Habe fehlermeldung und komme nicht weite


Halle habe ein perscript das ich ausführen möchte bekomme aber eine fehlermeldung

ERROR 500 "Premature end of script header"

hier der cod

# This script will search through all the *.int files and generate a 
# list of mutators and output to the .mutators_available file

# Set up the constant variables that we will be using throughout the script
$UT_SYS_DIR="/usr/games/ut-server/System";	# Assuming current directory

open (OUT, ">/var/tmp/$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME") or die "Cannot open $OUTPUT_FILE_NAME for output\n";

print OUT "--checklist Mutators 20 50 10 ";
# First get a list of all the *.int files in the UT System directory
opendir DIRECTORY, $UT_SYS_DIR or die "opendir FAILED on $UT_SYS_DIR\n";
@IntFiles = grep /.?.[Ii][Nn][Tt]/, readdir DIRECTORY;
closedir DIRECTORY;

# Open each file and parse out all the Mutators in each file
foreach $CurrentFile (@IntFiles) {
	$FileIn = $UT_SYS_DIR . "\/" . $CurrentFile;
	open(IN, "<$FileIn") or die "Cannot open $FileIn for input\n";
	@Lines = <IN>;
	close IN;
	@Mutators = grep /MetaClass=Engine\.Mutator,/, @Lines;
	foreach $Line (@Mutators) {
		$Line =~ /Name=(.*?),Class/;
		print OUT "$1 '' OFF \\\n";
	}	# End loop through all lines in this file
} # End loop through all *.int files
close OUT;

habe shell zugriff
das script fäuft mit 775
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