext($evalString) {
  $pos = strpos($evalString, "\t");
  if(is_integer($pos)) {
    return substr($evalString, 0, $pos);
  } else {
    return $evalString;
  }// end if
}// end function getNext($evalString);

// removes the first argument in a tabulator-separated string (PHP scanf function bug workaround)
function chopNext($evalString) {
  $pos = strpos($evalString, "\t");
  if(is_integer($pos)) {
    return substr($evalString, $pos + 1);
  } else {
    return "";
  }// end if
}// end function chopNext($evalString)

// strips the quotes around a string
function stripQuotes($evalString) {
  if(strpos($evalString, '"') == 0) $evalString = substr($evalString, 1, strlen($evalString) - 1);
  if(strrpos($evalString, '"') == strlen($evalString) - 1) $evalString = substr($evalString, 0, strlen($evalString) - 1);

  return $evalString;
}// end function stripQuotes($evalString)

// returns the codec name
function getVerboseCodec($codec) {
  if($codec == 0) {
    $codec = "CELP 5.1 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 1) {
    $codec = "CELP 6.3 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 2) {
    $codec = "GSM 14.8 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 3) {
    $codec = "GSM 16.4 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 4) {
    $codec = "CELP Windows 5.2 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 5) {
    $codec = "Speex 3.4 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 6) {
    $codec = "Speex 5.2 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 7) {
    $codec = "Speex 7.2 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 8) {
    $codec = "Speex 9.3 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 9) {
    $codec = "Speex 12.3 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 10) {
    $codec = "Speex 16.3 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 11) {
    $codec = "Speex 19.5 Kbit";
  } elseif($codec == 12) {
    $codec = "Speex 25.9 Kbit";
  } else {
    $codec = "unknown (".$codec.")";
  }// end if
  return $codec;
}// end function getVerboseCodec($codec);

function getInfo() {
// ---=== main program ===---

// establish connection to teamspeak server
$this->socket = $this->getSocket($this->serverAddress, $this->serverQueryPort, "", "", 0.3);
if($this->socket == false) {
  echo ("No Server");
} else {
  $this->serverStatus = "online";

  // select the one and only running server on port 8767
  $this->sendQuery($this->socket, "sel ".$this->serverUDPPort);

  // retrieve answer "OK"
  if(!$this->getOK($this->socket)) {
    echo "Server didn't answer \"OK\" after last command. Aborting.";
  }// end if

  // retrieve player list

  // read player info
  $this->playerList = array();
  do {
    $playerinfo = fscanf($this->socket, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s");
    list($playerid, $channelid, $receivedpackets, $receivedbytes, $sentpackets, $sentbytes, $paketlost, $pingtime, $totaltime, $idletime, $privileg, $userstatus, $attribute, $s, $playername) = $playerinfo;
    if($playerid != "OK") {
      $this->playerList[$playerid] = array("playerid" => $playerid,
      "channelid" => $channelid,
      "receivedpackets" => $receivedpackets,
      "receivedbytes" => $receivedbytes,
      "sentpackets" => $sentpackets,
      "sentbytes" => $sentbytes,
      "paketlost" => $paketlost / 100,
      "pingtime" => $pingtime,
      "totaltime" => $totaltime,
      "idletime" => $idletime,
      "privileg" => $privileg,
      "userstatus" => $userstatus,
      "attribute" => $attribute,
      "s" => $s,
      "playername" => $this->stripQuotes($playername));
    }// end if
  } while($playerid != "OK");

  // retrieve channel list

  // read channel info
  $this->channelList = array();
  do {
    $channelinfo = "";
    do {
      $input = fread($this->socket, 1);
      if($input != "\n" && $input != "\r") $channelinfo .= $input;
    } while($input != "\n");

    $channelid = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $codec = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $parent = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $d = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $maxplayers = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $channelname = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $d = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $d = $this->getNext($channelinfo);
    $channelinfo = $this->chopNext($channelinfo);
    $topic = $this->getNext($channelinfo);

    if($channelid != "OK") {
      //if($isdefault == "Default") $isdefault = "1"; else $isdefault = "0";
	  // determine number of players in channel
      $playercount = 0;
      foreach($this->playerList as $playerInfo) {
        if($playerInfo['channelid'] == $channelid) $playercount++;
      }// end foreach

      $this->channelList[$channelid] = array("channelid" => $channelid,
      "codec" => $codec,
      "parent" => $parent,
      "maxplayers" => $maxplayers,
      "channelname" => $this->stripQuotes($channelname),
      "isdefault" => $isdefault,
      "topic" => $this->stripQuotes($topic),
      "currentplayers" => $playercount);
    }// end if
  } while($channelid != "OK");

