.msg file header encoden


Hallo Leute,

weißt jemand wie ich über .net aus einer msg file den Header encoden kann?
Ich brauche nur Absender, Empfänger, Betreff und Datum :suspekt:

Ich brauche keinen fertigen code nur ein tipp wie ich anfagen kann.... danke!
das gehört auch mit dazu, falls es jemand tatsächlich ausprobiert ;)

Outlook MSG file format

MSG files are outlook messages saved as files.

They are saved as "COM stuctured storage OLE2 compound documents" or "DocFile", which is the 

same technique used by Word, Excel and many many more.


To view the contents of a "DocFile", you can use DFVIEW.EXE (shipped with MS Visual C++ 6.0). 

Or you can decode it yourself. This text does not help you to do that, but assumes you already 

know about compound files. More info at http://www.wotsit.org



If you open a .msg file you will see many streams. Here's an example:




















Nameid, recip and attach are "folders" which contain substgs.

Properties contains some binary data.


Attach contains an attachment (a file, a picture, a new mail message etc.).

Recip contains information about a recipient.

The #00000000 is just the count. If you have five attachments, they are numbered 0-4.


Each substg contains a piece of information. The first four of the eight digits at the end 

tells you what kind of information this is. (Property). The last four digits tells you the 

type (binary, ascii, unicode etc.)


If you open a substg that has 001E at the end, you wil see plain ascii text inside.

0102 means binary information. There are other types, but they are rarely used.


Back to the first four digits, the property types:


001A means Message Class. It can contain one of the following:

            IPM.Note                      <- a regular e-mail

            IPM.Contact                 <- a contact (name, address, phone etc.)

            IPM.Post                      <- a post-it note

            IPM.Activity                  <- a calendar event

            IPM.Task                      <- a task


            or special cases like:




Here are some other property types (some of them are guesswork):


0x001A: Message class

0x0037: Subject

0x003D: Subject prefix

0x0040: Received by name

0x0042: Sent repr name

0x0044: Rcvd repr name

0x004D: Org author name

0x0050: Reply rcipnt names

0x005A: Org sender name

0x0064: Sent repr adrtype

0x0065: Sent repr email

0x0070: Topic

0x0075: Rcvd by adrtype

0x0076: Rcvd by email

0x0077: Repr adrtype

0x0078: Repr email

0x007d: Message header

0x0C1A: Sender name

0x0C1E: Sender adr type

0x0C1F: Sender email

0x0E02: Display BCC

0x0E03: Display CC

0x0E04: Display To

0x0E1D: Subject (normalized)

0x0E28: Recvd account1(?)

0x0E29: Recvd account2(?)

0x1000: Message body             <- This is the message body

0x1008: RTF sync body tag

0x1035: Message ID (?)

0x1046: Sender email(?)

0x3001: Display name

0x3002: Address type

0x3003: Email address

0x39FE: 7-bit email (?)

0x39FF: 7-bit display name


//Attachments (37xx):

0x3701: Attachment data                      <- This is the binary attachment

0x3703: Attach extension

0x3704: Attach filename

0x3707: Attach long filenm

0x370E: Attach mime tag

0x3712: Attach ID (?)


//Address book (3Axx):

0x3A00: Account

0x3A02: Callback phone no

0x3A05: Generation

0x3A06: Given name

0x3A08: Business phone

0x3A09: Home phone

0x3A0A: Initials

0x3A0B: Keyword

0x3A0C: Language

0x3A0D: Location

0x3A11: Surname

0x3A15: Postal address

0x3A16: Company name

0x3A17: Title

0x3A18: Department

0x3A19: Office location

0x3A1A: Primary phone

0x3A1B: Business phone 2

0x3A1C: Mobile phone

0x3A1D: Radio phone no

0x3A1E: Car phone no

0x3A1F: Other phone

0x3A20: Transmit dispname

0x3A21: Pager

0x3A22: User certificate

0x3A23: Primary Fax

0x3A24: Business Fax

0x3A25: Home Fax

0x3A26: Country

0x3A27: Locality

0x3A28: State/Province

0x3A29: Street address

0x3A2A: Postal Code

0x3A2B: Post Office Box

0x3A2C: Telex

0x3A2D: ISDN

0x3A2E: Assistant phone

0x3A2F: Home phone 2

0x3A30: Assistant

0x3A44: Middle name

0x3A45: Dispname prefix

0x3A46: Profession

0x3A48: Spouse name

0x3A4B: TTYTTD radio phone

0x3A4C: FTP site

0x3A4E: Manager name

0x3A4F: Nickname

0x3A51: Business homepage

0x3A57: Company main phone

0x3A58: Childrens names

0x3A59: Home City

0x3A5A: Home Country

0x3A5B: Home Postal Code

0x3A5C: Home State/Provnce

0x3A5D: Home Street

0x3A5F: Other adr City

0x3A60: Other adr Country

0x3A61: Other adr PostCode

0x3A62: Other adr Province

0x3A63: Other adr Street

0x3A64: Other adr PO box


0x3FF7: Server   (?)

0x3FF8: Creator1 (?)

0x3FFA: Creator2 (?)

0x3FFC: To email (?)

0x403D: To adrtype(?)

0x403E: To email (?)

0x5FF6: To       (?)
Du könntest auch einfach Outlook nehmen und dir die Daten sagen lassen... dann müsstest du nicht selber mit dem Dateiformat rumwurschteln ;) .
hehe... das ganze soll ein externes Tool werden, welches an ELO 5 gebündelt wird... Das ganze geht auch sehr jut... außer das der Header vom Posteingang und Gesendete Mails verschieden sind ;(... das muss ich irgentwie lösen...
Ich habe noch ein Problem, alle Mails die im Posteingang landen haben einen anderen Header als die welche im Gesendete Objekte.

Ich kann problemlos den Absender rauslesen (PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS) im Posteingang sowie aus den Gesendeten Objekten.

Den Empfänger bekomme ich momemtan nur aus dem Posteingang rausgelesen. (PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS)

Wenn ich aber eine Mail aus den gesendeten Objekten anklicke - dann ist der Empfänger komischerweise leer...

...jemand eine Idee... habe mcih schon tot gegoogeld...?
....habe nun schon outlookspy installiert,finde leider keine passende property... weiß das echt keiner oder stelle ich doofe fragen?