Navigation zentrieren



ich möchte gern folgende Navigation zentriert im Browser darstellen. Wie stelle ich das an?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Unbenanntes Dokument</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href=../00/code/text.css>
<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href=../00/code/menu0.css>

<body style="margin:20px 0px; padding:0px; text-align:center;">
<div id="layer1" style="width:400px; height : 380px; border : 1px solid black; margin : 0px auto; text-align : justify; padding : 6px;"><p style="margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;margin-top:5px">Testtext.</p>
<p style="margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;margin-top:5px">Testtext.</p>
<!-- /Footer -->

<!-- menu script itself. you should not modify this file -->
<script language="JavaScript" src="../00/code/navig1.js"></script>
<!-- items structure. menu hierarchy and links are stored there -->
<script language="JavaScript" src="../00/code/navig2.js"></script>
<!-- files with geometry and styles structures -->
<script language="JavaScript" src="../00/code/navig3.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
// Note where menu initialization block is located in HTML document.
// Don't try to position menu locating menu initialization block in
// some table cell or other HTML element. Always put it before </body>

// each menu gets two parameters (see demo files)
// 1. items structure
// 2. geometry structure

new menu (MENU_ITEMS, MENU_POS);
// make sure files containing definitions for these variables are linked to the document
// if you got some javascript error like "MENU_POS is not defined", then you've made syntax
// error in menu_tpl.js file or that file isn't linked properly.

// also take a look at stylesheets loaded in header in order to set styles

Dazu noch die drei Javascripts wo diverse Einstellungen getätigt werden können:

Script 1

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global collection containing all menus on current page
var A_MENUS = [];

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// menu class
function menu (a_items, a_tpl) {

// browser check
if (!document.body || !

// store items structure
this.a_config = a_items;

// store template structure
this.a_tpl = a_tpl;

// get menu id
this.n_id = A_MENUS.length;

// declare collections
this.a_index = [];
this.a_children = [];

// assigh methods and event handlers
this.expand = menu_expand;
this.collapse = menu_collapse;

this.onclick = menu_onclick;
this.onmouseout = menu_onmouseout;
this.onmouseover = menu_onmouseover;
this.onmousedown = menu_onmousedown;

// default level scope description structure
this.a_tpl_def = {
'block_top' : 16,
'block_left' : 16,
'top' : 20,
'left' : 4,
'width' : 120,
'height' : 22,
'hide_delay' : 0,
'expd_delay' : 0,
'css' : {
'inner' : '',
'outer' : ''

// assign methods and properties required to imulate parent item
this.getprop = function (s_key) {
return this.a_tpl_def[s_key];

this.o_root = this;
this.n_depth = -1;
this.n_x = 0;
this.n_y = 0;

// init items recursively
for (n_order = 0; n_order < a_items.length; n_order++)
new menu_item(this, n_order);

// register self in global collection
A_MENUS[this.n_id] = this;

// make root level visible
for (var n_order = 0; n_order < this.a_children.length; n_order++)
this.a_children[n_order] = 'visible';

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function menu_collapse (n_id) {
// cancel item open delay

// by default collapse to root level
var n_tolevel = (n_id ? this.a_index[n_id].n_depth : 0);

// hide all items over the level specified
for (n_id = 0; n_id < this.a_index.length; n_id++) {
var o_curritem = this.a_index[n_id];
if (o_curritem.n_depth > n_tolevel && o_curritem.b_visible) { = 'hidden';
o_curritem.b_visible = false;

// reset current item if mouse has gone out of items
if (!n_id)
this.o_current = null;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function menu_expand (n_id) {

// expand only when mouse is over some menu item
if (this.o_hidetimer)

// lookup current item
var o_item = this.a_index[n_id];

// close previously opened items
if (this.o_current && this.o_current.n_depth >= o_item.n_depth)
this.o_current = o_item;

// exit if there are no children to open
if (!o_item.a_children)

// show direct child items
for (var n_order = 0; n_order < o_item.a_children.length; n_order++) {
var o_curritem = o_item.a_children[n_order]; = 'visible';
o_curritem.b_visible = true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function menu_onclick (n_id) {
// don't go anywhere if item has no link defined
return Boolean(this.a_index[n_id].a_config[1]);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function menu_onmouseout (n_id) {