  // close connection to teamspeak server

  }// end getInfo()
}// class tss2info
$tss2info = new tss2info;

<title><?php echo $tss2info->sitetitle;?></title>
<style type="text/css">
body  {
 background-color: #A3A3CB;
 margin: 1px;
 font-family: Arial;
 font-size: 10px;
 scrollbar-base-color: #A3A3CB;
td.refresh  {
 font-family: Verdana,Arial;
 font-size: 9px;
 color: #424274;
a.channellink:active {
 text-decoration: none;
 font: bold
 font-family: Verdana, Arial;
 font-size: 11px;
 color: #424274;
a.refreshlink:active {
 text-decoration: none;
 font-family: Verdana, Arial;
 font-size: 9px;
 color: #424274;
td.teamspeak  {
 font: bold
 font-family: Verdana,Arial;
 font-size: 13px;
 color: #424274;
}  {
 font: bold
 font-family: Verdana, Arial;
 font-size: 11px;
 color: #424274;
td.player  {
 font-family: Verdana,Arial;
 font-size: 9px;
 color: #424274;
td.offline  {
 font: bold
 font-family: Verdana,Arial;
 font-size: 11px;
 color: #FF0000;
// display channel list
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"".$tss2info->tabellenbreite."\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
//---> Refresh <---\\ Anfang
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td width=\"16\"><img src=\"TeamSpeak/refresh.gif\" width=\"16\"height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></td><td class=\"refresh\"><a class=\"refreshlink\" href=\"TS_start.php\" target=\"_self\">refresh</a></td><td class=\"refresh\" align=\"right\"><a class=\"refreshlink\" href=\"TS_auto.php\" target=\"_self\">auto on</a></td></tr>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
//---> Refresh <---\\ Ende
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
//---> TeamSpeak <---\\ Anfang
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td width=\"16\"><img src=\"TeamSpeak/teamspeak.gif\" width=\"16\"height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></td><td class=\"teamspeak\">&nbsp;TeamSpeak</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
//---> TeamSpeak <---\\ Ende
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
$counter = 0;
foreach($tss2info->channelList as $channelInfo) {
  $channelname = $channelInfo['channelname'];
  // determine codec (verbose)
  $codec = $tss2info->getVerboseCodec($channelInfo['codec']);
  // default?
  //if($channelInfo['isdefault'] == "1")  $isDefault = "yes"; else $isDefault = "no";
  if ($channelInfo['channelid'] != "id") {
    echo ("<tr>\n");
    echo ("<td>\n");
    //---> Channel <---\\ Anfang
    echo (" <table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n");
    echo ("   <tr>\n");
    echo ("    <td width=\"32\"><img width=\"16\"height=\"16\" src=\"TeamSpeak/gitter2.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><img src=\"TeamSpeak/channel.gif\" width=\"16\"height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></td><td class=\"channel\">&nbsp;<a class=\"channellink\" href=\"teamspeak://".$tss2info->serverAddress.":".$tss2info->serverUDPPort."/?channel=".$channelname."?password=".$tss2info->serverPasswort."\" title=\"".$channelInfo['topic']."\">".$channelname."</a> (".$channelInfo['currentplayers']."/".$channelInfo['maxplayers'].")</td>\n");
    echo ("  </tr>\n");
    echo (" </table>\n");
    //---> Channel <---\\ Ende
    echo ("</td>\n");
    echo ("</tr>\n");
    $counter_player = 0;
    foreach($tss2info->playerList as $playerInfo) {
          if ($playerInfo['channelid'] == $channelInfo['channelid']) {
//--- UserStatusBild --\\
if ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "0") $playergif = "player.gif";
if (($playerInfo['attribute'] == "8") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "9") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "12") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "13") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "24") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "25") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "28") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "29") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "40") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "41") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "44") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "45") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "56") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "57")) $playergif = "away.gif";
if (($playerInfo['attribute'] == "16") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "17") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "20") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "21")) $playergif = "mutemicro.gif";
if (($playerInfo['attribute'] == "32") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "33") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "36") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "37") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "48") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "49") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "52") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "53")) $playergif = "mutespeakers.gif";
if ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "4") $playergif = "player.gif";
if (($playerInfo['attribute'] == "1") or
    ($playerInfo['attribute'] == "5")) $playergif = "channelcommander.gif";
//--- UserStatusBild --\\
//--- UserRechte ---\\
if ($playerInfo['userstatus'] < "4") { $playerstatus = "U"; } // Unregistriert

