brazil r/s

der render ist kostenlos,moment:

Before using these tools, you must read and agree to our standard license agreement.
This software is posted here for debugging purposes. It is not representative of the full commercial version of Brazil r/s and should not be considered a fair eval.
As is usual with free tools, if you use this software and get into trouble we may NOT be able to help.
We ask that you help us with this test by using it and when possible, breaking it. Report any bugs at our bug report page. More info on bug reporting is include in the download.
Do NOT mirror any of these tools on your website.
Do NOT link directly to any of the plugins accessed through this webpage.
If you want to direct your visitors to these plugins, link ONLY to this page. Your visitors have to see these disclaimers and notes before downloading and using these plugins.
We apologize for any inconvenience that these requirements may present to you. Your help and cooperation is greatly appreciated and will really help keep things going.
If anyone finds these plugins mirrored, please contact us so that we can talk to the site's webmaster directly.
Thanx for your understanding and cooperation. The Brazil Development Team...

Sorry, aber was bewirkt denn der Brazil-Renderer???
..und wo kann ich mir den runterladen?????

Cu Reinka
Brazil bietet z.B. GI/Caustics und Softshadows (stell in Deinem Zimmer alle Lichtquellen bis auf eine ab - es wird trotzdem keinen harten Lichtkegel wie in MAX geben; eine ähnliche Situation hast Du, wenn Du mit einer Taschenlampe auf einen Spiegel leuchtest - der Lichtfleck fällt auf irgendetwas in der Umgebung. Ein GI-fähiger Renderer hilft Dir dabei, diese Lichtverteilungen zu simulieren.)

Eine komplette Featurelist und den Public Test findest Du auf der Hersteller-HP