// lookup new item's object
var o_item = this.a_index[n_id];

// apply rollout
o_item.e_oelement.className = o_item.getstyle(0, 0);
o_item.e_ielement.className = o_item.getstyle(1, 0);

// update status line

// run mouseover timer
this.o_hidetimer = setTimeout('A_MENUS['+ this.n_id +'].collapse();',

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function menu_onmouseover (n_id) {

// cancel mouseoute menu close and item open delay
this.o_hidetimer = null;

// lookup new item's object
var o_item = this.a_index[n_id];

// update status line

// apply rollover
o_item.e_oelement.className = o_item.getstyle(0, 1);
o_item.e_ielement.className = o_item.getstyle(1, 1);

// if onclick open is set then no more actions required
if (o_item.getprop('expd_delay') < 0)

// run expand timer
this.o_showtimer = setTimeout('A_MENUS['+ this.n_id +'].expand(' + n_id + ');',


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// called when mouse button is pressed on menu item
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function menu_onmousedown (n_id) {

// lookup new item's object
var o_item = this.a_index[n_id];

// apply mouse down style
o_item.e_oelement.className = o_item.getstyle(0, 2);
o_item.e_ielement.className = o_item.getstyle(1, 2);

// this.items[id].switch_style('onmousedown');

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// menu item Class
function menu_item (o_parent, n_order) {

// store parameters passed to the constructor
this.n_depth = o_parent.n_depth + 1;
this.a_config = o_parent.a_config[n_order + (this.n_depth ? 3 : 0)];

// return if required parameters are missing
if (!this.a_config) return;

// store info from parent item
this.o_root = o_parent.o_root;
this.o_parent = o_parent;
this.n_order = n_order;

// register in global and parent's collections
this.n_id = this.o_root.a_index.length;
this.o_root.a_index[this.n_id] = this;
o_parent.a_children[n_order] = this;

// calculate item's coordinates
var o_root = this.o_root,
a_tpl = this.o_root.a_tpl;

// assign methods
this.getprop = mitem_getprop;
this.getstyle = mitem_getstyle;
this.upstatus = mitem_upstatus;

this.n_x = n_order
? o_parent.a_children[n_order - 1].n_x + this.getprop('left')
: o_parent.n_x + this.getprop('block_left');

this.n_y = n_order
? o_parent.a_children[n_order - 1].n_y + this.getprop('top')
: o_parent.n_y + this.getprop('block_top');

// generate item's HMTL
document.write (
'<a id="e' + o_root.n_id + '_'
+ this.n_id +'o" class="' + this.getstyle(0, 0) + '" href="' + this.a_config[1] + '"'
+ (this.a_config[2] && this.a_config[2]['tw'] ? ' target="'
+ this.a_config[2]['tw'] + '"' : '') + ' style="position: absolute; top: '
+ this.n_y + 'px; left: ' + this.n_x + 'px; width: '
+ this.getprop('width') + 'px; height: '
+ this.getprop('height') + 'px; visibility: hidden;'
+' z-index: ' + this.n_depth + ';" '
+ 'onclick="return A_MENUS[' + o_root.n_id + '].onclick('
+ this.n_id + ');" onmouseout="A_MENUS[' + o_root.n_id + '].onmouseout('
+ this.n_id + ');" onmouseover="A_MENUS[' + o_root.n_id + '].onmouseover('
+ this.n_id + ');" onmousedown="A_MENUS[' + o_root.n_id + '].onmousedown('
+ this.n_id + ');"><div id="e' + o_root.n_id + '_'
+ this.n_id +'i" class="' + this.getstyle(1, 0) + '">'
+ this.a_config[0] + "</div></a>\n"
this.e_ielement = document.getElementById('e' + o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + 'i');
this.e_oelement = document.getElementById('e' + o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + 'o');

this.b_visible = !this.n_depth;

// no more initialization if leaf
if (this.a_config.length < 4)

// node specific methods and properties
this.a_children = [];

// init downline recursively
for (var n_order = 0; n_order < this.a_config.length - 3; n_order++)
new menu_item(this, n_order);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// reads property from template file, inherits from parent level if not found
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function mitem_getprop (s_key) {

// check if value is defined for current level
var s_value = null,
a_level = this.o_root.a_tpl[this.n_depth];