if ($playerInfo['userstatus'] == "4") { $playerstatus = "R"; } // Registriert

if ($playerInfo['userstatus'] == "5") { $playerstatus = "R SA"; } // Serveradmin
//--- UserRechte ---\\
//--- Privilegien ---\\
if ($playerInfo['privileg'] == "0") { $privileg = ""; } // nix
if ($playerInfo['privileg'] == "1") { $privileg = " CA"; } // Channeladmin
//--- Privilegien ---\\
//--- Online Seit ---\\
if ($playerInfo['totaltime'] < 60 ) {
 $playertotaltime = strftime("%S Sekunden", $playerInfo['totaltime']);
} else {
 if ($playerInfo['totaltime'] >= 3600 ) {
  $playertotaltime = strftime("%H:%M:%S Stunden", $playerInfo['totaltime'] - 3600);
 } else {
   $playertotaltime = strftime("%M:%S Minuten", $playerInfo['totaltime']);
//--- Online Seit ---\\
//--- Idle Seit ---\\
if ($playerInfo['idletime'] < 60 ) {
 $playeridletime = strftime("%S Sekunden", $playerInfo['idletime']);
} else {
 if ($playerInfo['idletime'] >= 3600 ) {
  $playeridletime = strftime("%H:%M:%S Stunden", $playerInfo['idletime'] - 3600);
 } else {
   $playeridletime = strftime("%M:%S Minuten", $playerInfo['idletime']);
//--- Idle Seit ---\\
    //---> Player <---\\ Anfang
            echo ("<tr>\n");
            echo ("<td>\n");
            echo (" <table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n");
            echo ("   <tr><td width=\"48\"><img src=\"TeamSpeak/gitter.gif\" width=\"16\"height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><img src=\"TeamSpeak/gitter2.gif\" width=\"16\"height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><img src=\"TeamSpeak/".$playergif."\" width=\"16\"height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Time [online:".$playertotaltime." | idle:".$playeridletime."] Ping:".$playerInfo['pingtime']."ms\"></td><td class=\"player\" title=\"Time [online:".$playertotaltime." | idle:".$playeridletime."] Ping:".$playerInfo['pingtime']."ms\">&nbsp;".$playerInfo['playername']." (".$playerstatus."".$privileg.")</td></tr>\n");
            echo (" </table>\n");
            echo ("</td>\n");
            echo ("</tr>\n");
    //---> Player <---\\ Ende
}// end foreach
//---> OFFLINE <---\\
if ($counter == 0) {
 echo ("<tr>\n");
 echo ("<td>\n");
 echo (" <table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n");
 echo ("   <tr><td class=\"offline\" width=\"110\"align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><b>Offline</b></td></tr>\n");
 echo (" </table>\n");
 echo ("</td>\n");
 echo ("</tr>\n");
//---> OFFLINE <---\\
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<td class=\"player\">\n<br>");
echo ($tss2info->sitetitle."<br>\n");
echo ("created by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Dooki</a><br>\n");
echo ("</td>\n");
echo ("</tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");

MFG Space24

P.S : Habe das komplette Script aneinander gehangen weil es sonst gar nicht funktionirt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Warum deklarierst du die $_GET Variablen als Var ? die Sind doch offen d.h. du brauchst sie nicht deklarieren und wenn ja würde ich anstatt:
<?php var $_GET['serverAddress'];  // Hier die TeamSpeak IP Adresse eintragen !!wichtig!! (Beispiel: ?>

das so schreiben:
<?php var $serverAddress = $_GET['serverAddress'];  // Hier die TeamSpeak IP Adresse eintragen !!wichtig!! (Beispiel: ?>

Ich denke da liegt auch der Fehler. Aber wiegesagt würde ich die Vars nicht Deklarieren sondern einfach in der Funktion über $_GET ansprechen.

MfG Funjoy
Wie sprech ich $_GET an.Ich habe schon das var weggemacht aber dann kommt wieder der fehler.
Jetzt kommt der Fehler:
Parse error: parse error in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 6

In zeile 6 steht jetzt das:
var $serverAddress = $_GET['serverAddress'];

MFG space24
ist doch eigentlich recht einfach. Du liest die Variablen folgender maßen aus der URL aus:
$serverAddress = $_GET['serverAddress'];
$serverAddress = $_REQUEST['serverAddress'];

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