// return value if explicitly defined
if (a_level)
s_value = a_level[s_key];

// request recursively from parent levels if not defined
return (s_value == null ? this.o_parent.getprop(s_key) : s_value);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// reads property from template file, inherits from parent level if not found
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function mitem_getstyle (n_pos, n_state) {

var a_css = this.getprop('css');
var a_oclass = a_css[n_pos ? 'inner' : 'outer'];

// same class for all states
if (typeof(a_oclass) == 'string')
return a_oclass;

// inherit class from previous state if not explicitly defined
for (var n_currst = n_state; n_currst >= 0; n_currst--)
if (a_oclass[n_currst])
return a_oclass[n_currst];

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// updates status bar message of the browser
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function mitem_upstatus (b_clear) {
window.setTimeout("window.status=unescape('" + (b_clear
? ''
: (this.a_config[2] && this.a_config[2]['sb']
? escape(this.a_config[2]['sb'])
: escape(this.a_config[0]) + (this.a_config[1]
? ' ('+ escape(this.a_config[1]) + ')'
: ''))) + "')", 10);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// that's all folks

Script 2

--- menu items ---
note that this structure has changed its format since previous version.
additional third parameter is added for item scope settings.
Now this structure is compatible with Tigra Menu GOLD.
Format description can be found in product documentation.
var MENU_ITEMS = [
['Home', null, null,
['Seite', null, null,
['Seite', null, null,
['Startseite', '../index.html'],
['Seite', null, null,
['Seite', null, null,
['Seite', null, null,
['Allgemein', null, null,
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Mitarbeiter', null, null,
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', ''],
['Seite', '']
['Technik', null, null,
['Allgemein', ''],
['Software', null, null,
['Projekte', null, null,
['Seite', ''],

Script 3

--- menu level scope settins structure ---
note that this structure has changed its format since previous version.
Now this structure has the same layout as Tigra Menu GOLD.
Format description can be found in product documentation.
var MENU_POS = [
// item sizes
'height': 21,
'width': 120,
// menu block offset from the origin:
// for root level origin is upper left corner of the page
// for other levels origin is upper left corner of parent item
'block_top': 0,
'block_left': 0,
// offsets between items of the same level
'top': 0,
'left': 120,
// time in milliseconds before menu is hidden after cursor has gone out
// of any items
'hide_delay': 100,
'expd_delay': 100,
'css' : {
'outer': ['m0l0oout', 'm0l0oover'],
'inner': ['m0l0iout', 'm0l0iover']
'height': 21,
'width': 120,
'block_top': 21,
'block_left': 0,
'top': 21,
'left': 0,
'css': {
'outer' : ['m0l1oout', 'm0l1oover'],
'inner' : ['m0l1iout', 'm0l1iover']
'block_top': 0,
'block_left': 120,
'css': {
'outer': ['m0l2oout', 'm0l2oover'],
'inner': ['m0l1iout', 'm0l2iover']

In welcher Javascript-Datei muss ich folgende Änderungen vornehmen um die gesamt Navigation zentriert zu setzen? Ist super dringend. Ich verzweifle.


    5,3 KB · Aufrufe: 23
1. Post bitte nicht so viel Code auf einmal
2. Die Seite ist niemals xml-Konform
3. Die Seite ist bereits zentriert:
<body style="margin:20px 0px; padding:0px; text-align:center;">

ich spreche ja auch nicht von der Seite, sondern von der Navigation auf dieser
Seite, die per Javascript aufgerufen wird. Es muss leider so viel Code sein, da alle 3 Javascripts zu der Seite gehören und ich nicht weiß in welcher Javascriptdatei die Änderungen vorgenommen werden müssen. Es wäre schön, wenn mir bei diesem Problem jemand von euch helfen kann. Die Seite ist ja auch mit Dreamweaver MX als HTML auf XHMTL sicher erstellt worden. Danke

ich hab den text net gelesen (war mir zu viel), aber kann es sein dass du
<div align="center">
nirgends verwendest?
mach das doch mal, vielleicht funktioniert es dann.

mfg Horusab


achja, warscheinlich hätte ich ihn gelesen, wenn du das highlighting aktiviert hättest (klick auf den Button PHP und füge es dann ein, dass machts übersichtlicher )

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